3,513 research outputs found

    Equations over free inverse monoids with idempotent variables

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    We introduce the notion of idempotent variables for studying equations in inverse monoids. It is proved that it is decidable in singly exponential time (DEXPTIME) whether a system of equations in idempotent variables over a free inverse monoid has a solution. The result is proved by a direct reduction to solve language equations with one-sided concatenation and a known complexity result by Baader and Narendran: Unification of concept terms in description logics, 2001. We also show that the problem becomes DEXPTIME hard , as soon as the quotient group of the free inverse monoid has rank at least two. Decidability for systems of typed equations over a free inverse monoid with one irreducible variable and at least one unbalanced equation is proved with the same complexity for the upper bound. Our results improve known complexity bounds by Deis, Meakin, and Senizergues: Equations in free inverse monoids, 2007. Our results also apply to larger families of equations where no decidability has been previously known.Comment: 28 pages. The conference version of this paper appeared in the proceedings of 10th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia, CSR 2015, Listvyanka, Russia, July 13-17, 2015. Springer LNCS 9139, pp. 173-188 (2015

    Genetic enrichment of cardiomyocytes derived from mouse embryonic stem cells

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    Pluripotent embryonic stem cells (ESC) have the ability to differentiate into a variety of cell lineages in vitro, including cardiomyocytes. Successful applications of ESC-derived cardiomyocytes in cell therapy and tissue engineering were limited by difficulties in selecting the desired cells from the heterogeneous cell population. We describe a simple method to generate relatively pure cardiomyocytes from mouse ESCs. A construct comprising mouse cardiac α-myosin heavy chain (MHC) promoter driving the neomycin resistance gene and SV40 promoter driving the hygromycin resistant gene designated pMHCneo/ SV40-hygro, was stably transfected into mouse ESCs. The transgenic ESC line, designated MN6 retained the undifferentiated state and the potential of cardiogenic differentiation. After G418 selection, more than 99% of cells expressed α-sarcomeric actin. Immunocytological and ultrastructural analysis demonstrated that, the selected cardiomyocytes were highly differentiated. Our results represent a simple genetic manipulation used to product essentially pure cardiomyocytes from differentiating ESCs. It may facilitate the development of cell therapy in heart diseases.Key words: Embryonic stem cells, α-myosin heavy chain promoter, cardiomyocytes, differentiation, genetic enrichment

    Proposed physiologic functions of boron in plants pertinent to animal and human metabolism.

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    Boron has been recognized since 1923 as an essential micronutrient element for higher plants. Over the years, many roles for boron in plants have been proposed, including functions in sugar transport, cell wall synthesis and lignification, cell wall structure, carbohydrate metabolism, RNA metabolism, respiration, indole acetic acid metabolism, phenol metabolism and membrane transport. However, the mechanism of boron involvement in each case remains unclear. Recent work has focused on two major plant-cell components: cell walls and membranes. In both, boron could play a structural role by bridging hydroxyl groups. In membranes, it could also be involved in ion transport and redox reactions by stimulating enzymes like nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and reduced (NADH) oxidase. There is a very narrow window between the levels of boron required by and toxic to plants. The mechanisms of boron toxicity are also unknown. In nitrogen-fixing leguminous plants, foliarly applied boron causes up to a 1000% increase in the concentration of allantoic acid in leaves. In vitro studies show that boron inhibits the manganese-dependent allantoate amidohydrolase, and foliar application of manganese prior to application of boron eliminates allantoic acid accumulation in leaves. Interaction between borate and divalent cations like manganese may alter metabolic pathways, which could explain why higher concentrations of boron can be toxic to plants

    Investigation into the reaction of reactive dyes with carboxylate salts and the application of carboxylate-modified reactive dyes to cotton

