532 research outputs found

    Introductory guide for impact evaluation in integrated pest management (IPM) programs.

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    Collaborative participatory research as a learning process: the case of CIP and CARE in Peru

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    Participatory research (PR) has been analyzed and documented from different points of view, but particularly taking into consideration the benefits that this process generates for farmers. Studies of the benefits of PR for other actors such as field staff, researchers and organizations have been limited, with organizational learning receiving the least attention. This paper analyzes the interaction between the International Potato Center (CIP) and CARE in Peru and makes the case that PR can also contribute to creating a collaborative learning environment that generates important lessons for the individuals and organizations involved. The paper describes the evolution of the collaborative environment of these two institutions for more than a decade. Three interactive learning periods are presented, namely the “information transfer period” (1993 –1996) the “action-learning period” (1997-2002), and the “social learning period” (on-going). Several lessons from each period, as well as changes in institutional contexts and perceptions, are described. The CIP-CARE case shows that research and developmentoriented organizations can interact fruitfully using PR as a mechanism to promote learning, as well as flexibility in interaction and innovativeness, and that a process of osmosis of information occurs between groups that use PR in a specific case to other groups within the organizations, influencing behavior. However, the paper also indicates that institutional learning should be promoted more specifically in order to extract guidelines from the lessons, which can influence the way organizations plan and implement their projects in a constantly changing environment

    Strategic assessment of research priorities for sweetpotato.

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    The following report presents an ex‐ante evaluation of priority research options for sweetpotato carried out in the scope of the strategic assessment of research priorities for the CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers, and Bananas (RTB). It contains the results from the economic surplus model used for the assessment, which are extended to include estimations of the number of beneficiaries and poverty reduction effects. The report identifies and describes the sweetpotato research options taken into consideration for and included into the assessment. The socioeconomic and technological parameters used as input data for the analysis are described and information on the elicitation process and data sources is provided. Results are presented so as to explain the outputs obtained and interpreted with respect to the relevant differences between research option

    Sistemas agroalimentarios saludables en Lima: Rol de las Agroferias Campesinas y Bioferias en Lima Metropolitana

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    El presente estudio se ha centrado en el análisis de los sistemas agroalimentarios saludables en la ciudad de Lima, específicamente los sistemas urbanos y periurbanos. El objetivo principal del estudio fue entender la dinámica y los principales actores que influyen en los sistemas agroalimentarios saludables en Lima. Se utilizó una metodología de tres pasos que incluye: (1) el mapeo de actores, (2) la identificación de los componentes en el sistema agroalimentario saludable dentro de un contexto socio económico y ambiental, y (3) el análisis de las dinámicas de sistemas agroalimentarios para obtener un entendimiento detallado del sistema y las sinergias y obstáculos entre los medios de vida de los productores urbanos y su contexto socioeconómico y ambiental. La información fue colectada a través de grupos focales con los actores que participan directa o indirectamente en las Agroferias Campesinas y Bioferias. Estos espacios tienen diferencias en términos de variedad de productos, fuentes de productos, y características de los consumidores. El análisis de los sistemas agroalimentarios urbanos y periurbanos reveló varios retos. Estos incluyen los impactos ambientales y el equilibrio territorial que afectan la producción agroalimentaria, la falta de apoyo institucional, la competencia por el agua, y los problemas fitosanitarios. Además, se identificó la falta de sensibilidad hacia los beneficios de los productos agroecológicos y la inestabilidad en los espacios para la venta de estos productos. Los sistemas agroalimentarios en Lima también enfrentan desafíos en la comercialización, incluyendo la falta de diferencia en los precios de productos orgánicos y convencionales, y la escasa asociatividad entre productores orgánicos. El estudio subraya la importancia de comprender los sistemas agroalimentarios saludables para identificar oportunidades de transformación y mejorar la resiliencia de estos sistemas en un contexto urbano en constante cambio. Se destacó la necesidad de proteger los espacios de producción y de comercialización, así como la necesidad de generar insumos productivos para reducir el uso de químicos y hacer los productos más accesibles para todas las clases sociales. Aunque hay desafíos significativos, también existen oportunidades para mejorar la salud y la sostenibilidad de los sistemas agroalimentarios en Lima

    Forecasting Potato and Sweetpotato Yields for 2050

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    Release and adoption of improved sweetpotato varieties in Southeast and South Asia

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    In this study we close the identified gaps in the existing literature and databases by documenting release and adoption of improved sweetpotato varieties in eight major sweetpotato producing countries in Southeast, South, and East Asia. Methodologically, this study adopts a refined expert elicitation (EE) approach applied in previous projects. EE workshops were used as an inexpensive alternative to the collection of national representative adoption data. An average of 12.67 experts working in the sweetpotato value chain participated in a one-day event to elicit perceived adoption rates and to update release databases. In total, 228 experts attended in 18 workshops held during 2014-2016

    Release and adoption of improved potato varieties in Southeast and South Asia

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    In this study, we close the identified gaps in the existing literature and databases by documenting release and adoption of improved potato varieties in seven major potato producing countries in Southeast, South, and East Asia. Methodologically, this study adopts a refined expert elicitation (EE) approach applied in previous projects. EE workshops were used as an inexpensive alternative to the collection of national representative adoption data. An average of 15 experts working in the potato value chain participated in a one-day event to elicit perceived adoption rates and to update release databases. In total, 347 experts attended 23 workshops which were held during 2014-2016