41 research outputs found

    Os interiores domésticos após a expansão da economia exportadora paulista

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    The present article aims at describing São Paulo city dwellings and at studying its trade and crafts production in the first half of the 19th Century. Our work is chiefly based on information collected from post-mortem inventories registered in São Paulo capital city. Memorialists have described São Paulo city and its market as insignificant until coffee cultivation took over as the main economic activity. However, our research has found out that, on the contrary, the domestic trade had been very active since the beginning of the 19th century.Este artigo se propõe a descrever os interiores domésticos dos paulistanos e a refletir sobre o comércio e a produção artesanal da cidade de São Paulo na primeira metade do Oitocentos. Baseamo-nos principalmente nas informações dos inventários post-mortem da capital. Os memorialistas descreveram a cidade e seu mercado acanhados até o advento do café. Nossa pesquisa, ao contrário, identificou-os muito ativo desde o início do século XIX

    Culture's building blocks: investigating cultural evolution in a LEGO construction task

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    One of the most essential but theoretically vexing issues regarding the notion of culture is that of cultural evolution and transmission: how a group's accumulated solutions to invariant challenges develop and persevere over time. But at the moment, the notion of applying evolutionary theory to culture remains little more than a suggestive trope. Whereas the modern synthesis of evolutionary theory has provided an encompassing scientific framework for the selection and transmission of biological adaptations, a convincing theory of cultural evolution has yet to emerge. One of the greatest challenges for theorists is identifying the appropriate time scales and units of analysis in order to reduce the intractably large and complex phenomenon of "culture" into its component "building blocks." In this paper, we present a model for scientifically investigating cultural processes by analyzing the ways people develop conventions in a series of LEGO construction tasks. The data revealed a surprising pattern in the selection of building bricks as well as features of car design across consecutive building sessions. Our findings support a novel methodology for studying the development and transmission of culture through the microcosm of interactive LEGO design and assembly

    Building trust: Heart rate synchrony and arousal during joint action increased by public goods game

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    The physiological processes underlying trust are subject of intense interest in the behavioral sciences. However, very little is known about how trust modulates the affective link between individuals. We show here that trust has an effect on heart rate arousal and synchrony, a result consistent with research on joint action and experimental economics. We engaged participants in a series of joint action tasks which, for one group of participants, was interleaved with a PGG, and measured their heart synchrony and arousal. We found that the introduction of the economic game shifted participants' attention to the dynamics of the interaction. This was followed by increased arousal and synchrony of heart rate profiles. Also, the degree of heart rate synchrony was predictive of participants' expectations regarding their partners in the economic game. We conclude that the above changes in physiology and behavior are shaped by the valuation of other people's social behavior, and ultimately indicate trust building process


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    Sintering of thin film nanocrystalline titania–tin oxide composites

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    Thin nanocrystalline titania films were sintered on dense substrates with the addition of tin(IV) oxide as a possible grain growth inhibitor. Densification and the development of the pore size distribution were examined via nitrogen adsorption. Aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (XEDS) studies combined with X-ray spectroscopy measurements were carried out to investigate the tin and titanium distribution in the thin films. These studies showed that the additions of SnO2 have little influence on grain growth during sintering of nanocrystalline titania films, but can strongly affect the phase transition from anatase to rutile. The influence of this phase transition during sintering in thin films and the effect on the in-plane biaxial stresses is highlighted

    Location, location, location: Effects of cross-religious primes on prosocial behaviour

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    AbstractPriming with religious concepts is known to have a positive effect on prosocial behavior, however the effects of religious primes associated with outgroups remain unknown. To explore this, we conducted a field experiment in a multi-cultural, multi-religious setting (the island of Mauritius). Our design used naturally occurring, ecologically relevant contextual primes pertinent to every-day religious and secular life, while maintaining full experimental control. We found that both ingroup and outgroup religious contexts increased generosity as measured by a donation task. In accordance with previous research, we also found an interaction between individual religiosity and the efficacy of the religious primes. We discuss these findings and their interpretation, and we suggest potential avenues for further research

    Leitungen, Phasenschieber

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