670 research outputs found

    Lubricated sliding wear behaviour of aluminium alloy composites

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    Interest in aluminium alloy (Al-alloy) composites as wear resistant materials continues to grow. However, the use of the popular Al-alloy-SiC composite can be limited by the abrasive nature of the SiC, leading to increased counterface wear rates. This study reports new Al-alloy composites that offer high wear resistance, to a level similar to Al-alloy-SiC. Aluminium alloy (2124, 5056) matrix composites reinforced by nominally 15 vol.% of Cr3Si, MoSi2, Ni3Al and SiC particles were prepared by a powder metallurgy route. The aluminium alloy matrix was produced by gas atomisation, and the Cr3Si, MoSi2 and Ni3Al were prepared by self-propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS), while the SiC was from a standard commercial supply. Following blending, the particulates were consolidated by extrusion, producing a homogenous distribution of the reinforcement in the matrix. Wear testing was undertaken using a pin-on-ring configuration against an M2 steel counterface, with a commercial synthetic oil lubricant, at 0.94 m/s and a normal load of 630 N, corresponding to initial Hertzian contact pressures of 750–890 MPa (the exact value depending on the material properties). Specific wear rates at sliding distances exceeding 400 km were in the range 4.5–12.7 × 10?10 mm3/Nm. The monolithic alloys gave the highest specific wear rates, while the MoSi2 and Cr3Si reinforced alloys exhibited the lowest. The worn surface has been analysed in detail using focused ion beam (FIB) microscopy to determine the sub-surface structural evolution and by tomographic reconstruction of tilted scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images, to determine the local worn surface topography. Consequently, the wear mechanisms as a function of alloy composition and reinforcement type are discussed.<br/

    In-medium broadening of nucleon resonances

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    We analyze the effects of an in-medium broadening of nucleon resonances on the exclusive photoproduction of mesons on nuclei as well as on the total photoabsorption cross sections in a transport calculation. We show that the resonance widths observed in semi-inclusive photoproduction on nuclei are insensitive to an in-medium broadening of nucleon resonances. This is due to a simple effect: the sizeable width of the nuclear surface and Fermi motion.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, minor changes in the tex

    Law, politics and the governance of English and Scottish joint-stock companies 1600-1850

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    This article examines the impact of law on corporate governance by means of a case study of joint-stock enterprise in England and Scotland before 1850. Based on a dataset of over 450 company constitutions together with qualitative information on governance practice, it finds little evidence to support the hypothesis that common-law regimes such as England were more supportive of economic growth than civil-law jurisdictions such as Scotland: indeed, levels of shareholder protection were slightly stronger in the civil-law zone. Other factors, such as local political institutions, played a bigger role in shaping organisational forms and business practice

    Nitrogen pair-induced temperature insensitivity of the band gap of GaNSb alloys

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    The temperature dependence of the band gap of GaN x Sb1−x films with x ≤ 1.3% has been studied in the 1.1–3.3 m (0.35–1.1 eV) range using infrared absorption spectroscopy between 4.2 and 300 K. As with other dilute nitride semiconductors, the temperature dependence of the band gap is reduced by alloying with nitrogen when compared to the host binary compound. However, for GaNSb, the smallest variation of the band gap with temperature is observed for samples with the lowest N content for which the band gap is almost totally insensitive to temperature changes. This contrasts with the more widely studied GaN x As1−x alloys in which the band gap variation with temperature decreases with increasing N content. The temperature-dependent absorption spectra are simulated within the so-called band anticrossing model of the interaction between the extended conduction band states of the GaSb and the localized states associated with the N atoms. The N next-nearest neighbor pair states are found to be responsible for the temperature insensitivity of the band gap of the GaNSb alloys as a result of their proximity to the conduction band edge giving them a more pronounced role than in GaNAs alloys

    Effects of Methylene Blue and Polyethelene Glycol on Facial Nerve Axotomy Recovery

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    poster abstractInjury and disease are common factors affecting peripheral nerves and can lead to loss of function. Recovery time after an injury is slow and not very efficient in humans. Treatment methods involving methylene blue (MB) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) have shown combinational effects in sciatic nerve axotomies. We are using behavior analysis of eye blink reflex and vibrissae orientation and movement as a measurement of rate of functional recovery. We will have treatment groups of both cut and crush rats. For each group we will be testing the effect of PEG/MB or no treatment control groups. The results of these treatment groups are significant to finding treatment options for clinical use

    Pliocene-Pleistocene basin evolution along the Garlock fault zone, Pilot Knob Valley, California

