69 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Rasio Keuangan terhadap Perubahan Laba pada Perindustrian Perikanan

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    The purpose of this research is to examine and analyze the effects of Current Ratio (CR), Debt to Asset Ratio (DR), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), Return On Asset (ROE), Net Profit Margin (NPM), dan Total Assets Turnover (TATO) simultaneously and partially to the changes of earnings of fishery companies that listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and the period is 2011-2015. The method of this study is multiple linear regression method. The results of regression analysis showed that Current Ratio, Debt to Asset Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, Return On Asset, Net Profit Margin, dan Total Asset Turnover variables have no effect on changes of earnings. The result of determination analysis shows 0.537, it means that 53.7% of changes of earnings variable can be predicted by combination of four variables of financial ratio. While 46.3% of changes of earnings can be predicted by other factor like politic or economic situation in the domicile of companies. Keywords: changes of earnings, current ratio, debt to asset ratio, debt to equity ratio, return on asset, net profit margin, total asset turn over

    Penyakit Kronis Lebih Dari Satu Menimbulkan Peningkatan Perasaan Cemas Pada Lansia Di Kecamatan Cibinong

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    Multiple Chronic Diseases Increase Anxious Feeling of Community-Dwelling Elderly in Cibinong District. Anxiety is fear and worry feeling that caused by various event that subjectively. This study aimed to determine relationship amount of chronic disease towards anxiety of elderly with chronic disease in UPF Puskesmas Pabuaran Indah area, Cibinong District or Kecamatan Cibinong. Descriptive correlative design with cross-sectional approach was applied. 105 elderly with chronic disease, age 60 years or above were taken in this study, which is using cluster sampling. This research using Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS): Anxiety scale and characteristics of respondent questionnaire. The results of the study found that there is a relationship between amount of chronic disease towards anxiety of elderly with chronic disease (p= 0.004) with the strength of significance (odds ratio) 3.549. Elderly with multiple chronic diseases has 3 times more of risk to feel anxious. Health center is advised to give health education, and increase family role to reduce anxiet

    Pengukuran Faktor Emisi Partikel Ultrafine Dari Asap Hasil Pemanasan Minyak Goreng

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    Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari manusia tidak lepas dari kegiatan memasak dan menggoreng. Kegiatan ini berhubungan dengan asap yang dikeluarkan dari proses pemanasan minyak goreng yang digunakan. Minyak goreng yang dipanaskan akan mengalami penguapan. Minyak yang menguap itu akan menimbulkan asap. Asap yang dihasilkan dari proses pemanasan ini terdiri dari berbagai partikel dengan ukuran yang berbeda salah satunya adalah partikel ultrafine yang mempunyai ukuran diameter <0,1 µm. Partikel utrafine diidentifikasikan mempunyai dampak yang serius bagi kesehatan manusia. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan suatu penelitian tentang pengukuran faktor emisi partikel ultrafine dari asap hasil pemanasan minyak goreng. Pada penelitian ini digunakan lima jenis minyak goreng nabati yang sering digunakan dalam proses memasak yaitu minyak kelapa, kelapa sawit, biji bunga matahari, jagung dan kedelai. Emisi faktor diperoleh dengan mengukur konsentrasi partikel ultrafine dari asap minyak goreng dengan menggunakan P-track Ultrafine Particle Counter. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor emisi yang dihasilkan dari pemanasan minyak goreng dengan menggunakan api sedang adalah sebesar (1,6 ± 0,24)x1012 partikel/L sampai (5,1 ± 0,75)x1012 partikel/L. Hal tersebut tergantung dari jenis minyak goreng yang digunakan

    Teaching Descriptive Statistics Using R

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    In this paper, we introduce the application of R for teaching statistics descriptive subject which is usually given in the undergraduate statistics course. As an illustration, we will consider the use of R for teaching the subject frequency distribution table, both using the R-CLI and R-GUI version. The R-GUIversion used here is a part of Rplugin.SPSS which is currently under our extensive development. Rplugin.SPSS is a R Commander Plugin, which is a reorganized and an extented version of the menu of Statistics in R-Commander, a SPSS-like version menu. It can be also considered as the extended version of Rplugin.Econometrics (Rosadi, 2010). Further details and further examples can be found in Rosadi (2011,2013)

    Peranan Penggunaan Alat Bantu dalam Metode Pembagian Visual terhadap Keseragaman Bobot Puyer Lamivudin Dosis Kecil untuk Terapi Anak dengan Hiv/aids

