636 research outputs found

    An analysis for more equitable revenue and expenditure allocations within Lingnan College

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    From the triennial 1995-98, the funds allocated from University Grants Committee to universities have decreased. In order to use the limited resources effectively, and to manage their revenue and costs efficiently, universities have to set up a better budgeting system. Therefore, the eight universities in Hong Kong are proposing the Revenue Center Management (RCM) instead of the current budgeting system. The purposes of this project focuses on the analyses of the current budgeting system adopted at Lingnan College, and the proposed RCM budgeting system

    Agent Transparency for Intelligent Target Identification in the Maritime Domain, and its impact on Operator Performance, Workload and Trust

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    This item is only available electronically.Objective: To examine how increasing the transparency of an intelligent maritime target identification system impacts on operator performance, workload and trust in the intelligent agent. Background: Previous research has shown that operator accuracy improves with increased transparency of an intelligent agent’s decisions and recommendations. This can be at the cost of increased workload and response time, although this has not been found by all studies. Prior studies have predominately focussed on route planning and navigation, and it is unclear if the benefits of agent transparency would apply to other tasks such as target identification. Method: Twenty seven participants were required to identify a number of tracks based on a set of identification criteria and the recommendation of an intelligent agent at three transparency levels in a repeated-measures design. The intelligent agent generated an identification recommendation for each track with different levels of transparency information displayed and participants were required to determine the identity of the track. For each transparency level, 70% of the recommendations made by the intelligent agent were correct, with incorrect recommendation due to additional information that the agent was not aware of, such as information from the ship’s radar. Participants’ identification accuracy and identification time were measured, and surveys on operator subjective workload and subjective trust in the intelligent agent were collected for each transparency level. Results: The results indicated that increased transparency information improved the operators’ sensitivity to the accuracy of the agent’s decisions and produced a greater tendency Agent Transparency for Intelligent Target Identification 33 to accept the agent’s decision. Increased agent transparency facilitated human-agent teaming without increasing workload or response time when correctly accepting the intelligent agent’s decision, but increased the response time when rejecting incorrect intelligent agent’s decisions. Participants also reported a higher level of trust when the intelligent agent was more transparent. Conclusion: This study shows the ability of agent transparency to improve performance without increasing workload. Greater agent transparency is also beneficial in building operator trust in the agent. Application: The current study can inform the design and use of uninhabited vehicles and intelligent agents in the maritime context for target identification. It also demonstrates that providing greater transparency of intelligent agents can improve human-agent teaming performance for a previously unstudied task and domain, and hence suggests broader applicability for the design of intelligent agents.Thesis (M.Psych(Organisational & Human Factors)) -- University of Adelaide, School of Psychology, 201

    Searching for a Musical Middle Way: A Composition for Multi-traditional Percussion

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    This thesis aims to integrate the author's major fields of musical training through a suite of compositions that combines compositional and aesthetic elements of those traditions, namely, Japanese taiko drumming, Karnatic drumming, and the Chinese xiao (vertical bamboo flute). The suite is comprised of four compositions, each of which will be related and dedicated to one chapter from the Buddhist philosophical treatise, Treatise of the Middle Way (Mulamadhyamakakarika) by Nagarjuna, as a thematic link that connects the compositions. The Mulamadhyamakakarika is a seminal Buddhist work that sets forth a penetrating view on the Buddhist concept of emptiness, and the realization of its relation to the nature of phenomenal existence as the ultimate "Middle Way." The use of the Buddhist treatise is also a reference to the author's own philosophical and spiritual views that are often integrated into her performance experiences. The four compositions will also be connected through the use of the number five as a structural and compositional element in each piece. The primary aim of this thesis is to explore and consolidate the author's emerging musical voice through her experiences within these traditions. The integration of diverse musical and aesthetic ideas will be demonstrated through both the compositional aspects as well as through the recorded performance of these pieces by the author

    Effectiveness and Cost-effectiveness of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccines in Cervical Cancer Prophylaxis

