38 research outputs found

    Inter-laboratory multiplex bead-based surface protein profiling of MSC-derived EV preparations identifies MSC-EV surface marker signatures

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    Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are promising regenerative therapeutics that primarily exert their effects through secreted extracellular vesicles (EVs). These EVs – being small and non-living – are easier to handle and possess advantages over cellular products. Consequently, the therapeutic potential of MSC-EVs is increasingly investigated. However, due to variations in MSC-EV manufacturing strategies, MSC-EV products should be considered as highly diverse. Moreover, the diverse array of EV characterisation technologies used for MSC-EV characterisation further complicates reliable interlaboratory comparisons of published data. Consequently, this study aimed to establish a common method that can easily be used by various MSC-EV researchers to characterise MSC-EV preparations to facilitate interlaboratory comparisons. To this end, we conducted a comprehensive inter-laboratory assessment using a novel multiplex bead-based EV flow cytometry assay panel. This assessment involved 11 different MSC-EV products from five laboratories with varying MSC sources, culture conditions, and EV preparation methods. Through this assay panel covering a range of mostly MSC-related markers, we identified a set of cell surface markers consistently positive (CD44, CD73 and CD105) or negative (CD11b, CD45 and CD197) on EVs of all explored MSC-EV preparations. Hierarchical clustering analysis revealed distinct surface marker profiles associated with specific preparation processes and laboratory conditions. We propose CD73, CD105 and CD44 as robust positive markers for minimally identifying MSC-derived EVs and CD11b, CD14, CD19, CD45 and CD79 as reliable negative markers. Additionally, we highlight the influence of culture medium components, particularly human platelet lysate, on EV surface marker profiles, underscoring the influence of culture conditions on resulting EV products. This standardisable approach for MSC-EV surface marker profiling offers a tool for routine characterisation of manufactured EV products in pre-clinical and clinical research, enhances the quality control of MSC-EV preparations, and hopefully paves the way for higher consistency and reproducibility in the emerging therapeutic MSC-EV field

    In-group bias and fair-mindedness as strategies of self-presentation in intergroup perception

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    Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin242147-16

    (Bulletin No.3)A Survey On The Taiwan Main Irrigating Rivers And Their Currents And Qualties Of Water

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    1 本省河流,因受地形之限制,河短流急,流水量一般均甚少,而不同時期水量之變化則甚大,故引水灌溉,頗感困難。 2 本省河水之水質,一般尚稱良好,惟白水溪與二層行溪含鈉鹽較高,故引此二溪灌溉之士壤,宜施予適量之石灰。 This survey was carried out by Japanese experts from 1914 to 1923, during the Japan ese occupied period. There were more than twenty rivers having been surveyed and their currents and chemical qualities of water analyzed. Though the data presented in this report were some comparatively old, they seemed still having their values for the reference of the agriculturists and engeeners

    (Bulletin No.4) A Study On The Use Of The Plaster Of Paris Absorption Block Electrical Resistance Method For Measuring Soil Moisture

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    在五種不同構造之焦石膏電極中,以容積為6.2×3.6×0.7cm,鎳線長度為30cm之E型電極示最佳之成績,因此類電極之水份_電阻變化銳敏,適宜於土壤有效水份之測定。 對各種土壤之水份當量,E型電極指示之電阻為70-100歐姆,對枯萎係數約為1000-7000歐姆,在此有效水份範圍內,土壞水份_電阻之變化均甚顯著,且於數次重複巾均獲得同樣結果。 溫度對電阻測定有影響,在50℃至5℃必間,電阻隨溫度之降低有逐漸昇高傾向,惟共變化甚緩,且較一致,5℃以下則有加速度之進展。溫度每昇降一度,由於電阻之變異而引起之上壤水份差異,在粘土中約±0.1%在壤土中則僅0.03%而已。 The use of the plaster of paris absorption block electrical resistance method f or measuring soil moisture has already been studied and improved by G. Bou-youcos, Alfred B. G. Anderson and N. R. Edlefsen and others. The present investigation was carried out by limiting the purpose to the following points:- (a the proper construction of the electrode used in the absorption block, (b) the conditions and corrections needed for the measurement