76 research outputs found

    Species Differentiation on a Dynamic Landscape: Shifts in Metapopulation Genetic Structure Using the Chronology of the Hawaiian Archipelago

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    Species formation during adaptive radiation often occurs in the context of a changing environment. The establishment and arrangement of populations, in space and time, sets up ecological and genetic processes that dictate the rate and pattern of differentiation. Here, we focus on how a dynamic habitat can affect genetic structure, and ultimately, differentiation among populations. We make use of the chronology and geographical history provided by the Hawaiian archipelago to examine the initial stages of population establishment and genetic divergence. We use data from a set of 6 spider lineages that differ in habitat affinities, some preferring low elevation habitats with a longer history of connection, others being more specialized for high elevation and/or wet forest, some with more general habitat affinities. We show that habitat preferences associated with lineages are important in ecological and genetic structuring. Lineages that have more restricted habitat preferences are subject to repeated episodes of isolation and fragmentation as a result of lava flows and vegetation succession. The initial dynamic set up by the landscape translates over time into discrete lineages. Further work is needed to understand how genetic changes interact with a changing set of ecological interactions amongst a shifting mosaic of landscapes to achieve species formation

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    Kuplakoot ja paikalliset paineet seulapohjakolonnissa

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    In the literature part, factors affecting sieve tray operation were studied. Measuring methods for bubble sizes, entrainment and other units were also reviewed. Measurements with air-water and air-heat transfer oil systems were done in the experimental part. Bubble sizes and flow patterns were studied with photographs and video camera. Weeping, entrainment rates, and gas holdup were also examined. Weep points and entrainment rates were easily detected. Gas holdup was calculated with multiple correlations. The entrainment rates correlated well with the literature. The video camera speed, 25 frames per second, was too slow and a high-speed video camera would be needed to study flow patterns. The amount of bubbles detected diminished approximately 90%, when compared to measurements done with water and oil. That is why there was not noticed bubble regime with air-oil system. Instead there was gas voids flattened to the chamber wall. Photographs suits well for bubble size determination with air-water system. For air-oil system photographs can be used to study entrainment droplet sizes and velocities. The clear liquid height is one of the most critical variables because it is often used in correlations. When it was calculated with several equations the results varied a lot. A reliable way to measure clear liquid height would be needed in the future.Kirjallisuusosiossa tarkasteltiin erilaisia seulapohjan toimintaan vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Lisäksi tutkittiin käytettyjä mittausmenetelmiä erityisesti kuplakokojen ja ylemmälle pohjalle kulkeutuvan nesteen mittauksissa. Tutkimusosiossa mitattiin ilma-vesi ja ilma-öljy systeemejä. Kuplakokoja ja virtauksia pyrittiin tarkastelemaan valokuvien ja videoiden avulla. Videokameralla saatiin 25 kuvaa sekunnissa. Tämä ei kuitenkaan riittänyt virtausten tutkimiseen, vaan tarvittaisiin suurnopeuskamera. Valokuvista kävi ilmi, että ilma-öljy seoksessa syntyy n. 90 % vähemmän havaittavia kuplia, kuin ilma-vesi seoksessa. Koska kuplia syntyy huomattavasti vähemmän, ei ilma-öljy seoksella ole havaittavissa lainkaan kuplimisvyöhykettä. Sen sijaan syntyy suuna kaasualueita, jotka painautuvat myös kolonnin seinämiä vasten. Valokuvaustekniikka soveltuu hyvin ilma-vesi seoksen kuplakokojen mittaamiseen. Sen sijaan ilma-öljy seoksesta voidaan tutkia muodostuvien nestepisaroiden kokoaja nopeutta. Nesteen korkeus seulalla on yksi kriittisimmistä mitattavista suureista, koska sitä käytetään useimmissa korrelaatioissa. Korrelaatioita käyttämällä saadaan hyvin erilaisia tuloksia, joten nesteen korkeuden mittaaminen luotettavasti olisikin yksi tärkeä tulevaisuuden haaste

    Symptomatic cardiac metastases of breast cancer 27 years after mastectomy: a case report with literature review - pathophysiology of molecular mechanisms and metastatic pathways, clinical aspects, diagnostic procedures and treatment modalities.

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    Metastases to the heart and pericardium are rare but more common than primary cardiac tumours and are generally associated with a rather poor prognosis. Most cases are clinically silent and are undiagnosed in vivo until the autopsy. We present a female patient with a 27-year-old history of an operated primary breast cancer who was presented with dyspnoea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea and orthopnoea. The clinical signs and symptoms aroused suspicion of congestive heart failure. However, the cardiac metastases were detected during a routine cardiologic evaluation and confirmed with computed tomography imaging. Additionally, this paper outlines the pathophysiology of molecular and clinical mechanisms involved in the metastatic spreading, clinical presentation, diagnostic procedures and treatment of heart metastases. The present case demonstrates that a complete surgical resection and systemic chemotherapy may result in a favourable outcome for many years. However, a lifelong medical follow-up, with the purpose of a detection of metastases, is highly recommended. We strongly call the attention of clinicians to the fact that during the follow-up of all cancer patients, such heart failure may be a harbinger of the secondary heart involvement