470 research outputs found

    Deployment status of the Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope

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    Our global network of telescopes is designed to provide maximally available optical monitoring of time variable sources, from solar system to extra-galactic objects, and ranging in brightness from about 7-20m. We are providing a distributed network with varied apertures but homogeneous instrumentation: optical imaging, with spectroscopic capabilities. A key component is a single centralized process that accepts (in real time) and schedules TAC approved observing requests across the network; then continuously updates schedules based on status, weather and other availability criteria. Requests range from occasional to continuous monitoring, at slow to high-speed cadences (imaging and fast photometry), and includes rapid response to targets of opportunity. Each node of the network must be fully autonomous, with software agents to control and monitor all functions, to provide auto-recovery as necessary, and to announce their status and capabilities up the control structure. Real-time monitoring or interaction by humans should be infrequent. Equipment is designed to be reliable over long periods to minimize hands-on maintenance, by local or LCOGT staff. Our first 1m deployment was to McDonald Obs. in April 2012. Eight more 1m telescopes are close to deployment to complete the Southern ring, scheduled by end-2012

    Activity and Movement Patterns of Polar Bears Inhabiting Consolidated versus Active Pack Ice

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    We investigated the influence of ice conditions on activity and movement patterns of polar bears in the Canadian-West Greenland Arctic. We used radiotelemetry data gathered over 11 years (1989-99) from 160 adult female polar bears to test for differences in movement and activity of bears inhabiting active ice and consolidated ice. Bears inhabiting active ice moved more than those inhabiting consolidated ice (12 versus 8 km/day), but their activity throughout the year did not differ (bears of both groups were active for 21% of the day). Differences in activity and movement of bears in the two study areas appeared to be related to differences in predominant ice conditions and presumed prey availability. Seals, particularly juveniles, are most plentiful in spring and summer, when polar bears moved more and were most active. During winter, when juvenile seals were less available in consolidated ice areas, bears in that habitat were less active and moved less than bears in active ice areas. Polar bears have evolved flexible patterns of seasonal activity, movements, and facultative den use as adaptations to different sea-ice environments.On a étudié l'influence des conditions de glace sur le régime de l'activité et du déplacement de l'ours polaire dans l'Arctique canadien de l'ouest du Groenland. On s'est servi de données prélevées par radiomesure sur une période de 11 ans (de 1989 à 1999) portant sur 160 ourses polaires adultes afin de déterminer s'il existe des différences dans le déplacement et l'activité des ourses entre celles qui vivent sur la glace mobile et celles qui vivent sur la glace soudée. Les ourses vivant sur la glace mobile se déplaçaient plus que celles vivant sur la glace soudée (12 km/jour contre 8), mais leur activité tout au long de l'année ne différait pas (les ourses des deux groupes étaient actives 21 p. cent de la journée). Les différences dans l'activité et le déplacement des ourses entre les deux zones d'étude semblaient être reliées à des différences dans les conditions de glace prédominantes et dans la disponibilité présumée des proies. L'abondance des phoques, en particulier les jeunes, atteint son maximum au printemps et en été, au moment où les ourses polaires étaient souvent le plus actives et se déplaçaient le plus. Durant l'hiver, quand les phoques juvéniles étaient moins disponibles dans les zones de glace soudée, les ourses vivant dans cet habitat étaient moins actives et se déplaçaient moins que les ourses vivant dans les zones de glace mobile. L'ourse polaire a développé une certaine flexibilité de comportement dans son activité, son déplacement et son utilisation facultative d'une tanière, pour s'adapter à différents environnements de glace de mer

    Active Semantic Relations in Layered Enterprise Architecture Development

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    Enterprise Architecture (EA) metamodels align an organisation’s business, information and technology resources so that these assets best meet the organisation’s purpose. The Layered EA Development (LEAD) Ontology enhances EA practices by a metamodel with layered metaobjects as its building blocks interconnected by semantic relations. Each metaobject connects to another metaobject by two semantic relations in opposing directions, thus highlighting how each metaobject views other metaobjects from its perspective. While the resulting two directed graphs reveal all the multiple pathways in the metamodel, more desirable would be to have one directed graph that focusses on the dependencies in the pathways. Towards this aim, using CG-FCA (where CG refers to Conceptual Graph and FCA to Formal Concept Analysis) and a LEAD case study, we determine an algorithm that elicits the active as opposed to the passive semantic relations between the metaobjects resulting in one directed graph metamodel. We also identified the general applicability of our algorithm to any metamodel that consists of triples of objects with active and passive relations

    Co-administration of GF120918 significantly increases the systemic exposure to oral paclitaxel in cancer patients

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    Oral bioavailability of paclitaxel is very low, which is due to efficient transport of the drug by the intestinal drug efflux pump P-glycoprotein (P-gp). We have recently demonstrated that the oral bioavailability of paclitaxel can be increased at least 7-fold by co-administration of the P-gp blocker cyclosporin A (CsA). Now we tested the potent alternative orally applicable non-immunosuppressive P-gp blocker GF120918. Six patients received one course of oral paclitaxel of 120 mg/m2 in combination with 1000 mg oral GF120918 (GG918, GW0918). Patients received intravenous (i.v.) paclitaxel 175 mg/m2 as a 3-hour infusion during subsequent courses. The mean area under the plasma concentration–time curve (AUC) of paclitaxel after oral drug administration in combination with GF120918 was 3.27 ± 1.67 μM.h. In our previously performed study of 120 mg/m2 oral paclitaxel in combination with CsA the mean AUC of paclitaxel was 2.55 ± 2.29 μM.h. After i.v. administration of paclitaxel the mean AUC was 15.92 ± 2.46 μM.h. The oral combination of paclitaxel with GF120918 was well tolerated. The increase in systemic exposure to paclitaxel in combination with GF120918 is of the same magnitude as in combination with CsA. GF120918 is a good and safe alternative for CsA and may enable chronic oral therapy with paclitaxel. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co
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