9,624 research outputs found

    Correlations and linkages between the sun and the earth's atmosphere: Needed measurements and observations

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    A study was conducted to identify the sequence of processes that lead from some change in solar input to the earth to a change in tropospheric circulation and weather. Topics discussed include: inputs from the sun, the solar wind, and the magnetosphere; bremsstrahlung, ionizing radiation, cirrus clouds, thunderstorms, wave propagation, and gravity waves

    Cricket antennae shorten when bending (Acheta domesticus L.).

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    Insect antennae are important mechanosensory and chemosensory organs. Insect appendages, such as antennae, are encased in a cuticular exoskeleton and are thought to bend only between segments or subsegments where the cuticle is thinner, more flexible, or bent into a fold. There is a growing appreciation of the dominating influence of folds in the mechanical behavior of a structure, and the bending of cricket antennae was considered in this context. Antennae will bend or deflect in response to forces, and the resulting bending behavior will affect the sensory input of the antennae. In some cricket antennae, such as in those of Acheta domesticus, there are a large number (>100) of subsegments (flagellomeres) that vary in their length. We evaluated whether these antennae bend only at the joints between flagellomeres, which has always been assumed but not tested. In addition we questioned whether an antenna undergoes a length change as it bends, which would result from some patterns of joint deformation. Measurements using light microscopy and SEM were conducted on both male and female adult crickets (Acheta domesticus) with bending in four different directions: dorsal, ventral, medial, and lateral. Bending occurred only at the joints between flagellomeres, and antennae shortened a comparable amount during bending, regardless of sex or bending direction. The cuticular folds separating antennal flagellomeres are not very deep, and therefore as an antenna bends, the convex side (in tension) does not have a lot of slack cuticle to "unfold" and does not lengthen during bending. Simultaneously on the other side of the antenna, on the concave side in compression, there is an increasing overlap in the folded cuticle of the joints during bending. Antennal shortening during bending would prevent stretching of antennal nerves and may promote hemolymph exchange between the antenna and head

    Introduction to the World Climate Programme

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    Geospatial analysis of invasive plant species and their threats to ecological functionality at the VCU Rice Rivers Center

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    Invasive plants are a significant threat to native ecosystems and to biodiversity. They are often strong competitors and have multiple techniques to outcompete native plants. Thus, controlling or removing invasive plants facilitates the restoration of native ecosystems. We used GPS technology coupled with field surveying techniques adapted from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to locate and identify invasive plants present within VCU’s Rice Rivers Center. We digitally overlaid a 50-meter x 50-meter grid system over the property. In each grid cell we recorded visual estimations of invasive plant coverage sorted into modified Daubenmire cover classes and used ArcGIS for mapping and analysis. Altogether, we found 25 unique invasive plant species. 93% of the grid cells contained at least one invasive species, and one grid cell contained seven unique species. The influence of anthropogenic disturbance on invasive species distribution, analyzed by using a 50-meter wide buffer zone around each disturbance (e.g., roads, buildings, etc.), showed that the presence and coverage of invasive species was greater within disturbed areas compared to intact forest. Microstegium vimineum, Lonicera japonica, and Ligustrum sinense were most common and widely distributed within terrestrial habitats, while Murdannia keisak was most widely distributed in the restored wetland. Our results for M. vimineum were compared to a similar 2004 study: this species has since spread from 40% to 76% of the grid cells. The spatial maps we have created will be a foundation for an integrated invasive species management program at the Rice Rivers Center and will assist with management, control and restoration efforts within terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems

    Extragalactic H 2 regions in the UV: Implications for primeval galaxies and quasars

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    Three extragalactic regions of rapid star formation with red shifts great enough to separate the L alpha region from geocoronal L alpha were observed with the IUE satellite. Only the low metal abundance object had detectable L alpha emission. L alpha is therefore expected to be weak or absent in collapsed primeval galaxies. The detected object has a L alpha H beta identical to that of quasars

    The Solar Anomalous and Magnetospheric Particle Explorer (SAMPEX) yo-yo despin and solar array deployment mechanism

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    The SAMPEX spacecraft, successfully launched in July 1992, carried a yo-yo despin system and deployable solar arrays. The despin and solar array mechanisms formed an integral system as the yo-yo cables held the solar array release mechanism in place. The SAMPEX design philosophy was to minimize size and weight through the use of a predominantly single string system. The design challenge was to build a system in a limited space, which was reliable with minimal redundancy. This paper covers the design and development of the SAMPEX yo-yo despin and solar array deployment mechanisms. The problems encountered during development and testing will also be discussed

    An Investment Prospectus: Strengthening Education and Democracy through Service-Learning

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    Service-learning has deep roots in many American reforms, traditions, and disciplines. The cooperative extension movement in higher education, the settlement house work of Jane Addams, the pedagogies of John Dewey, the freedom schools of the African-American community: all these types of experiential education have connected young people to their communities as does service-learning. Service-learning is a teaching method that engages young people in community problem-solving as part of their education, both in school and out-of-school settings

    Solar wind sputtering effects in the Martian atmosphere

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    A Monte Carlo simulation of the sputtering of the upper atmosphere of Mars by the solar wind was performed. The calculated sputtering yields imply loss rates (molecules/cm square - sec escaping the planet) for carbon dioxide, carbon, and oxygen of R(CO2) = 2.6 X 1000000/cm square - sec, R(C) = 6.6 X 1000000/cm square - sec, and R(O) = 7.7 X 1000000/cm - sec. The total mass loss by sputtering is only about 10% of that due to chemical and photo-chemical processes, but sputtering provides a major exospheric sink for carbon. The erosion process described here preferentially removes the lighter components of the atmosphere. Calculations based on a Monte Carlo simulation suggest that for a model atmosphere, 97% of the N2 and 33% of the CO2 originally present may have been sputtered away over 4.5 X 10 to the 9th power y. In the same length of time the (15)N/(14)N isotopic ratio for the bulk atmosphere would have increased by a factor 1.7
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