10,874 research outputs found

    Diffusive convective overshoot in core He-burning intermediate mass stars. I: the LMC metallicity

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    We present detailed evolutionary calculations focused on the evolution of intermediate mass stars with 3 Msun < M < 9 Msun of metallicity typical of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), i.e. Z=0.008. We compare carefully the models calculated by adopting a diffusive scheme for chemical mixing, in which nuclear burning and mixing are self-consistently coupled, while the eddy velocities beyond the formal convective core boundary are treated to decay exponentially, and those calculated with the traditional instantaneous mixing approximation. We find that: i) the physical and chemical behaviour of the models during the H-burning phase is independent of the scheme used for the treatment of mixing inside the CNO burning core; ii) the duration of the He-burning phase relative to the MS phase is systematically longer in the diffusive models, due to a slower redistribution of helium to the core from the outer layers; iii) the fraction of time spent in the blue part of the clump, compared to the stay in the red, is larger in the diffusive models. The differences described in points ii) and iii) tend to vanish for M > Msun. In terms of the theoretical interpretation of an open cluster stellar population, the differences introduced by the use of a self-consistent scheme for mixing in the core with adjacent exponential decay are relevant for ages in the range 80 Myr < t < 200 Myr. These results are robust, since they are insensitive to the choice of the free-parameters regulating the extension of the extra-mixing region.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figure, accepted for publication on Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Electronic and structural distortions in graphene induced by carbon vacancies and boron doping

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    We present an ab initio study on the structural and electronic distortions of modified graphene by creation of vacancies, inclusion of boron atoms, and the coexistence of both, by means of thermodynamics and band structure calculations. In the case of coexistence of boron atoms and vacancy, the modified graphene presents spin polarization only when B atoms locate far from vacancy. Thus, when a boron atom fills single- and di-vacancies, it suppresses the spin polarization of the charge density. In particular when B atoms fill a di-vacancy a new type of rearrangement occurs, where a stable BC4 unit is formed inducing important out of plane distortions to graphene. All these findings suggest that new chemical modifications to graphene and new type of vacancies can be used for interesting applications such as sensor and chemical labeling.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures and 3 table

    The Lithium Depletion Boundary and the Age of the Young Open Cluster IC~2391

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    We have obtained new photometry and intermediate resolution (Δλ=2.7\Delta \lambda = 2.7 \AA\ ) spectra of 19 of these objects (14.9 ≀\le IcI_c ≀\le 17.5) in order to confirm cluster membership. We identify 15 of our targets as likely cluster members based on their VRIVRI photometry, spectral types, radial velocity, and Hα\alpha emission strengths. Higher S/N spectra were obtained for 8 of these probable cluster members in order to measure the strength of the lithium 6708 \AA\ doublet and thus obtain an estimate of the cluster's age. One of these 8 stars has a definite lithium detection and two other (fainter) stars have possible lithium detections. A color-magnitude diagram for our program objects shows that the lithium depletion boundary in IC~2391 is at IcI_c=16.2. Using recent theoretical model predictions, we derive an age for IC~2391 of 53±\pm5 Myr. While this is considerably older than the age most commonly attributed for this cluster (∌\sim35 Myr) this result for IC~2391 is comparable those recently derived for the Pleiades and Alpha Persei clusters and can be explained by new models for high mass stars that incorporate a modest amount of convective core overshooting.Comment: ApJ Letters, acccepte

    Abundance patterns of multiple populations in Globular Clusters: a chemical evolution model based on yields from AGB ejecta

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    A large number of spectroscopic studies have provided evidence of the presence of multiple populations in globular clusters by revealing patterns in the stellar chemical abundances. This paper is aimed at studying the origin of these abundance patterns. We explore a model in which second generation (SG) stars form out of a mix of pristine gas and ejecta of the first generation of asymptotic giant branch stars. We first study the constraints imposed by the spectroscopic data of SG stars in globular clusters on the chemical properties of the asymptotic and super asymptotic giant branch ejecta. With a simple one-zone chemical model, we then explore the formation of the SG population abundance patterns focussing our attention on the Na-O, Al-Mg anticorrelations and on the helium distribution function. We carry out a survey of models and explore the dependence of the final SG chemical properties on the key parameters affecting the gas dynamics and the SG formation process. Finally, we use our chemical evolution framework to build specific models for NGC 2808 and M4, two Galactic globular clusters which show different patterns in the Na-O and Mg-Al anticorrelation and have different helium distributions. We find that the amount of pristine gas involved in the formation of SG stars is a key parameter to fit the observed O-Na and Mg-Al patterns. The helium distribution function for these models is in general good agreement with the observed one. Our models, by shedding light on the role of different parameters and their interplay in determining the final SG chemical properties, illustrate the basic ingredients, constraints and problems encountered in this self-enrichment scenario which must be addressed by more sophisticated chemical and hydrodynamic simulations.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, MNRAS accepte