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    Ink-jet printing of cellulosic fabrics with reactive dyes typically requires that the fabric is pretreated with alkali, prior to printing, to facilitate efficient fixation of the dye. In this paper we evaluate the use of sodium formate and other carboxylate salts as a neutral (pH 6.5) pretreatment process. The thickened, prepared-for-print pad liquor contained at least 50 gdm⁻³ of the selected carboxylate salt and was applied to the cotton fabrics by a pad-dry procedure. The fabric was then ink-jet printed with reactive dye inks, followed by standard steaming and washing-off processes. The pH of the carboxylate salt pretreatment was 6.5 and the aqueous extracts from the print fabrics at the end of the steaming process remained at pH 6.5. It was observed that even at pH 6.5, in the presence of selected carboxylates, significant reactive dye fixation could be achieved on a cotton substrate, whereas in the absence of the carboxylate, very little or even zero fixation was achieved. Infrared and capillary electrophoresis analyses of model reactions of reactive dyes with the carboxylate salts indicated that reactive ester residues were formed, and which subsequently promoted reaction with the cellulosic substrates. In addition to improving reactive dye fixation in ink-jet printing, the carboxylate-modified dyes were also demonstrated to improve long-liquor dyeing properties on cotton substrates. As an extension of this carboxylate-based printing process, the incorporation of lithium acetate (100 gdm⁻³) into the ink formulation was further studied and it was demonstrated that the necessity for a preparative pretreatment process could be eliminated

    Toxicity and accumulation of arsenic in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties of China. fyton 78

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    Toxicidad y acumulación de arsénico en variedades de trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) en China Abstract. Soil arsenic contamination becomes a potential agricultural and environmental hazard worldwide, and has been a serious problem for safe food production. A field experiment on soil contamination was conducted on four wheat varieties ( Jimai, Gaoyou, Weimai and Wennong) in Eastern China, using 50 or 100 mg arsenic/kg soil. Biomass production and yield components were determined and arsenic concentrations were measured in plant tissues. Differential arsenic effects on wheat varieties were determined at maturity. Results showed that addition of arsenic significantly (p<0.05) reduced root, stem and spike dry weight and yield components, which resulted in the decrease of grain yield per plant. Arsenic concentrations in plant tissues increased significantly (p<0.05) with treatments, and its uptake varied considerably among wheat varieties, plant tissues and arsenic treatments. Arsenic concentrations in plant tissues were as follows: roots > stems > leaves and rachises > grains > glumes > awns. In the arsenic treatments, arsenic concentrations in bran were about 2-3 times higher than those in flour. Most of the arsenic contaminated flour exceeded the Chinese tolerance limit. Arsenic contents of grain parts were dependent on variety and treatment level in polluted soils. Weimai and Wennong showed highest amounts of arsenic in flour than the other varieties at 50 or 100 mg/ kg soil treatment, respectively. Weimai possessed significantly lower (p<0.05) amount of arsenic in bran than any other wheat variety. Results showed significant variety differences in arsenic concentration in polluted areas; it is of outstanding importance that wheat with the lowest possible arsenic concentration is used for food or fodder production. The present results provide scientific basis for revising the standards of wastewater discharges. Key words: Arsenic, wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), biomass, yield components, arsenic toxicity. Resumen. La contaminación del suelo por arsénico es un peligro potencial agrícola y ambiental en el mundo, y ha habido serios problemas para una producción de alimentos saludable. Se condujo un experimento a campo sobre la contaminación del suelo con arsénico en cuatro variedades de trigo ( Jimai, Gaoyou, Weimai, Wennong) en China Oriental usando 50 ó 100 mg de arsénico/kg de suelo. Se determinaron la producción de biomasa y los componentes del rendimiento, y se midió la concentración de arsénico en tejidos vegetales. Los efectos del arsénico sobre las variedades de trigo se determinaron a la madurez del cultivo. Los resultados mostraron que la adición de arsénico redujo significativamente (p<0,05) el peso seco de raíces, tallos y espigas, y los componentes del rendimiento, lo que determinó una disminución en el rendimiento de grano por planta. La concentración de arsénico en los tejidos vegetales se incrementó significativamente (p<0,05) con los tratamientos, y su absorción varió considerablemente entre las variedades de trigo, tejidos vegetales y tratamientos de arsénico. La concentración de arsénico en los tejidos vegetales fue como sigue: raíces > tallos > hojas y raquis > granos > glumas > aristas. En los tratamientos, las concentraciones de arsénico en salvado fueron 2-3 veces más altas que en la harina. La mayor parte de la harina contaminada por arsénico excedió el límite de tolerancia permitido en China. El contenido de arsénico de las partes del grano dependió de la variedad y el tratamiento en las áreas contaminadas. Weimai o Wennong mostraron mayores cantidades de arsénico en la harina que las otras variedades a 50 ó 100 mg de arsénico/kg de suelo, respectivamente. Weimai tuvo una menor (p<0,05) cantidad de arsénico en el salvado que las otras variedades. Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas entre las variedades en la concentración de arsénico en las áreas contaminadas; es de fundamental importancia que se utilice trigo con la menor concentración posible de arsénico en la producción de alimentos y forraje. Los resultados presentados proveen una base científica para revisar los estándares de la descarga de aguas residuales. Palabras clave: Arsénico, trigo (Triticum aestivum L.), biomasa, componentes del rendimiento, toxicidad con arsénico

