378 research outputs found

    Mean first passage times for bond formation for a Brownian particle in linear shear flow above a wall

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    Motivated by cell adhesion in hydrodynamic flow, here we study bond formation between a spherical Brownian particle in linear shear flow carrying receptors for ligands covering the boundary wall. We derive the appropriate Langevin equation which includes multiplicative noise due to position-dependent mobility functions resulting from the Stokes equation. We present a numerical scheme which allows to simulate it with high accuracy for all model parameters, including shear rate and three parameters describing receptor geometry (distance, size and height of the receptor patches). In the case of homogeneous coating, the mean first passage time problem can be solved exactly. In the case of position-resolved receptor-ligand binding, we identify different scaling regimes and discuss their biological relevance.Comment: final version after minor revision

    Two Langevin equations in the Doi-Peliti formalism

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    A system-size expansion method is incorporated into the Doi-Peliti formalism for stochastic chemical kinetics. The basic idea of the incorporation is to introduce a new decomposition of unity associated with a so-called Cole-Hopf transformation. This approach elucidates a relationship between two different Langevin equations; one is associated with a coherent-state path-integral expression and the other describes density fluctuations. A simple reaction scheme X⇄X+XX \rightleftarrows X+X is investigated as an illustrative example.Comment: 14page

    Rigorous elimination of fast stochastic variables from the linear noise approximation using projection operators

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    The linear noise approximation (LNA) offers a simple means by which one can study intrinsic noise in monostable biochemical networks. Using simple physical arguments, we have recently introduced the slow-scale LNA (ssLNA) which is a reduced version of the LNA under conditions of timescale separation. In this paper, we present the first rigorous derivation of the ssLNA using the projection operator technique and show that the ssLNA follows uniquely from the standard LNA under the same conditions of timescale separation as those required for the deterministic quasi-steady state approximation. We also show that the large molecule number limit of several common stochastic model reduction techniques under timescale separation conditions constitutes a special case of the ssLNA.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, submitted to Physical Review E; see also BMC Systems Biology 6, 39 (2012

    Diffusion in Curved Spacetimes

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    Using simple kinematical arguments, we derive the Fokker-Planck equation for diffusion processes in curved spacetimes. In the case of Brownian motion, it coincides with Eckart's relativistic heat equation (albeit in a simpler form), and therefore provides a microscopic justification for his phenomenological heat-flux ansatz. Furthermore, we obtain the small-time asymptotic expansion of the mean square displacement of Brownian motion in static spacetimes. Beyond general relativity itself, this result has potential applications in analogue gravitational systems.Comment: 14 pages, substantially revised versio

    Generalization of escape rate from a metastable state driven by external cross-correlated noise processes

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    We propose generalization of escape rate from a metastable state for externally driven correlated noise processes in one dimension. In addition to the internal non-Markovian thermal fluctuations, the external correlated noise processes we consider are Gaussian, stationary in nature and are of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type. Based on a Fokker-Planck description of the effective noise processes with finite memory we derive the generalized escape rate from a metastable state in the moderate to large damping limit and investigate the effect of degree of correlation on the resulting rate. Comparison of the theoretical expression with numerical simulation gives a satisfactory agreement and shows that by increasing the degree of external noise correlation one can enhance the escape rate through the dressed effective noise strength.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    Efficient Stochastic Simulations of Complex Reaction Networks on Surfaces

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    Surfaces serve as highly efficient catalysts for a vast variety of chemical reactions. Typically, such surface reactions involve billions of molecules which diffuse and react over macroscopic areas. Therefore, stochastic fluctuations are negligible and the reaction rates can be evaluated using rate equations, which are based on the mean-field approximation. However, in case that the surface is partitioned into a large number of disconnected microscopic domains, the number of reactants in each domain becomes small and it strongly fluctuates. This is, in fact, the situation in the interstellar medium, where some crucial reactions take place on the surfaces of microscopic dust grains. In this case rate equations fail and the simulation of surface reactions requires stochastic methods such as the master equation. However, in the case of complex reaction networks, the master equation becomes infeasible because the number of equations proliferates exponentially. To solve this problem, we introduce a stochastic method based on moment equations. In this method the number of equations is dramatically reduced to just one equation for each reactive species and one equation for each reaction. Moreover, the equations can be easily constructed using a diagrammatic approach. We demonstrate the method for a set of astrophysically relevant networks of increasing complexity. It is expected to be applicable in many other contexts in which problems that exhibit analogous structure appear, such as surface catalysis in nanoscale systems, aerosol chemistry in stratospheric clouds and genetic networks in cells

    Mode-coupling theory and the fluctuation-dissipation theorem for nonlinear Langevin equations with multiplicative noise

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    In this letter, we develop a mode-coupling theory for a class of nonlinear Langevin equations with multiplicative noise using a field theoretic formalism. These equations are simplified models of realistic colloidal suspensions. We prove that the derived equations are consistent with the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. We also discuss the generalization of the result given here to real fluids, and the possible description of supercooled fluids in the aging regime. We demonstrate that the standard idealized mode-coupling theory is not consistent with the FDT in a strict field theoretic sense.Comment: 14 pages, to appear in J. Phys.

    Stochastic Analysis of Dimerization Systems

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    The process of dimerization, in which two monomers bind to each other and form a dimer, is common in nature. This process can be modeled using rate equations, from which the average copy numbers of the reacting monomers and of the product dimers can then be obtained. However, the rate equations apply only when these copy numbers are large. In the limit of small copy numbers the system becomes dominated by fluctuations, which are not accounted for by the rate equations. In this limit one must use stochastic methods such as direct integration of the master equation or Monte Carlo simulations. These methods are computationally intensive and rarely succumb to analytical solutions. Here we use the recently introduced moment equations which provide a highly simplified stochastic treatment of the dimerization process. Using this approach, we obtain an analytical solution for the copy numbers and reaction rates both under steady state conditions and in the time-dependent case. We analyze three different dimerization processes: dimerization without dissociation, dimerization with dissociation and hetero-dimer formation. To validate the results we compare them with the results obtained from the master equation in the stochastic limit and with those obtained from the rate equations in the deterministic limit. Potential applications of the results in different physical contexts are discussed.Comment: 10 figure

    Dynamics of gene expression and the regulatory inference problem

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    From the response to external stimuli to cell division and death, the dynamics of living cells is based on the expression of specific genes at specific times. The decision when to express a gene is implemented by the binding and unbinding of transcription factor molecules to regulatory DNA. Here, we construct stochastic models of gene expression dynamics and test them on experimental time-series data of messenger-RNA concentrations. The models are used to infer biophysical parameters of gene transcription, including the statistics of transcription factor-DNA binding and the target genes controlled by a given transcription factor.Comment: revised version to appear in Europhys. Lett., new titl

    Non-Perturbative Scales in Soft Hadronic Collisions at High Energies

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    We investigate the role of nonperturbative quark-gluon dynamics in soft high energy processes. In order to reproduce differential and total cross sections for elastic proton-proton and proton-antiproton-scattering at high energy and small momentum transfer it turns out that we need two scales, the gluonic correlation length and a confinement scale. We find a small gluonic correlation length, a = 0.2 fm, in accordance with recent lattice QCD results.Comment: 8 pages,latex, 2 figures uuencode
