6,639 research outputs found

    Numerical Regularization of Electromagnetic Quantum Fluctuations in Inhomogeneous Dielectric Media

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    Electromagnetic Casimir stresses are of relevance to many technologies based on mesoscopic devices such as MEMS embedded in dielectric media, Casimir induced friction in nano-machinery, micro-fluidics and molecular electronics. Computation of such stresses based on cavity QED generally require numerical analysis based on a regularization process. A new scheme is described that has the potential for wide applicability to systems involving realistic inhomogeneous media. From a knowledge of the spectrum of the stationary modes of the electromagnetic field the scheme is illustrated by estimating numerically the Casimir stress on opposite faces of a pair of perfectly conducting planes separated by a vacuum and the change in this result when the region between the plates is filled with an incompressible inhomogeneous non-dispersive dielectric.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, submitted to PR

    Variation of the first Hilbert coefficients of parameters with a common integral closure

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    A problem posed by Wolmer V. Vasconcelos on the variation of the first Hilbert coefficients of parameter ideals with a common integral closure in a local ring is studied. Affirmative answers are given and counterexamples are explored as well

    Selection and photometric properties of K+A galaxies

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    Two different simple measurements of galaxy star formation rate with different timescales are compared empirically on 156,395156,395 fiber spectra of galaxies with r<17.77r<17.77 mag taken from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey in the redshift range 0.05<z<0.200.05<z<0.20: a ratio \Aamp / \Kamp found by fitting a linear sum of an average old stellar poplulation spectrum (\Kamp) and average A-star spectrum (\Aamp) to the galaxy spectrum, and the equivalent width (EW) of the \Halpha emission line. The two measures are strongly correlated, but there is a small clearly separated population of outliers from the median correlation that display excess \Aamp /\Kamp relative to \Halpha EW. These ``K+A'' (or ``E+A'') galaxies must have dramatically decreased their star-formation rates over the last 1\sim 1 Gyr. The K+A luminosity distribution is very similar to that of the total galaxy population. The K+A population appears to be bulge-dominated, but bluer and higher surface-brightness than normal bulge-dominated galaxies; it appears that K+A galaxies will fade with time into normal bulge-dominated galaxies. The inferred rate density for K+A galaxy formation is 104h3Mpc3Gyr1\sim 10^{-4} h^3 Mpc^{-3} Gyr^{-1} at redshift z0.1z\sim 0.1. These events are taking place in the field; K+A galaxies don't primarily lie in the high-density environments or clusters typical of bulge-dominated populations.Comment: submitted to Ap

    Realization of Strong Coupling Fixed Point in Multilevel Kondo Models

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    Impurity four- and six-level Kondo model, in which an ion is tunneling among four- and six-stable points and interacting with surrounding conduction electrons, are investigated by using the perturbative and numerical renormalization group methods. It is shown that purely orbital Kondo effects occur at low temperatures in these systems which are direct generalizations of the Kondo effect in the so-called two-level system. This result offers a good explanation for the enhanced and magnetically robust Sommerfeld coefficient observed in SmOs_4Sb_12 and some other filled-skutterudites.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, for proceedings of ASR-WYP-2005. To be published in Journal of Physical Society Japan supplemen

    Aspects of quantum energy and stress in inhomogeneous unbounded dielectric continua

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    This article explores a number of issues associated with the problem of calculating and detecting electromagnetic quantum induced energy and stress in a stationary dielectric material with a smooth inhomogeneous polarizability. By concentrating on a particular system composed of an ENZ-type (epsilon-near-zero) meta-material, chosen to have a particular anisotropic and smooth inhomogeneous permittivity, confined in an infinitely long perfectly conducting open rectangular waveguide, we are able to deduce analytically from the source-free Maxwell’s equations and their boundary conditions a complete set of bounded harmonic electromagnetic evanescent eigen-modes and their associated eigen-frequencies. Since these solutions prohibit the existence of asymptotic scattering states in the guide, the application of the conventional Lifshitz approach to the Casimir stress problem becomes uncertain. An alternative approach is adopted based upon the spectral properties of the system and a regularization scheme constructed with direct applicability to more general systems composed of dielectrics with smooth inhomogeneous permittivities and open systems that may only admit evanescent modes. This more general scheme enables one, for the first time, to prescribe precise criteria for the extraction of finite quantum expectation values from regularized mode sums together with error bounds on these values, and is used to derive analytic or numeric results for regularized electromagnetic ground state expectation values in the guide

    Efficient LZ78 factorization of grammar compressed text

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    We present an efficient algorithm for computing the LZ78 factorization of a text, where the text is represented as a straight line program (SLP), which is a context free grammar in the Chomsky normal form that generates a single string. Given an SLP of size nn representing a text SS of length NN, our algorithm computes the LZ78 factorization of TT in O(nN+mlogN)O(n\sqrt{N}+m\log N) time and O(nN+m)O(n\sqrt{N}+m) space, where mm is the number of resulting LZ78 factors. We also show how to improve the algorithm so that the nNn\sqrt{N} term in the time and space complexities becomes either nLnL, where LL is the length of the longest LZ78 factor, or (Nα)(N - \alpha) where α0\alpha \geq 0 is a quantity which depends on the amount of redundancy that the SLP captures with respect to substrings of SS of a certain length. Since m=O(N/logσN)m = O(N/\log_\sigma N) where σ\sigma is the alphabet size, the latter is asymptotically at least as fast as a linear time algorithm which runs on the uncompressed string when σ\sigma is constant, and can be more efficient when the text is compressible, i.e. when mm and nn are small.Comment: SPIRE 201

    Disentangling the Dynamical Mechanisms for Cluster Galaxy Evolution

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    The determination of the dynamical causes of the morphological Butcher-Oemler (BO) effect, or the rapid transformation of a large population of late-type galaxies to earlier Hubble types in the rich cluster environment between intermediate redshifts and the local universe, has been an important unsolved problem which is central to our understanding of the general problems of galaxy formation and evolution. In this article, we survey the existing proposed mechanisms for cluster galaxy transformation, and discuss their relevance and limitations to the explanation of the morphological BO effect. A new infrared diagnostic approach is devised to disentangle the relative importance of several major physical mechanisms to account for the BO effect, and an example of the first application of this procedure to a single rich, intermediate redshift galaxy cluster is given to demonstrate the viability of this approach. The preliminary result of this analysis favors the interaction-enhanced secular evolution process as the major cause of the cluster-galaxy morphological transformation. This conclusion is also supported by a wide range of other published results which are assembled here to highlight their implications on a coherent physical origin for the morphological BO effect.Comment: Accepted for publication in the PAS