14 research outputs found

    Mental health, mental fatigue and breast cancer screening examination behavior in adult women

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     Breast cancer has attracted increasing attention recently, because the number of breast cancer patients has increased, and breast cancer has affected some famous people. In Japan, however, the rate of screening examinations for breast cancer remains low and has shown little increase. Various innovations have been introduced to raise the examination rate, but the existence of some kinds of psychosocial problems in examinees may be one reason for the limited effect of these efforts. Here we report a study on the mental health and mental fatigue level of adult women that could affect their behavior of undergoing examinations.  Questionnaires on breast cancer screening examination behavior were distributed to 5,321 adult women from March to September 2014, and responses were obtained from 1,752 (32.9%). After excluding women under 40 years old and questionnaires with clearly inadequate responses, the subjects of the investigation were 1,047 women.  Past experience of undergoing breast cancer screening and levels of mental health and mental fatigue using the WHO subjective well-being inventory (SUBI) were investigated. The SUBI consists of two scales for positive affect and negative affect that make up subjective well-being, with 11 subscales (General Well-Being Positive Affect, Expectation-Achievement Congruence, Confidence in Coping, Transcendence, Family Group Support, Social Support, Primary Group Concern, Inadequate Mental Mastery, Perceived Ill-Health, Deficiency in Social Contacts, and General Well-Being Negative Affect). It is used to assess levels of mental health and mental fatigue.  802 people (51.6 ± 7.97) had undergone examinations in the past, and 245 (49.3 ± 7.29 years old) had not. The group that had never undergone examinations tended to be significantly younger (P < 0.0001). The score for mental health level was significantly higher in the group that had undergone examinations (P = 0.013), but no significant difference was seen in mental fatigue level (P = 0.847). Subjects with poor mental health (score < 31) were significantly less likely to undergo screening examinations (odds ratio (OR) 1.61, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.112-2.331, P = 0.012). The results of a multivariate analysis of the 11 subscales showed trends of women being less likely to undergo screening examinations with higher scores for Confidence in Coping (OR 1.175, 95% CI 1.026-1.346, P = 0.019), and more likely to undergo screening examinations with higher scores for Family Group Support (OR 0.872, 95% CI 0.777-0.979, P = 0.020).  Low mental health level was found to be an impediment to the behavior of undergoing breast cancer screening examinations. Among the mental health items, family support and excessive confidence affected the behavior of undergoing examinations. Thus, approaches that raise mental health with that in mind are thought to be necessary

    卒業研究における学生の「やる気」の要因 : グループ研究の場合

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    本研究は、看護短大生を対象に、IGF法を活用した「やる気」調査をもとに、グループ形式で卒業研究に取り組む学生の「やる気」の要因を明らかにすることを目的とした。卒業研究前期では、学生の「やる気」グラフは多峰型を示し、促進要因は、[卒業研究過程の理解]、[グループダイナミクス]、阻害要因は、[卒業研究過程のつまずき]、[グループダイナミクス]、[身体コンディション不良]であった。中期では、グラフは直線型を示し、促進要因は、[前向きな取り組み]、阻害要 因は、[関心の転化]、[身体コンディション不良]であった。後期では、グラフはサイン・コサイン型を示した。特徴的な促進要因は見出せなかった。阻害要因は、[身体コンディション不良]であった

    卒業研究における「やる気」の要因分析 : 調査と観察による検討

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    臨地実習における終末期がん患者への看護に対する学生の不安 : STAIと自由記述による分析

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