    Electromigration in thin tunnel junctions with ferromagnetic/nonmagnetic: nanoconstrictions, local heating, and direct and wind forces

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    Current Induced Resistance Switching (CIS) was recently observed in thin tunnel junctions with ferromagnetic (FM) electrodes \emph{i.e} FM/I/FM. This effect was attributed to electromigration of metallic atoms in nanoconstrictions in the insulating barrier (I). Here we study how the CIS effect is influenced by a thin non-magnetic (NM) Ta layer, deposited just below the AlOx_x insulating barrier in tunnel junctions of the type FM/NM/I/FM (FM=CoFe). Enhanced resistance switching occurs with increasing maximum applied current (\Imax), until a plateau of constant CIS is reached for \Imax\sim65 mA (CIS∌\sim60%) and above. However, such high electrical currents also lead to a large (∌\sim9%) irreversible resistance decrease, indicating barrier degradation. Anomalous voltage-current characteristics with negative derivative were also observed near \pm\Imax and this effect is here attributed to heating in the tunnel junction. One observes that the current direction for which resistance switches in FM/NM/I/FM (clockwise) is opposite to that of FM/I/FM tunnel junctions (anti-clockwise). This effect will be discussed in terms of a competition between the electromigration contributions due to the so called direct and wind forces. It will be shown that the direct force is likely to dominate electromigration in the Ta (NM) layers, while the wind contribution likely dominates in the CoFe (FM) layers

    Coagulation properties and Nostrano di Primiero cheese yield of milk from Brown grazing cows of different k-casein genotype

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    Propriet\ue0 di coagulazione e resa in Nostrano di Primiero del latte di vacche Brune al pascolo con differente genotipo per la k-caseina \u2013 Il latte prodotto in alpeggio da 16 bovine di razza Bruna Italiana con diverso genotipo per la k-caseina, 8 AA e 8 BB, \ue8 stato analizzato per composizione e caratteristiche reologiche. Lo stesso latte \ue8 stato trasformato in formaggio del tipo Nostrano di Primiero. La composizione del latte e il tempo di coagulazione (r) sono risultati simili tra i due tipi genetici, cos\uec come la composizione del siero e la resa in formaggio. Il tempo di rassodamento del coagulo (k20) e la sua consistenza (a30) sono risultati invece migliori per il tipo genetico BB rispetto all\u2019AA (4,2 min vs 7,9 min e 32,9 mm vs 25,2 mm)

    International deepwater rice workshop

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    Preliminary Studies of Ground Motions at Treasure Island and Yerba Buena Sites During the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake

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    Site response analyses were conducted at the Treasure Island site where surface motions were recorded during the Loma Prieta earthquake. The analyses were conducted using a nonlinear dynamic effective stress method which took into account the effects of the liquefaction that occurred at the site. The rock motions recorded at nearby Yerba Buena Island were used as input motions. Computed and recorded ground motions transverse to the direction of wave propagation and associated response spectra were in good agreement. Agreement was also good in the radial direction, except in certain frequency bands higher than 1.25 Hz. Coherence studies showed that some of these discrepancies may be due to low coherence between the Treasure Island and Yerba Buena motions in these same frequency bands

    Probabilistic Quantum Memories

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    Typical address-oriented computer memories cannot recognize incomplete or noisy information. Associative (content-addressable) memories solve this problem but suffer from severe capacity shortages. I propose a model of a quantum memory that solves both problems. The storage capacity is exponential in the number of qbits and thus optimal. The retrieval mechanism for incomplete or noisy inputs is probabilistic, with postselection of the measurement result. The output is determined by a probability distribution on the memory which is peaked around the stored patterns closest in Hamming distance to the input.Comment: Revised version to appear in Phys. Rev. Let
