1 本省河流,因受地形之限制,河短流急,流水量一般均甚少,而不同時期水量之變化則甚大,故引水灌溉,頗感困難。
2 本省河水之水質,一般尚稱良好,惟白水溪與二層行溪含鈉鹽較高,故引此二溪灌溉之士壤,宜施予適量之石灰。
This survey was carried out by Japanese experts from 1914 to 1923, during the Japan ese occupied period. There were more than twenty rivers having been surveyed and their currents and chemical qualities of water analyzed. Though the data presented in this report were some comparatively old, they seemed still having their values for the reference of the agriculturists and engeeners