3,294 research outputs found

    Completing the hadronic Higgs boson decay at order αs4\alpha_s^4

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    We compute four-loop corrections to the hadronic decay of the Standard Model Higgs boson which are induced by effective couplings to bottom quarks and gluons, mediated by the top quark. Our numerical results are comparable in size to the purely massless contributions which have been known for a few years. The results presented in this paper complete the order αs4\alpha_s^4 corrections to the hadronic Higgs boson decay.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Hadronic Higgs boson decay at order αs4\alpha_s^4 and αs5\alpha_s^5

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    We compute corrections to the decay of the Standard Model Higgs boson to hadrons, to the fourth order in the strong coupling constant αs\alpha_s. We use an effective theory in which the Higgs boson couples directly to bottom quarks and to gluons, via top quark--mediated effective couplings. Numerically, our results are of a comparable size to the previously-known "massless" contributions and complete the order αs4\alpha_s^4 corrections to the hadronic decay of the Higgs boson. In these proceedings we also provide an independent cross check of the gluonic Higgs boson decay at order αs5\alpha_s^5.Comment: 6 pages, 0 figures. Contribution to the proceedings of the XXV International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Topics (DIS2017), 3-7 April 2017, University of Birmingham, UK. V2: Reference adde

    Grammatik der Gefühle? : Über "STUDIA GERMANISTICA 6/2010. Acta facultatis philosophicae universitatis Ostraviensis"

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    Rezension zu STUDIA GERMANISTICA 6/2010. Acta facultatis philosophicae universitatis Ostraviensis. Ostrava: Ostravská univerzita 201

    The refugee crisis offers an opportunity for Europe to promote sustainable, inclusive growth

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    The integration of migrants and refugees into European societies presents a challenge for EU states, but are there also opportunities afforded to Europe by the current refugee crisis? Based on the Bertelsmann Stiftung’s Social Justice Index (SJI) report, Kim Wellmann writes that swift integration policies could transform the crisis into an opportunity for Europe to address demographic issues within EU economies and promote inclusive growth

    Early priorities and adult employment outcomes

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    Top Quark Mass Effects in Higgs and Z Boson Pair Production and Higgs Boson Decays

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    Convergence in incomplete market models

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    The problem of pricing and hedging of contingent claims in incomplete markets has lead to the development of various valuation methodologies. This thesis examines the mean-variance and variance-optimal approaches to risk-minimisation and shows that these are robust under the convergence from discrete- to continuous-time market models. This property yields new convergence results for option prices, trading strategies and value processes in incomplete market models.Techniques from nonstandard analysis are used to develop new results for the lifting property of the minimal martingale density and risk-minimising strategies. These are applied to a number of incomplete market models:The restriction of hedging dates in a general class of discrete- and continuous-time models is studied and it is shown that the convergence of the underlying models implies the convergence of strategies and value processes.Similar results are obtained for multinomial models and approximations of the Black-Scholes model by direct observation of the price process. The concept of D 2-convergence is extended to these classes of models, including the construction of discretisation schemes. This yields new convergence results for these models as well as for option prices in a jump-diffusion model.The computational aspects of these approximations are examined and numerical results are provided in the case of European and Asian options.For ease of reference a summary of the main results from nonstandard analysis in the context of mathematical finance is given as well as a brief introduction to mean-variance hedging and variance-optimal pricing

    New Pathways to support social-ecological Systems in Change

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    Klimawandel und Biodiversitätsverlust sowie Verstädterung und demografischer Wandel haben tiefgreifende Auswirkungen auf Städte und ihre Ökosysteme und damit auf die Lebensbedingungen der Mehrheit der Menschheit. Die Geschwindigkeit des Wandels und die Dringlichkeit der Folgen macht Umweltmonitoring zu einem potentiell interessanten Tool für nachhaltige und resiliente Stadtentwicklung. Der erste Artikel gibt einen Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der Fernerkundung in Bezug auf Stadtökologie und zeigt, dass Fernerkundung relevant für nachhaltige Stadtplanung ist. Es bestehen jedoch bestehen Mängel, da viele Studien nicht direkt umsetzbar sind. Der zweite Artikel zeigt, dass eine wachsende Stadt Möglichkeiten für den Ausbau der grünen Infrastruktur bieten kann. Im dritten Artikel wird untersucht, wie sich die städtische Dichte auf die Bereitstellung von Ökosystemdienstleistungen der grünen Infrastruktur auswirkt. Es wird gezeigt, dass eine hohe Siedlungsdichte nicht zwangsläufig zu einem geringeren Biodiversitätspotenzial oder einer geringeren Kühlkapazität führt. Allerdings sind dicht bebaute Gebiete mit geringer Vegetationsbedeckung besonders auf grüne Infrastruktur angewiesen. Der vierte Artikel befasst sich mit der Frage, wie naturbasierte Lösungen durch eine bessere Vernetzung der Beteiligten gestärkt werden können. Auf der Grundlage einer gezielten Literaturrecherche über Informationstechnologie zur Unterstützung sozial-ökologischer Systeme wird ein Instrument zur Entscheidungshilfe entwickelt. Dieses kombiniert ökologische und soziale Indikatoren, um Klimawandeladaption in Übereinstimmung mit den sozio-ökologischen Bedingungen entwickeln zu können. Der fünfte Artikel bietet eine grundsätzliche Perspektive zur Unterstützung der städtischen Nachhaltigkeit, die auf dem ökologischen-Trait Konzept basiert. Zusammen bieten die fünf Artikel Wege für die Fernerkundungswissenschaft und die angewandte Raumplanung für nachhaltige und resiliente Entwicklungen in Städten.Climate change and biodiversity loss, as well as urbanisation and demographic change, are major global challenges of the 21st century. These trends have profound impacts on cities and their ecosystems and thus on the living conditions of the majority of humanity. This raises the need for timely environmental monitoring supporting sustainable and resilient urban developments. The first article is an overview of the state of the art of remote sensing science in relation to urban ecology. The review found that remote sensing can contribute to sustainable urban policy, still insufficiencies remain as many studies are not directly actionable. The second article shows that a growing city can provide opportunities for an increase in green infrastructure. Here, remote sensing is used for long-term analysis of land-use in relation to urban forms in Berlin. The third article examines how urban density affects ecosystem service provision of urban green infrastructure. It is shown that residential density does not necessarily lead to poor biodiversity potential or cooling capacity. However, dense areas with low vegetation cover are particularly dependent on major green infrastructure. The fourth article explores ways to reinforce nature-based solutions by better connecting and informing stakeholders. Based on a focussed literature review on information technology supporting urban social-ecological systems, a decision support tool is developed. The tool combines indicators based on ecological diversity and performance with population density and vulnerability. This way, climate change adaptation can be developed in accordance with socio-ecological conditions. The concluding fifth article offers an outlook on a larger framework in support of urban sustainability, based on the ecological trait concept. Together the five research papers provide pathways for urban remote sensing science and applied spatial planning that can support sustainable and resilient developments in cities