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    Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the main cause of cervical cancer. Cervical cancer patients go through painful long-term treatments and high medical costs. Prevention is better than cure. Hence, regular cervical screening is recommended for Hong Kong women to prevent this disease. Some studies have been conducted in Western countries to show that cost-effectiveness can be achieved by combining HPV vaccines with regular screening. The study is guided by three research groups on the future implication of the cost-effectiveness of three cervical cancer prevention strategies: (1) annual Pap smear for women aged 25–42, (2) HPV vaccination at age 12, and (3) HPV vaccination at age 12 combined with annual Pap smear screening at age 25–42. The three groups are compared in terms of their total lifetime cost, cost-effectiveness ratio and incremental life expectancy. The Markov model software is used as the main analytical tool. After analyzing, annual Pap smear screening is a cost-effective method to prevent cervical cancer that the total lifetime cost was approximately USD145.69; cost-effectiveness ratio was USD8.80/DALY; and incremental life expectancy was 2.72 years. Moreover, HPV vaccination combined with annual Pap smear screening is an effective way to prolong the life expectancy of women regardless of race that the total lifetime cost was approximately USD545.12; cost-effectiveness ratio was USD29.56/DALY; and incremental life expectancy was 2.84 years. Such result provides important insight for the formulation of a health care policy to prevent cervical cancer. This policy can save lives and reduce local treatment costs


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    從來小說中的環境描述,都是小說創作中一項具體而重要的細節與象徵。小說 作者往往藉由對場所/環境的選取與陳述,建構舖陳出小說中的情調與氛圍,其 中蘊涵著作者個人對現實的感懷與情緒的投射。在不同的年代裏,都有作者以 香港為小說的場景,他們透過不同的主題與角色,或頹靡,或抒情,或狂亂, 或純真,或虛或實;所帶出的香港故事,與時俱變。如果都會的變貌是香港這 座城市的本命,那麼它是如何影響及反映在以香港作為場景的小說之中?而這 些以香港為場景的小說,又如何呈現了香港的氛圍與面貌?本論文嘗試以小說 的「空間」 及「場景」──也就是香港──為探索主題,從文本中歸納勾勒出 「文學中的香港」的面貌,並對照不同作者的共通描述。 論文共分六章。第一章為導論,主要介紹論文的研究範圍、方法及目的。第二 章討論香港小說中的豪宅、半山洋房與大酒店;這些「空間」呈現了上流社會 和中產階級,主要來自「外來作家」的描述。第二章討論香港小說中的木屋區、 板間房和床位;四、五十年代從國內南來的作家,他們的小說總離不開他們對現實生活的憤慨與生存的苦苦掙扎,木屋區、板間房與床位就成為他們描寫現 實生活的重要場景。第三章討論香港小說中的大廈;居住環境的擠迫,已經成 為香港社會裏無法逃避的一種現實狀態,這樣的題旨都曾經出現在劉以鬯、也 斯和西西的小說裏,不過他們態度迴異,構成了不一樣的城市氛圍。第五章討 論香港小說中正在消失的城市;九十年代的小說作者有意無意地,把小說中城 市的面貌意象化,現實從具體變得抽象,而其中的焦慮不安與不捨卻因而顯得 更加真實。第六章為總結及檢討

    A SOA-driven business intelligence architecture

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    A business intelligence architecture comprises of different unique components to collect, transform, analyze and present the structured and unstructured raw data in simple formats to assist decision makers in making timely decisions. The introduction of service-oriented architecture (SOA) enables reusable services which are accessible over a network on demand. However, there is still a lack of academic literatures on the business intelligence architecture with service-oriented concept. Based upon various references on BI architectures from major vendors, a novel BI architecture that is built on service-oriented concept is presented and described in this paper. The proposed service-oriented architecture enables enterprises to deploy a more agile, flexible, cheaper, reusable, reliable and responsive BI applications in supporting decision making process.<br /

    Composing race and nation: intercultural music and postcolonial identities in Malaysia and Singapore