    Revealing the electroweak properties of a new scalar resonance

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    One or more new heavy resonances may be discovered in experiments at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. In order to determine if such a resonance is the long-awaited Higgs boson, it is essential to pin down its spin, CP, and electroweak quantum numbers. Here we describe how to determine what role a newly-discovered neutral CP-even scalar plays in electroweak symmetry breaking, by measuring its relative decay rates into pairs of electroweak vector bosons: WW, ZZ, \gamma\gamma, and Z\gamma. With the data-driven assumption that electroweak symmetry breaking respects a remnant custodial symmetry, we perform a general analysis with operators up to dimension five. Remarkably, only three pure cases and one nontrivial mixed case need to be disambiguated, which can always be done if all four decay modes to electroweak vector bosons can be observed or constrained. We exhibit interesting special cases of Higgs look-alikes with nonstandard decay patterns, including a very suppressed branching to WW or very enhanced branchings to \gamma\gamma and Z\gamma. Even if two vector boson branching fractions conform to Standard Model expectations for a Higgs doublet, measurements of the other two decay modes could unmask a Higgs imposter.Comment: 23 pages, two figures; v2: minor revision and version to appear in JHE

    Neonatal local noxious insult affects gene expression in the spinal dorsal horn of adult rats

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    Neonatal noxious insult produces a long-term effect on pain processing in adults. Rats subjected to carrageenan (CAR) injection in one hindpaw within the sensitive period develop bilateral hypoalgesia as adults. In the same rats, inflammation of the hindpaw, which was the site of the neonatal injury, induces a localized enhanced hyperalgesia limited to this paw. To gain an insight into the long-term molecular changes involved in the above-described long-term nociceptive effects of neonatal noxious insult at the spinal level, we performed DNA microarray analysis (using microarrays containing oligo-probes for 205 genes encoding receptors and transporters for glutamate, GABA, and amine neurotransmitters, precursors and receptors for neuropeptides, and neurotrophins, cytokines and their receptors) to compare gene expression profiles in the lumbar spinal dorsal horn (LDH) of adult (P60) male rats that received neonatal CAR treatment within (at postnatal day 3; P3) and outside (at postnatal 12; P12) of the sensitive period. The data were obtained both without inflammation (at baseline) and during complete Freund's adjuvant induced inflammation of the neonatally injured paw. The observed changes were verified by real-time RT-PCR. This study revealed significant basal and inflammation-associated aberrations in the expression of multiple genes in the LDH of adult animals receiving CAR injection at P3 as compared to their expression levels in the LDH of animals receiving either no injections or CAR injection at P12. In particular, at baseline, twelve genes (representing GABA, serotonin, adenosine, neuropeptide Y, cholecystokinin, opioid, tachykinin and interleukin systems) were up-regulated in the bilateral LDH of the former animals. The baseline condition in these animals was also characterized by up-regulation of seven genes (encoding members of GABA, cholecystokinin, histamine, serotonin, and neurotensin systems) in the LDH ipsilateral to the neonatally-injured paw. The largest aberration in gene expression, however, was observed during inflammation of the neonatally injured hindpaws in the ipsilateral LDH, which included thirty-six genes (encoding numerous members of glutamate, serotonin, GABA, calcitonin gene-related peptide, neurotrophin, and interleukin systems). These findings suggest that changes in gene expression may be involved in the long-term nociceptive effects of neonatal noxious insult at the spinal level

