369 research outputs found

    Large-scale relocation of two decades of Northern California seismicity using cross-correlation and double-difference methods

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    We simultaneously reanalyzed two decades (1984–2003) of the digital seismic archive of Northern California using waveform cross-correlation (CC) and double-difference (DD) methods to improve the resolution in hypocenter locations in the existing earthquake catalog generated at the Northern California Seismic Network (NCSN) by up to three orders of magnitude. We used a combination of ∼3 billion CC differential times measured from all correlated pairs of events that are separated by less than 5 km and ∼7 million P wave arrival-time picks listed in the NCSN bulletin. Data were inverted for precise relative locations of 311,273 events using the DD method. The relocated catalog is able to image the fine-scale structure of seismicity associated with active faults and revealed characteristic spatiotemporal structures such as streaks and repeating earthquakes. We found that 90% of the earthquakes have correlated P wave and S wave trains at common stations and that 12% are colocated repeating events. An analysis of the repeating events indicates that uncertainties at the 95% confidence level in the existing network locations are on average 0.7 km laterally and 2 km vertically. Correlation characteristics and relative location improvement are remarkably similar across most of Northern California, implying the general applicability of these techniques to image high-resolution seismicity caused by a variety of plate tectonic and anthropogenic processes. We show that consistent long-term seismic monitoring and data archiving practices are key to increase resolution in existing hypocenter catalogs and to estimate the precise location of future events on a routine basis

    Nuclear matter and neutron matter for improved quark mass density- dependent model with ρ\rho mesons

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    A new improved quark mass density-dependent model including u, d quarks, σ\sigma mesons, ω\omega mesons and ρ\rho mesons is presented. Employing this model, the properties of nuclear matter, neutron matter and neutron star are studied. We find that it can describe above properties successfully. The results given by the new improved quark mass density- dependent model and by the quark meson coupling model are compared.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Effective hadron masses and couplings in nuclear matter and incompressibility

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    The role of effective hadron masses and effective couplings in nuclear matter is studied using a generalized effective Lagrangian for sigma-omega model. A simple relation among the effective masses, the effective couplings and the incompressibility K is derived. Using the relation, it is found that the effective repulsive and the effective attractive forces are almost canceled to each other at the normal density. Inversely, if this cancellation is almost complete, K should be 250-350MeV.Comment: 13 pages of text, 16 figure

    Toxicity of statins on rat skeletal muscle mitochondria

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    Abstract.: We investigated mitochondrial toxicity of four lipophilic stains (cerivastatin, fluvastatin, atorvastatin, simvastatin) and one hydrophilic statin (pravastatin). In L6 cells (rat skeletal muscle cell line), the four lipophilic statins (100μmol/l) induced death in 27-49% of the cells. Pravastatin was not toxic up to 1mmol/l. Cerivastatin, fluvastatin and atorvastatin (100μmol/l) decreased the mitochondrial membrane potential by 49-65%, whereas simvastatin and pravastatin were less toxic. In isolated rat skeletal muscle mitochondria, all statins, except pravastatin, decreased glutamate-driven state 3 respiration and respiratory control ratio. Beta-oxidation was decreased by 88-96% in the presence of 100μmol/l of the lipophilic statins, but only at higher concentrations by pravastatin. Mitochondrial swelling, cytochrome c release and DNA fragmentation was induced in L6 cells by the four lipophilic statins, but not by pravastatin. Lipophilic statins impair the function of skeletal muscle mitochondria, whereas the hydrophilic pravastatin is significantly less toxi

