89 research outputs found


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    Os resíduos descartados das indústrias de alimentos poderiam ter uma finalidade benéfica ao homem e ao meio ambiente. Algumas frutas que possuem sementes são processadas para fabricação de alimentos e posteriormente descartadas sendo que poderiam ser utilizadas para minimizar o seu desperdício, Além da possibilidade de ter alto valor agregado quando processados e transformados em subprodutos como óleos vegetais (KOBORI; JORGE, 2005)

    Mercury Spikes Indicate a Volcanic Trigger for the Late Ordovician Mass Extinction Event: An Example from a Deep Shelf of the Peri-Baltic Region.

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    The Late Ordovician mass extinction (LOME) was the second largest Phanerozoic crisis, but its cause remains elusive. Several triggering mechanisms have been proposed over the years, including bioevolutionary events, oceanographic changes, and geotectonic processes. Here, we report the presence of Hg spikes in the Zbrza PIG-1 borehole from the Upper Ordovician deep shelf sections of the peri-Baltic region. A strong positive anomaly in the lower late Katian (Hg/TOC = 2537.3 ppb/wt%) was noted. No correlation between Hg and TOC (R² = 0.07) was distinguished in the Hirnantian, although several positive anomalies were found. Because the Hg/Mo ratio showed trends very similar to those of Hg/TOC, it seems likely that TOC values reflect the redox conditions. In order to evaluate the role of anoxia in levels of Hg enrichment several redox indicators were measured. These showed that the elevated mercury values in the Hirnantian are not caused by anoxia/euxinia because euxinic biomarkers (maleimides and aryl isoprenoids) are present in very low abundance and pyrite framboids are absent. In total, positive Hg/TOC anomalies occur in the lower late Katian, at the Katian - Hirnantian boundary, and in the late Hirnantian. The lack of a strong Hg/TOC correlation, Ni enrichments, and the absence of 'anoxic indicators' (no biomarkers, no framboids, low Mo concentration) at these levels, supports the interpretation that Hg enrichment is due to enhanced environmental loading. We conclude that our Hg and Hg/TOC values were associated with volcanic pulses which triggered the massive environmental changes resulting in the Late Ordovician mass extinction

    Vivax malaria in Mauritania includes infection of a Duffy-negative individual

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Duffy blood group polymorphisms are important in areas where <it>Plasmodium vivax </it>is present because this surface antigen is thought to act as a key receptor for this parasite. In the present study, Duffy blood group genotyping was performed in febrile uninfected and <it>P. vivax</it>-infected patients living in the city of Nouakchott, Mauritania.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p><it>Plasmodium vivax </it>was identified by real-time PCR. The Duffy blood group genotypes were determined by standard PCR followed by sequencing of the promoter region and exon 2 of the Duffy gene in 277 febrile individuals. Fisher's exact test was performed in order to assess the significance of variables.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the Moorish population, a high frequency of the <it>FYB<sup>ES</sup>/FYB<sup>ES </sup></it>genotype was observed in uninfected individuals (27.8%), whereas no <it>P. vivax</it>-infected patient had this genotype. This was followed by a high level of <it>FYA/FYB</it>, <it>FYB/FYB</it>, <it>FYB/FYB<sup>ES </sup></it>and <it>FYA/FYB<sup>ES </sup></it>genotype frequencies, both in the <it>P. vivax</it>-infected and uninfected patients. In other ethnic groups (Poular, Soninke, Wolof), only the <it>FYB<sup>ES</sup>/FYB<sup>ES </sup></it>genotype was found in uninfected patients, whereas the <it>FYA/FYB<sup>ES </sup></it>genotype was observed in two <it>P. vivax</it>-infected patients. In addition, one patient belonging to the Wolof ethnic group presented the <it>FYB<sup>ES</sup>/FYB<sup>ES </sup></it>genotype and was infected by <it>P. vivax</it>.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study presents the Duffy blood group polymorphisms in Nouakchott City and demonstrates that in Mauritania, <it>P. vivax </it>is able to infect Duffy-negative patients. Further studies are necessary to identify the process that enables this Duffy-independent <it>P. vivax </it>invasion of human red blood cells.</p