1,116 research outputs found

    Eco-Capabilities: Making nature explicit in children’s drawings about wellbeing

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    Global interest in children’s wellbeing is growing and is now central to major international policy documents regarding children’s life quality. Substantial benefits for wellbeing may be derived from contact with nature; despite this, in the last 30 years the number of children regularly playing in wild places fell by 90% and children living with high deprivation are significantly less likely to have access to green spaces. An innovative way to address this is through art in outdoor places; there is evidence that separately both nature and the arts can improve wellbeing and social inclusion. The Eco-Capabilities project is situated at the intersection of these issues. It builds on Sen’s work on capabilities as a proxy for wellbeing, developing the term eco-capabilities to describe how children define what they feel they need to live a fully good life through environmental sustainability, social justice and future economic wellbeing. We will undertake arts-based practice with 8-year old children in two primary schools in Cambridgeshire, UK (fieldwork has been delayed as a result of Covid-19). The project deliberately focuses on children living with high deprivation who generally have less access both to green spaces and the arts. This poster presents data from the pre-intervention stage of the project which explored children’s wellbeing through their drawings and discussions. Ninety-one seven and eight-year old children from two primary schools in areas of relatively high deprivation in eastern England participated. We identified indicators of wellbeing that were made explicit in children’s drawings, such as the need for safety, happiness and positive relationships; however, of note was that indicators of the environment and nature were prolific but generally remained implicit. We analysed these findings through the theoretical lenses of positive psychology, self-actualisation, social mentality and the human-nature relationship, and ultimately speculate that these implicit references to nature in children’s drawings could be because of a tendency towards taking for granted the presence of nature for positive wellbeing. We suggest that making nature explicit, and restoring the interconnectedness between the arts and nature in the current literature, should be a priority for future research and practice on children’s wellbeing

    Teaching climate change and sustainability: A survey of teachers in England

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    This report shares detailed findings as to the current state of climate change and sustainability education in England in 2022-23, with a particular focus on teachers’ practice and professional development. The results reveal both strengths and gaps in the provision of climate change and sustainability education in England. The report serves as an evidence base for researchers, policymakers and practitioners who seek to support teachers to fulfil their important roles in society’s transformation to a sustainable future. UCL’s Centre for Climate Change and Sustainability Education (CCCSE) conducted a survey of teachers in England entitled ‘What do climate change and sustainability education have to do with me?’. Between October and December 2022, teachers were invited to respond to an online questionnaire about their views and experiences. Teachers were recruited through email lists, professional networks, social media and via the CCCSE website. The questionnaire investigated their teaching practice, professional development, and sense of confidence and preparedness to incorporate climate change and sustainability into their teaching. It included a range of question types and generated quantitative and qualitative data. The survey gathered 870 responses, with over two thirds (70.7%) teaching at secondary level, and geography (41.3%) and science (37.2%) being the most frequently reported subjects taught. Those who responded represented a wide range of teaching experience, from one year to 20+ years, with university-led PGCE programmes the most commonly reported route into teaching (87.2%). The significant majority of respondents were female (73.9%) and from white backgrounds (90.5%)

    A hypoenergetic diet with decreased protein intake does not reduce lean body mass in trained females

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    Purpose Increasing protein intake during energy restriction (ER) attenuates lean body mass (LBM) loss in trained males. However, whether this relationship exists in trained females is unknown. This study examined the impact of higher compared to lower protein intakes (35% versus 15% of energy intake) on body composition in trained females during 2 weeks of severe ER. Methods Eighteen well-trained females completed a 1-week energy balanced diet (HD100), followed by a 2-week hypoenergetic (40% ER) diet (HD60). During HD60, participants consumed either a high protein (HP; 35% protein, 15% fat) or lower protein (CON; 15% protein, 35% fat) diet. Body composition, peak power, leg strength, sprint time, and anaerobic endurance were assessed at baseline, pre-HD60, and post-HD60. Results Absolute protein intake was reduced during HD60 in the CON group (from 1.6 to 0.9 g·d·kgBM−1) and maintained in the HP group (~ 1.7 g·d·kgBM−1). CON and HP groups decreased body mass equally during HD60 (− 1.0 ± 1.1 kg; p = 0.026 and − 1.1 ± 0.7 kg; p = 0.002, respectively) and maintained LBM. There were no interactions between time point and dietary condition on exercise performance. Conclusion The preservation of LBM during HD60, irrespective of whether absolute protein intake is maintained or reduced, contrasts with findings in trained males. In trained females, the relationship between absolute protein intake and LBM change during ER warrants further investigation. Future recommendations for protein intake during ER should be expressed relative to body mass, not total energy intake, in trained females

    Glycosidase activity in the excretory-secretory products of the liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica

