14,469 research outputs found

    Furthur development of the dynamic gas temperature measurement system

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    Candidate concepts capable of generating dynamic temperatures were identified and analyzed for use in verifying experimentally the frequency response of the dynamic gas temperature measurement system. A rotating wheel concept and one other concept will be selected for this purpose. Modifications to the data reduction code algorithms developed were identified and evaluated to reduce substantially the data reduction execution time. These modifications will be incorporated in a new data reduction program to be written in FORTRAN IV

    Trait openness and agreeableness are related to a left-leaning political orientation but are negatively related to the endorsement of totalitarian ideals

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    Although relationships between temperament and political orientation are well established [1-2], it is unclear whether they are moderated by opinions on how we should execute our political ambitions, with or without regard to individual liberty. We examined whether prior relationships between personality and political orientation are replicated using a short-form measure of the Big Five, and whether the extent of these relationships differ when including the endorsement of totalitarian ideals in the same model. We also examined whether self-reported dominance was related to the endorsement of totalitarian ideals, which may develop recent theorizing on the role of agentic personality traits in alliance politics and leadership emergence. [1] Gerber et al. (2010). Am Political Sci Rev, 104, 111-133. [2] Hirsh et al. (2010). Pers Soc Psychol Bull, 36, 655-664 [3] Watkins (2018). In Facial Displays of Leaders (Chapter). [4] van Vugt & Grabo (2015). Curr Dir Psychol Sci, 24, 484-489. [5] Judge & Bono (2000). J Appl Psychol, 85, 751-765

    Further development of the dynamic gas temperature measurement system

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    The objective of this effort was to experimentally verify a dynamic gas temperature measurement system in laboratory experiments. The dynamic gas temperature measurement system verification program is described. A brief description of the sensor geometry and construction is followed by a discussion of the probe heat transfer analysis and subsequent compensation method. The laboratory experiments are described and experimental results are discussed. Finally, directions for further investigation are given

    Dynamic gas temperature measurement system

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    A gas temperature measurement system with compensated frequency response of 1 KHz and capability to operate in the exhaust of a gas turbine combustor was developed. Environmental guidelines for this measurement are presented, followed by a preliminary design of the selected measurement method. Transient thermal conduction effects were identified as important; a preliminary finite-element conduction model quantified the errors expected by neglecting conduction. A compensation method was developed to account for effects of conduction and convection. This method was verified in analog electrical simulations, and used to compensate dynamic temperature data from a laboratory combustor and a gas turbine engine. Detailed data compensations are presented. Analysis of error sources in the method were done to derive confidence levels for the compensated data

    Further development of the dynamic gas temperature measurement system. Volume 1: Technical efforts

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    A compensated dynamic gas temperature thermocouple measurement method was experimentally verified. Dynamic gas temperature signals from a flow passing through a chopped-wheel signal generator and an atmospheric pressure laboratory burner were measured by the dynamic temperature sensor and other fast-response sensors. Compensated data from dynamic temperature sensor thermoelements were compared with fast-response sensors. Results from the two experiments are presented as time-dependent waveforms and spectral plots. Comparisons between compensated dynamic temperature sensor spectra and a commercially available optical fiber thermometer compensated spectra were made for the atmospheric burner experiment. Increases in precision of the measurement method require optimization of several factors, and directions for further work are identified

    Dynamic gas temperature measurement system, volume 1

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    A gas temperature measurement system with compensated frequency response of 1 kHz and capability to operate in the exhaust of a gas turbine engine combustor was developed. A review of available technologies which could attain this objective was done. The most promising method was identified as a two wire thermocouple, with a compensation method based on the responses of the two different diameter thermocouples to the fluctuating gas temperature field. In a detailed design of the probe, transient conduction effects were identified as significant. A compensation scheme was derived to include the effects of gas convection and wire conduction. The two wire thermocouple concept was tested in a laboratory burner exhaust to temperatures of about 3000 F and in a gas turbine engine to combustor exhaust temperatures of about 2400 F. Uncompensated and compensated waveforms and compensation spectra are presented

    Further development of the dynamic gas temperature measurement system

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    Two experiments for verifying the frequency response of a previously-developed dynamic gas temperature measurement system were performed. In both experiments, fine-wire resistance temperature sensors were used as standards. The compensated dynamic temperature sensor data will be compared with the standards to verify the compensation method. The experiments are described in detail

    Proto-Brown Dwarf Disks as Products of Protostellar Disk Encounters

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    The formation of brown dwarfs via encounters between proto-stars has been confirmed with high-resolution numerical simulations with a restricted treatment of the thermal conditions. The new results indicate that young brown dwarfs (BDs) formed this way are disk-like and often reside in multiple systems. The newly-formed proto-BDs disks are up to 18 AU in size and spin rapidly making small-scale bipolar outflows, fragmentation and the possible formation of planetary companions likely as have recently been observed for BDs. The object masses range from 2 to 73 Jupiter masses, distributed in a manner consistent with the observed sub-stellar initial mass function. The simulations usually form multiple BDs on eccentric orbits about a star. One such system was hierarchical, a BD binary in orbit around a star, which may explain recently observed hierarchical systems. One third of the BDs were unbound after a few thousand years and interactions among orbiting BDs may eject more or add to the number of binaries. Improvements over prior work include resolution down to a Jupiter mass, self-consistent models of the vertical structure of the initial disks and careful attention to avoid artificial fragmentation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Pseudo-nonstationarity in the scaling exponents of finite-interval time series

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    The accurate estimation of scaling exponents is central in the observational study of scale-invariant phenomena. Natural systems unavoidably provide observations over restricted intervals; consequently, a stationary stochastic process (time series) can yield anomalous time variation in the scaling exponents, suggestive of nonstationarity. The variance in the estimates of scaling exponents computed from an interval of N observations is known for finite variance processes to vary as ~1/N as N for certain statistical estimators; however, the convergence to this behavior will depend on the details of the process, and may be slow. We study the variation in the scaling of second-order moments of the time-series increments with N for a variety of synthetic and “real world” time series, and we find that in particular for heavy tailed processes, for realizable N, one is far from this ~1/N limiting behavior. We propose a semiempirical estimate for the minimum N needed to make a meaningful estimate of the scaling exponents for model stochastic processes and compare these with some “real world” time series