57 research outputs found

    A propos d'Ignace Venetz (1788-1859)

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    Un curieux microfossile de la Molasse oligocĂšne de Suisse occidentale et de Haute-Savoie (France)

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    Nouvelle description de l’incertae sedis Calcicarpinum? fallax. DĂ©termination de son Ăąge oligocĂšne supĂ©rieur et de sa rĂ©partition biogĂ©ographique. Il s’agit d’un nucule de Boraginaceae dĂ©sormais nommĂ© Boraginocarpus fallax (Taugourdeau-Lantz & Rosset 1966) comb. novA re-analysis and new description of the incertae sedis Calcicarpinum? fallax is presented, and its Late Oligocene age and paleobiogeographical distribution is ascertained. It is identified as a nutlet of a Boraginaceae and is named Boraginocarpus fallax (Taugourdeau-Lantz & Rosset 1966) comb. nov

    Données nouvelles sur la géologie des collines de ChiÚtres

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    La gĂ©ologie des collines de ChiĂštres et de l’ancien sillon glaciaire du RhĂŽne a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©visĂ©e. Les excavations de la couverture meuble de la carriĂšre de Sous-Vent ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© une succession de dĂ©pĂŽts oĂč l’on identifie les dĂ©bris de deux Ă©boulements majeurs, datĂ©s d’environ 10’000 et 4’500 ans BP. Les calculs de volume et l’étude des dĂ©bris montrent que ces masses provenant de l’encoche d’érosion du Courset se sont mises en place lors d’évĂšnements catastrophiques particuliĂšrement rapides. Des forages profonds destinĂ©s Ă  la prospection d’eau souterraine permettent de prĂ©ciser la forme du substratum rocheux dans le sillon glaciaire de ChĂątel-sur-Bex, ainsi que la nature des sĂ©diments qui le remplissent. En aval du hameau, sous une Ă©paisse sĂ©rie de graviers de cĂŽnes de dĂ©jection, une formation fluvioglaciaire rhodanienne tĂ©moigne d’un Ă©pandage frontal en relation avec la langue glaciaire restĂ©e sur le seuil rocheux. Paradoxalement, il n’y a pas de dĂ©pĂŽt des Ă©boulements dans l’axe du sillon, ce qui tĂ©moigne de la grande Ă©nergie cinĂ©tique de la masse en mouvement

    Assessment of acceptable Swiss post-2012 climate policies

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    In the framework of the revision of the Swiss CO2-Law and in view for the international negotiations that will take place at the next Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) has proposed a set of instruments and two levels of abatement to define the Swiss climate policy for the post-2012 period. The proposed policies are the results of a consultation procedure that took place at the beginning of 2009 and has allowed major stakeholders and lobbies to defend their interests. Using a hybrid model, we evaluate two proposed scenarios at the 2030 horizon and find important disparities in the prices of carbon faced by the different economic sectors and higher welfare costs than those that would be triggered by a uniform carbon tax

    Age and gender differences in narcissism: A comprehensive study across eight measures and over 250,000 participants

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    Age and gender differences in narcissism have been studied often. However, considering the rich history of narcissism research accompanied by its diverging conceptualizations, little is known about age and gender differences across various narcissism measures. The present study investigated age and gender differences and their interactions across eight widely used narcissism instruments (i.e., Narcissistic Personality Inventory, Hypersensitive Narcissism Scale, Dirty Dozen, Psychological Entitlement Scale, Narcissistic Personality Disorder Symptoms from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Version IV, Narcissistic Admiration and Rivalry Questionnaire-Short Form, Single-Item Narcissism Scale, and brief version of the Pathological Narcissism Inventory). The findings of Study 1 (N = 5,736) revealed heterogeneity in how strongly the measures are correlated. Some instruments loaded clearly on one of the three factors proposed by previous research (i.e., Neuroticism, Extraversion, Antagonism), while others cross-loaded across factors and in distinct ways. Cross-sectional analyses using each measure and meta-analytic results across all measures (Study 2) with a total sample of 270,029 participants suggest consistent linear age effects (random effects meta-analytic effect of r = -.104), with narcissism being highest in young adulthood. Consistent gender differences also emerged (random effects meta-analytic effect was -.079), such that men scored higher in narcissism than women. Quadratic age effects and Age × Gender effects were generally very small and inconsistent. We conclude that despite the various conceptualizations of narcissism, age and gender differences are generalizable across the eight measures used in the present study. However, their size varied based on the instrument used. We discuss the sources of this heterogeneity and the potential mechanisms for age and gender differences
