2,239 research outputs found

    Cluster radioactivity in 114^{114}Ba in the HFB theory

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    Cluster radioactivity in 114^{114}Ba is described as a spontaneous fission with a large mass asymmetry within the self-consistent HFB theory. A new fission valley with large octupole deformation is found in the potential energy surface. The fragment mass asymmetry of this fission mode corresponds to the expected one in cluster radioactivity with the emission of 16^{16}O predicted with a very long half-life.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Accepted for publication in Acta Physica Polonica B, Presented at Zakopane Conference on Nuclear Physic


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    Coconuts in the Selayar Islands Regency have an important role as a source of community income and also as a source of regional foreign exchange, in fact coconut farmers are still not prosperous from a long-running business. This study aims (1) to find out what empowerment efforts are given to coconut farmers in Tambolongan Village, Bontomatene District, Selayar Islands Regency. (2) To find out the obstacles faced by coconut farmers in increasing income in Tambolongan Village, Bontomatene District, Selayar Islands Regency. This research was conducted on coconut farmers in Tambolongan Village, Bontomatene District, Selayar Islands Regency. Sampling was carried out randomly on coconut farmers who were then interviewed directly using a list of questions. The data obtained were then analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of the researcher's analysis show that efforts to empower coconut farmers by the local government are almost non-existent. Coconut farmers' income from production is still low. Coconut farmers' income from production is still low. The obstacles faced by coconut farmers include low education, not being able to see existing business opportunities, and limited capital being one of the obstacles to the slow development of coconut farming business

    Diaqua­sodium(I) perchlorate bis­[μ-2-(carboxyl­atomethyl­imino­meth­yl)phenolato]bis­[(3-methyl­pyridine)copper(II)]

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    In the title compound, [Na(H2O)2]ClO4·[Cu2(C9H7NO3)2(C6H7N)2], the CuII atom is coordinated by one N atom and two O atoms from a tridentate N-salicylideneglycinate Schiff base dianion and one N atom from a 3-methyl­pyridine ligand. Longer Cu⋯O contacts [2.680 (2) Å] complete an approximate square-based pyramidal coordination geometry around CuII, forming a dimeric complex across a centre of inversion. The dimeric complexes form stacks along the a axis, with Cu⋯O contacts of 3.332 (2) Å between them. The Na+ cations and perchlorate anions lie on twofold rotation axes between the stacks. The former are coordinated by two disordered water mol­ecules (each with half-occupancy), and form Na⋯O contacts of 3.698 (3) Å to the perchlorate anions and Na⋯π contacts to neighbouring salicylideneglycinate ligands [shortest Na⋯C = 3.516 (3) Å]

    Overview Of Regency and City Regional Tax Calculations at Bappenda Gowa Regency

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the calculation of local taxes at the Gowa Regency Bapenda office. The technique in this study uses applied qualitative techniques. The research data was obtained by the author through interviews, observations and documentation from the research site. The results showed that the calculation of district and city taxes was very effective, judging from its development from an average value of 3 years, namely from 2019- 2021 the percentage of the results was 114.05% although the results were very effective, basically there were still some obstacles experienced by the Gowa Regency Bapenda. namely the lack of knowledge and public awareness related to tax obligations, There are still taxpayers who do not understand the importance of paying taxes and the benefits that will be felt by taxpayers directly by paying taxes. In addition, the lack of awareness and compliance of registered taxpayers in paying their tax obligations in accordance with applicable regulations

    Aqua­(4-methyl­quinoline-κN)[N-(2-oxidobenzyl­idene)glycinato-κ3 O,N,O′]copper(II) hemihydrate

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    The title complex, [Cu(C9H7NO3)(C10H9N)(H2O)]·0.5H2O, crystallizes with two independent formula units in the asymmetric unit; the solvent mol­ecule is located on a twofold axis of symmetry. The CuII atom is coordinated by one tridentate N-salicylideneglycinate Schiff base ligand, one 4-methyl­quinoline ligand and one water mol­ecule, leading to a slightly distorted square-pyramidal N2O3 geometry. In the crystal structure, the mol­ecules are linked by O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds into linear chains in the [100] direction. The structure is further stabilized by inter­molecular C—H⋯O inter­actions and C⋯C contacts with C⋯C = 3.3058 (2), 3.3636 (2) and 3.3946 (2) Å


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    Abstrak: Masalah balita gizi kurang dan buruk sampai saat ini belum dapat terselesaikan. Pemberdayaan masyarakat dan Kader Posyandu telah dimulai dengan pembentukan kelompok peduli gizi dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan para kelompok peduli gizi sebagai upaya penanggulangan masalah gizi pada anak. Metode yang digunakan yaitu pemantauan pemberdayaan kelompok peduli gizi dalam penerapan pengolahan PMT pangan lokal, dengan sasaran adalah Ibu Rumah Tangga dengan balita gizi kurang, kader posyandu dan tim PKK, petugas gizi di wilayah kerja puskesmas Kalumpang dengan rincian kader posyandu/tim kelompok peduli gizi 16 orang, ketua tim PKK 3 orang, dan petugas gizi 4 orang. Diperoleh hasil tim kelompok peduli gizi aktif pada kegiatan posyandu, aktif memberikan edukasi kepada ibu balita dengan status gizi kurang pada anak dengan pemanfaatan pangan lokal pengolahan nugget ikan sayuran, dapat melakukan demonstrasi secara langsung dan mendampingi ibu balita kelompok intervensi dalam pengolahan nugget ikan subsitusi sayuran, terjadi peningkatan keterampilan para tim kelompok peduli gizi berada pada kategori baik sebanyak 86% dan cukup sebanyak 14%. Abstract: The problem of malnutrition and bad toddlers has not been resolved so far. Empowerment of the community and Posyandu cadres has started with the establishment of a nutrition care group with the aim of tackling nutritional problems in children. The method used is monitoring the empowerment of nutrition care groups in implementing local PMT food processing, targeting housewives with undernourished toddlers, posyandu cadres and PKK teams, nutrition officers in the working area of the Kalumpang health center with details of posyandu cadres/nutrition care group team 16 people, 3 PKK team leaders, and 4 nutrition officers. The results obtained were a team of active nutrition care groups at posyandu activities, actively providing education to mothers of toddlers with undernourished children by utilizing local food for processing vegetable fish nuggets, being able to carry out direct demonstrations and accompanying mothers of toddlers in the intervention group in processing fish nuggets with vegetable substitutions, there was an increase in the skills of the nutrition care group team which were in the good and sufficient category and the group's toddler weight increased during the mentoring. 