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    Exposed Pliocene-Pleistocene terrestrial strata provide an archive of the spatial and temporal development of a basin astride the sinistral Garlock fault in California. In the southern Slate Range and Pilot Knob Valley, an ~2000-m-thick package of Late Cenozoic strata has been uplifted and tilted to the northeast. We name this succession the formation of Pilot Knob Valley and provide new chronologic, stratigraphic, and provenance data for these rocks. The unit is divided into five members that record different source areas and depositional patterns: (1) the lowest exposed strata are conglomeratic rocks derived from Miocene Eagle Crags volcanic field to the south and east across the Garlock fault (2) the second member consists mostly of fine-grained rocks with coarser material derived from both southern and northern sources; and (3) the upper three members are primarily coarse-grained conglomerates and sandstones derived from the adjacent Slate Range to the north. Tephrochronologic data from four ash samples bracket deposition of the second member to 3.6-3.3 Ma and the fourth member to between 1.1 and 0.6 Ma. A fifth tephrochronologic sample from rocks south of the Garlock fault near Christmas Canyon brackets deposition of a possible equivalent to the second member of the formation of Pilot Knob Valley at ca. 3.1 Ma. Although the age of the base of the lowest member is not directly dated, regional stratigraphic and tectonic associations suggest that the basin started forming ca. 4-5 Ma. By ca. 3.6 Ma, the northward progradation fanglomerate sourced in the Eagle Crags region waned, and subsequent deposition occurred in shallow lacustrine systems. At ca. 3.3 Ma, southward progradation of conglomerates derived from the Slate Range began. Circa 1.1 Ma, continued southward progradation of fanglomerate with Slate Range sources is characterized by a shift to coarser grain sizes, interpreted to reflect uplift of the Slate Range. Overall, basin architecture and the temporal evolution of different source regions were controlled by activity on three regionally important faults-the Garlock, the Marine Gate, and the Searles Valley faults. The timing and style of motions on these faults appear to be directly linked to patterns of basin development

    NanoBiT System and Hydrofurimazine for Optimized Detection of Viral Infection in Mice-A Novel in Vivo Imaging Platform.

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    Reporter genes are used to visualize intracellular biological phenomena, including viral infection. Here we demonstrate bioluminescent imaging of viral infection using the NanoBiT system in combination with intraperitoneal injection of a furimazine analogue, hydrofurimazine. This recently developed substrate has enhanced aqueous solubility allowing delivery of higher doses for in vivo imaging. The small high-affinity peptide tag (HiBiT), which is only 11 amino-acids in length, was engineered into a clinically used oncolytic adenovirus, and the complementary large protein (LgBiT) was constitutively expressed in tumor cells. Infection of the LgBiT expressing cells with the HiBiT oncolytic virus will reconstitute NanoLuc in the cytosol of the cell, providing strong bioluminescence upon treatment with substrate. This new bioluminescent system served as an early stage quantitative viral transduction reporter in vitro and also in vivo in mice, for longitudinal monitoring of oncolytic viral persistence in infected tumor cells. This platform provides novel opportunities for studying the biology of viruses in animal models

    Temporal variations in Holocene slip rate along the central Garlock fault, Pilot Knob Valley, California

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    Average geologic slip rates along the central Garlock fault, in eastern California, are thought to have been relatively steady at 5-7 mm/yr since at least the Late Pleistocene, yet present-day rates inferred from geodetic velocity fields are indistinguishable from zero. We evaluate the possibility of non-steady slip over millennial timescales using displaced Late Holocene alluvium along the central Garlock fault in Pilot Knob Valley. Truncation of a Late Holocene alluvial fan deposit against a shutter ridge requires a minimum of 30-37 m of displacement since deposition of the fan; maximum allowable displacement is 43-50 m. The extent of soil development atop the fan surface and optically stimulated luminescence ages bracket fan deposition between 3.5 and 4.5 ka. Together, these data require that slip rates during the Late Holocene were ̃7-14 mm/yr, with a preferred rate of ̃11-13 mm/yr. Our results, in conjunction with previous estimates of displacement over the past ̃15 ka, require significant temporal variations in strain release along the Garlock fault and confirm previous suggestions that interactions among fault systems in eastern California give rise to alternating periods of fault activity and quiescence

    Survey of nucleon electromagnetic form factors

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    A dressed-quark core contribution to nucleon electromagnetic form factors is calculated. It is defined by the solution of a Poincare' covariant Faddeev equation in which dressed-quarks provide the elementary degree of freedom and correlations between them are expressed via diquarks. The nucleon-photon vertex involves a single parameter; i.e., a diquark charge radius. It is argued to be commensurate with the pion's charge radius. A comprehensive analysis and explanation of the form factors is built upon this foundation. A particular feature of the study is a separation of form factor contributions into those from different diagram types and correlation sectors, and subsequently a flavour separation for each of these. Amongst the extensive body of results that one could highlight are: r_1^{n,u}>r_1^{n,d}, owing to the presence of axial-vector quark-quark correlations; and for both the neutron and proton the ratio of Sachs electric and magnetic form factors possesses a zero.Comment: 43 pages, 17 figures, 12 tables, 5 appendice