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    Terapi dengan Antiretroviral (ARV) atau dikenal dengan Antiretroviral Terapi (ART) digunakan untuk terapi pada pasien dengan HIV/AIDS baik pasien anak-anak maupun dewasa (WHO, 2009). Salah satu ARV yang sering digunakan untuk terapi pada pasien HIV/AIDS pediatri adalah lamivudin. Pemberian obat pada pasien anak masih banyak diresepkan oleh dokter dalam bentuk sediaan puyer. Cara pembagian puyer yang paling banyak dilakukan adalah secara visual, dikarenakan lebih cepat dan praktis. Namun, pembagian secara visual memungkinkan terjadinya variasi dalam bobot dan kandungan puyer terkait keterbatasan dalam kemampuan pengamatan secara visual, ketelitian, ketrampilan, serta waktu dalam menyiapkan sediaan puyer. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peranan alat bantu dalam metode pembagian visual terhadap keseragaman bobot puyer. Metode : Dilakukan pembagian serbuk menggunakan metode pembagian secara visual dengan menggunakan alat bantu untuk mendapatkan puyer Lamivudin dosis kecil (50 mg) sebanyak 60 bungkus. Selanjutnya dilakukan penentuan keseragaman bobot puyer yang mengacu pada persyaratan Farmakope Indonesia Edisi III. Hasil : Pada penelitian ini diperoleh hasil keseragaman bobot yang memenuhi persyaratan Farmakope Indonesia Edisi III. Hasil pengujian dengan menggunakan alat bantu menunjukkan dari 60 bungkus puyer yang diuji, hanya 1 bungkus serbuk yang menyimpang lebih besar dari 10% bobot rata-rata namun penyimpangannya tidak lebih dari 15% dari bobot rata-rata. Kesimpulan : Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa alat bantu memudahkan dalam penyiapan obat dalam sediaan puyer Lamivudin dosis kecil (50 mg) dan hasil penentuan keseragaman bobot puyer memenuhi persyaratan Farmakope Indonesia Edisi III

    Faktor Prediksi Hasil Uji Tuberkulin Positif Anak SD

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    Tuberculosis becomes a global threat because nearly a third of world population infected with M. tuberculosis. Tuberculin test is an important diagnosis to rule out infection of M. tuberculosis in children. The purpose of this study to explore the factors in predicting a positive tuberculin test. Predictive factors of child characte-ristics (age, sex), parental characteristics (education, occupation of parents), and the size of the house. This research is the study of control in an elementary school in the district of Cilacap, September up to December 2008. The population is divided into treatment and control groups. The case samples are children with tuberculin test ≥ 10 mm while the control have a tuberculin test 0-9 mm are selected by proportional random sampling. Tuberculin test results of the survey is a secondary data and primary data obtained by the intervention. The results of this study are factors that can be used to predict a positive tuberculin test is a BCG scar and age

    Stunting and growth velocity of adolescents with perinatally acquired HIV: differential evolution for males and females. A multiregional analysis from the IeDEA global paediatric collaboration

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    INTRODUCTION: Stunting is a key issue for adolescents with perinatally acquired HIV (APH) that needs to be better understood. As part of the IeDEA multiregional consortium, we described growth evolution during adolescence for APH on antiretroviral therapy (ART). METHODS: We included data from sub-Saharan Africa, the Asia-Pacific, and the Caribbean, Central and South America regions collected between 2003 and 2016. Adolescents on ART, reporting perinatally acquired infection or entering HIV care before 10 years of age, with at least one height measurement between 10 and 16 years of age, and followed in care until at least 14 years of age were included. Characteristics at ART initiation and at 10 years of age were compared by sex. Correlates of growth defined by height-for-age z-scores (HAZ) between ages 10 and 19 years were studied separately for males and females, using linear mixed models. RESULTS: Overall, 8737 APH were included, with 46% from Southern Africa. Median age at ART initiation was 8.1 years (interquartile range (IQR) 6.1 to 9.6), 50% were females, and 41% were stunted (HAZ<-2 SD) at ART initiation. Males and females did not differ by age and stunting at ART initiation, CD4 count over time or retention in care. At 10 years of age, 34% of males were stunted versus 39% of females (p < 0.001). Females had better subsequent growth, resulting in a higher prevalence of stunting for males compared to females by age 15 (48% vs. 25%) and 18 years (31% vs. 15%). In linear mixed models, older age at ART initiation and low CD4 count were associated with poor growth over time (p < 0.001). Those stunted at 10 years of age or at ART initiation had the greatest growth improvement during adolescence. CONCLUSIONS: Prevalence of stunting is high among APH worldwide. Substantial sex-based differences in growth evolution during adolescence were observed in this global cohort, which were not explained by differences in age of access to HIV care, degree of immunosuppression or region. Other factors influencing growth differences in APH, such as differences in pubertal development, should be better documented, to guide further research and inform interventions to optimize growth and health outcomes among APH

    The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Financial Performance with Real Manipulation as a Moderating Variable

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    This study aimed to obtain empirical evidence about the effect of real manipulation practices on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and further examined the impact of real manipulation on relationship between CSR and the financial performance of companies in the future. 27 companies listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange during the years 2006 - 2008 were selected as sample for this study. Data were collected by purposive sampling method and statistical method used for analysis was ordinary least square regression. The study provided empirical evidence that companies engaged in the practice of real manipulation had no influence on CSR activities. The results showed that the higher level of real manipulation on operation cash flow leads to negative effect on the relationship between CSR and financial performance
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