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    Fasciola hepatica secretes proteolytic enzymes and other molecules that are essential for host penetration and migration. This mixture may include enzymes required for the degradation of supramucosal gels, which defend epithelial surfaces against pathogen entry. These contain hydrated mucins that are heavily glycosylated. Excretory-secretory products (ES) from F. hepatica were examined for a range of glycosidase activities, using synthetic 4-methylumbelliferyl glycosides as substrates. The ES product contained at least 8 different glycosidase activities, the most abundant of which were β-N- acetylhexosaminidase, β-galactosidase and β-glucosidase. Alpha-fucosidase, β-glucuronidase, α-galactosidase, α-mannosidase and neuraminidase were also present. β-N- acetylhexosaminidase and β-galactosidase were present in multiple isoforms (at least 4), whereas β-glucosidase appeared to exist as one isoenzyme with a pI <3.8. All three enzymes had acidic pH optima (4.5-5.0). Ovine small intestinal mucin was degraded by ES at pH 4.5 or 7.0, with or without active cathepsin L, the major protease found in F. hepatica ES. The ability of F. hepatica ES to degrade mucin in the presence or absence of active cathepsin L suggests that cathepsin L is not essential for mucin degradation. The abundance of β-galactosidase and β-hexosaminidase in ES supports a role for these enzymes in mucin degradation

    VEGF and TGF-β are required for the maintenance of the choroid plexus and ependyma

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    Although the role of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in developmental and pathological angiogenesis is well established, its function in the adult is less clear. Similarly, although transforming growth factor (TGF) β is involved in angiogenesis, presumably by mediating capillary (endothelial cell [EC]) stability, its involvement in quiescent vasculature is virtually uninvestigated. Given the neurological findings in patients treated with VEGF-neutralizing therapy (bevacizumab) and in patients with severe preeclampsia, which is mediated by soluble VEGF receptor 1/soluble Fms-like tyrosine kinase receptor 1 and soluble endoglin, a TGF-β signaling inhibitor, we investigated the roles of VEGF and TGF-β in choroid plexus (CP) integrity and function in adult mice. Receptors for VEGF and TGF-β were detected in adult CP, as well as on ependymal cells. Inhibition of VEGF led to decreased CP vascular perfusion, which was associated with fibrin deposition. Simultaneous blockade of VEGF and TGF-β resulted in the loss of fenestrae on CP vasculature and thickening of the otherwise attenuated capillary endothelium, as well as the disappearance of ependymal cell microvilli and the development of periventricular edema. These results provide compelling evidence that both VEGF and TGF-β are involved in the regulation of EC stability, ependymal cell function, and periventricular permeability

    Adding Fish Oil to Whey Protein, Leucine and Carbohydrate Over a 6 Week Supplementation Period Attenuates Muscle Soreness Following Eccentric Exercise in Competitive Soccer Players

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    Soccer players often experience eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage given the physical demands of soccer match-play. Since long chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3PUFA) enhance muscle sensitivity to protein supplementation, dietary supplementation with a combination of fish oil-derived n-3PUFA, protein, and carbohydrate may promote exercise recovery. This study examined the influence of adding n-3PUFA to a whey protein, leucine, and carbohydrate containing beverage over a six-week supplementation period on physiological markers of recovery measured over three days following eccentric exercise. Competitive soccer players were assigned to one of three conditions (2 × 200 mL): a fish oil supplement beverage (FO; n = 10) that contained n-3PUFA (1100 mg DHA/EPA - approximately 550 mg DHA, 550 mg EPA), whey protein (15 g), leucine (1.8 g), and carbohydrate (20 g); a protein supplement beverage (PRO; n = 10) that contained whey protein (15 g), leucine (1.8 g), and carbohydrate (20 g); and a carbohydrate supplement beverage (CHO; n = 10) that contained carbohydrate (24 g). Eccentric exercise consisted of unilateral knee extension/flexion contractions on both legs separately. Maximal force production was impaired by 22% during the 72-hour recovery period following eccentric exercise (p < 0.05). Muscle soreness, expressed as area under the curve (AUC) during 72-hour recovery, was less in FO (1948 ± 1091 mm × 72 h) than PRO (4640 ± 2654 mm × 72 h, p < 4 0.05) and CHO (4495 ± 1853 mm × 72 h, p = 0.10). Blood concentrations of creatine kinase, expressed as AUC, were ~60% lower in FO compared to CHO (p < 0.05) and tended to be lower (~39%, p = 0.07) than PRO. No differences in muscle function, soccer performance, or blood c-reactive protein concentrations were observed between groups. In conclusion, the addition of n-3PUFA to a beverage containing whey protein, leucine, and carbohydrate ameliorates the increase in muscle soreness and blood concentrations of creatine kinase following eccentric exercise in competitive soccer players

    Competition between Fusion and Quasi-fission in the Formation of Super-heavy Elements

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    Quasifission is a non-equilibrium dynamical process resulting in rapid separation of the dinuclear system initially formed after capture and sticking of two colliding heavy nuclei. This can inhibit fusion by many orders of magnitude, thus suppressing the cross section for formation of superheavy elements. Measurements with projectiles from C to Ni, made at the Australian National University Heavy Ion Accelerator Facility, have mapped out quasifission characteristics and systematics using mass-angle distributions (MAD) - the fission mass-split as a function of centre-of-mass angle. These provide information on quasifission dynamics in the least model-dependent way. Quasifission time-scale information in the MAD has been compared with TDHF calculations of the collisions, with good agreement being found. Most significantly, the nuclear structure of the two colliding nuclei has a dramatic effect on quasifission probabilities and characteristics in gentle collisions at near-barrier energies. The effect of static deformation alignment, closed shells and N/Z matching can completely change reaction outcomes. The realization of this strong dependence makes modelling quasifission and superheavy element formation a challenging task, but should ultimately allow more reliable prediction of superheavy element formation cross sections
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