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    This thesis examines the process of hybridity in intercultural music and its deployment as sites for the politics of identity, of both racial and national, in a cross-cultural context in contemporary Malaysia and Singapore. To demonstrate this process, this thesis analyses four pieces of contemporary music written for mixed and vocal ensembles by composers in Malaysia and Singapore. These four case studies reflect the differences in identity formation by different races, and varying notions of belonging and not-belonging. The 'speaking' positions of the composers (with regard to issues of majority/minority, class and race) are the essential starting points for the inference of any identity construction. The analyses reveal that new identities or new interpretations of racial identities are performatively constructed through the citations of(and 'play' on)fixities and such established norms. To successfully argue my case, I use Bakhtin's (1981) concept of intentional hybridity and dialogism to explain the process of inter-culturalism. In polyglossic societies such as Malaysia and Singapore, hybridity and dialogism naturally take place in the day-to-day interactions between races. Within the framework of a composition, differences(of cultures)are not smoothed over but are allowed to come up against each other, to, virtually, fight it out. This is demonstrated in my analysis of the musical works: the ways in which different textures, discordant timbre and tuning systems, performance styles and assortments of rhythms are incongruously juxtaposed to each other. This thesis also examines these compositions within their performance contexts to better apprehend the process of identification, arguing that it is the concerted effort of composer, performer and audience that produce meaning

    Benchmarking The Accounting And Finance Functions Of Hong Kong Firms

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    In this article the results of a Benchmarking study sponsored by the Hong Kong Society for Accountants, Financial Management Committee are reported.&nbsp; The study, in the form of a survey, was sent to 633 listed Hong Kong firms.&nbsp; Sixty-seven firms responded to the survey crossing six different industries and a variety of capitalization levels.&nbsp; The survey consisted of thirty-two questions that addressed seven areas of interest related to the accounting and finance functions within the firms.&nbsp; The results provide benchmarks by which firms can compare their operations to those of other similar firms.&nbsp; Firms can identify strengths, weaknesses and best practices and utilize the information to make changes in their organizations.&nbsp; By doing so, firms may be able to achieve improved competitiveness and increased profitability

    Universal Health Coverage through Community Nursing Services: China vs. Hong Kong

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    Objetivo: este artículo analiza cómo el desarrollo de los servicios de enfermería comunitaria en China y Hong Kong pueden expandir la cobertura universal de salud. Métodos: revisión de datos y literatura han sido utilizados en este estudio. Resultados: los servicios de enfermería han evolucionado mucho desde el comienzo de la profesión. El desarrollo de los servicios de enfermería comunitaria han ampliado el alcance de los servicios de enfermería a las personas que necesitan, no sólo en cuidados de enfermería en el hospital, sino también en una atención más integral para mejorar la salud y calidad de vida. Conclusión: a pesar del tipo de gobierno “un país, dos sistemas” y las diferencias de población y geografía, Hong Kong y China se enfrentan al envejecimiento de la población y sus complicaciones. Los servicios de enfermería comunitaria ayudan a allanar el camino hacia la cobertura universal de salud.Objetivo: este artigo analisa a forma como o desenvolvimento de serviços de enfermagem comunitários na China e Hong Kong pode melhorar a cobertura universal de saúde. Métodos: literatura e revisão de dados foram utilizados neste estudo. Resultados: serviços de enfermagem têm evoluído muito desde o início da profissão de enfermagem. O desenvolvimento dos serviços de enfermagem da comunidade ampliou o escopo dos serviços de enfermagem, para aqueles que precisam não apenas de cuidados de enfermagem de nível de hospital, mas cuidados mais holísticos para melhorar a saúde e qualidade de vida. Conclusão: apesar de ser “um-país-dois-sistemas” de governo, e as diferenças de população e geografia, Hong Kong e China enfrentam o envelhecimento da população e suas complicações. Os serviços de enfermagem da comunidade ajudam a pavimentar o caminho para a cobertura de saúde universal.Objective: this article looks at how the development of community nursing services in China and Hong Kong can enhance universal health coverage. Methods: literature and data review have been utilized in this study. Results: nursing services have evolved much since the beginning of the nursing profession. The development of community nursing services has expanded the scope of nursing services to those in need of, not just hospital-level nursing care, but more holistic care to improve health and quality of life. Conclusion: despite the one-country-two-systems governance and the difference in population and geography, Hong Kong and China both face the aging population and its complications. Community nursing services help to pave the road to Universal Health Coverage