    High-resolution image of Calaveras Fault seismicity

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    By measuring relative earthquake arrival times using waveform cross correlation and locating earthquakes using the double difference technique, we are able to reduce hypocentral errors by 1 to 2 orders of magnitude over routine locations for nearly 8000 events along a 35-km section of the Calaveras Fault. This represents ∼92% of all seismicity since 1984 and includes the rupture zone of the M 6.2 1984 Morgan Hill, California, earthquake. The relocated seismicity forms highly organized structures that were previously obscured by location errors. There are abundant repeating earthquake sequences as well as linear clusters of earthquakes. Large voids in seismicity appear with dimensions of kilometers that have been aseismic over the 30-year time interval, suggesting that these portions of the fault are either locked or creeping. The area of greatest slip in the Morgan Hill main shock coincides with the most prominent of these voids, suggesting that this part of the fault may be locked between large earthquakes. We find that the Calaveras Fault at depth is extremely thin, with an average upper bound on fault zone width of 75 m. Given the location error, however, this width is not resolvably different from zero. The relocations reveal active secondary faults, which we use to solve for the stress field in the immediate vicinity of the Calaveras Fault. We find that the maximum compressive stress is at a high angle, only 13° from the fault normal, supporting previous interpretations that this fault is weak

    Radiography of a normal fault system by 64,000 high-precision earthquake locations: The 2009 L'Aquila (central Italy) case study

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    We studied the anatomy of the fault system where the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake (M_W 6.1) nucleated by means of ~64 k high-precision earthquake locations spanning 1 year. Data were analyzed by combining an automatic picking procedure for P and S waves, together with cross-correlation and double-difference location methods reaching a completeness magnitude for the catalogue equal to 0.7 including 425 clusters of similar earthquakes. The fault system is composed by two major faults: the high-angle L'Aquila fault and the listric Campotosto fault, both located in the first 10 km of the upper crust. We detect an extraordinary degree of detail in the anatomy of the single fault segments resembling the degree of complexity observed by field geologists on fault outcrops. We observe multiple antithetic and synthetic fault segments tens of meters long in both the hanging wall and footwall along with bends and cross fault intersections along the main fault and fault splays. The width of the L'Aquila fault zone varies along strike from 0.3 km where the fault exhibits the simplest geometry and experienced peaks in the slip distribution, up to 1.5 km at the fault tips with an increase in the geometrical complexity. These characteristics, similar to damage zone properties of natural faults, underline the key role of aftershocks in fault growth and co-seismic rupture propagation processes. Additionally, we interpret the persistent nucleation of similar events at the seismicity cutoff depth as the presence of a rheological (i.e., creeping) discontinuity explaining how normal faults detach at depth

    Probing the equation of state in the AGS energy range with 3-d hydrodynamics

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    The effect of (i) the phase transition between a quark gluon plasma (QGP) and a hadron gas and (ii) the number of resonance degrees of freedom in the hadronic phase on the single inclusive distributions of 16 different types of produced hadrons for Au+Au collisions at AGS energies is studied. We have used an exact numerical solution of the relativistic hydrodynamical equations without free parameters which, because of its 3-d character, constitutes a considerable improvement over the classical Landau solution. Using two different equations of state (eos) - one containing a phase transition from QGP to the Hadronic Phase and two versions of a purely hadronic eos - we find that the first one gives an overall better description of the Au+Au experimental data at AGSAGS energies. We reproduce and analyse measured meson and proton spectra and also make predictions for anti-protons, deltas, anti-deltas and hyperons. The low m_t enhancement in pi- spectra is explained by baryon number conservation and strangeness equilibration. We also find that negative kaon data are more sensitive to the eos, as well as the K-/pi- ratio. All hyperons and deltas are sensitive to the presence of a phase transition in the forward rapidity region. Anti-protons, Omegas and heavy anti-baryons are sensitive in the whole rapidity range.Comment: 25 pages (.tex) and 9 figures (.ps

    Hadrons in Dense Resonance-Matter: A Chiral SU(3) Approach

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    A nonlinear chiral SU(3) approach including the spin 3/2 decuplet is developed to describe dense matter. The coupling constants of the baryon resonances to the scalar mesons are determined from the decuplet vacuum masses and SU(3) symmetry relations. Different methods of mass generation show significant differences in the properties of the spin-3/2 particles and in the nuclear equation of state.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figure