    Quantifying vertical mixing in estuaries

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    © 2008 The Authors. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License. The definitive version was published in Environmental Fluid Mechanics 8 (2008): 495-509, doi:10.1007/s10652-008-9107-2.Estuarine turbulence is notable in that both the dissipation rate and the buoyancy frequency extend to much higher values than in other natural environments. The high dissipation rates lead to a distinct inertial subrange in the velocity and scalar spectra, which can be exploited for quantifying the turbulence quantities. However, high buoyancy frequencies lead to small Ozmidov scales, which require high sampling rates and small spatial aperture to resolve the turbulent fluxes. A set of observations in a highly stratified estuary demonstrate the effectiveness of a vessel-mounted turbulence array for resolving turbulent processes, and for relating the turbulence to the forcing by the Reynolds-averaged flow. The observations focus on the ebb, when most of the buoyancy flux occurs. Three stages of mixing are observed: (1) intermittent and localized but intense shear instability during the early ebb; (2) continuous and relatively homogeneous shear-induced mixing during the mid-ebb, and weakly stratified, boundary-layer mixing during the late ebb. The mixing efficiency as quantified by the flux Richardson number Rf was frequently observed to be higher than the canonical value of 0.15 from Osborn (J Phys Oceanogr 10:83–89, 1980). The high efficiency may be linked to the temporal–spatial evolution of shear instabilities.The funding for this research was obtained from ONR Grant N00014-06-1-0292 and NSF Grant OCE-0729547

    Resonances in J/ψϕπ+πJ/\psi \to \phi \pi ^+\pi ^- and ϕK+K\phi K^+K^-

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    A partial wave analysis is presented of J/ψϕπ+πJ/\psi \to \phi \pi ^+\pi ^- and ϕK+K\phi K^+K^- from a sample of 58M J/ψJ/\psi events in the BES II detector. The f0(980)f_0(980) is observed clearly in both sets of data, and parameters of the Flatt\' e formula are determined accurately: M=965±8M = 965 \pm 8 (stat) ±6\pm 6 (syst) MeV/c2^2, g1=165±10±15g_1 = 165 \pm 10 \pm 15 MeV/c2^2, g2/g1=4.21±0.25±0.21g_2/g_1 = 4.21 \pm 0.25 \pm 0.21. The ϕππ\phi \pi \pi data also exhibit a strong ππ\pi \pi peak centred at M=1335M = 1335 MeV/c2^2. It may be fitted with f2(1270)f_2(1270) and a dominant 0+0^+ signal made from f0(1370)f_0(1370) interfering with a smaller f0(1500)f_0(1500) component. There is evidence that the f0(1370)f_0(1370) signal is resonant, from interference with f2(1270)f_2(1270). There is also a state in ππ\pi \pi with M=179030+40M = 1790 ^{+40}_{-30} MeV/c2^2 and Γ=27030+60\Gamma = 270 ^{+60}_{-30} MeV/c2^2; spin 0 is preferred over spin 2. This state, f0(1790)f_0(1790), is distinct from f0(1710)f_0(1710). The ϕKKˉ\phi K\bar K data contain a strong peak due to f2(1525)f_2'(1525). A shoulder on its upper side may be fitted by interference between f0(1500)f_0(1500) and f0(1710)f_0(1710).Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. Submitted to Phys. Lett.

    Tautomerism in large databases

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    We have used the Chemical Structure DataBase (CSDB) of the NCI CADD Group, an aggregated collection of over 150 small-molecule databases totaling 103.5 million structure records, to conduct tautomerism analyses on one of the largest currently existing sets of real (i.e. not computer-generated) compounds. This analysis was carried out using calculable chemical structure identifiers developed by the NCI CADD Group, based on hash codes available in the chemoinformatics toolkit CACTVS and a newly developed scoring scheme to define a canonical tautomer for any encountered structure. CACTVS’s tautomerism definition, a set of 21 transform rules expressed in SMIRKS line notation, was used, which takes a comprehensive stance as to the possible types of tautomeric interconversion included. Tautomerism was found to be possible for more than 2/3 of the unique structures in the CSDB. A total of 680 million tautomers were calculated from, and including, the original structure records. Tautomerism overlap within the same individual database (i.e. at least one other entry was present that was really only a different tautomeric representation of the same compound) was found at an average rate of 0.3% of the original structure records, with values as high as nearly 2% for some of the databases in CSDB. Projected onto the set of unique structures (by FICuS identifier), this still occurred in about 1.5% of the cases. Tautomeric overlap across all constituent databases in CSDB was found for nearly 10% of the records in the collection