2,756 research outputs found

    Jesuit exegesis, Jacobean theology, and the Scottish Church in the first two decades of the seventeenth century

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    This paper aims to sketch a little of the background history of the ideas behind the events that led to the martyrdom of John Ogilvie. In so doing, no pretense is made at reducing politics, religion, personal commitment and loyalty to one single ideological cause, nor, even worse, claim that ideologies drove people and events before them like skittles. The aim is more modest than that of tracing a series of causes and effects. If it fails to enmesh with the historical realities such as traced by eminent historians such as Durkan and Dilworth,1 nevertheless it might still help in the interpretation of these lives and events

    The role of fretting corrosion and fretting fatigue in aircraft rivet hole cracking

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    Personnel in the Quality and Integrity Design Engineering Center (QIDEC) at the University of Utah are working under a two year grant from the FAA to better understand the role of fretting corrosion and fretting fatigue in aircraft rivet hole cracking. The current program follows a one year grant program which was completed in 1993. This paper provides a status report on the results of these grant programs. Recent effort has been focused on developing basic fretting fatigue models which consider variation in the coefficient of friction with time and location within the fretting interface. This is a very important characteristic of the QIDEC model because coefficient of friction varies significantly during the fretting fatigue process. Copies of QIDEC documents discussed in this paper can be obtained by contacting the authors

    Assessing the Effect of Stellar Companions from High-Resolution Imaging of Kepler Objects of Interest

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    We report on 176 close (<2") stellar companions detected with high-resolution imaging near 170 hosts of Kepler Objects of Interest. These Kepler targets were prioritized for imaging follow-up based on the presence of small planets, so most of the KOIs in these systems (176 out of 204) have nominal radii <6 R_E . Each KOI in our sample was observed in at least 2 filters with adaptive optics, speckle imaging, lucky imaging, or HST. Multi-filter photometry provides color information on the companions, allowing us to constrain their stellar properties and assess the probability that the companions are physically bound. We find that 60 -- 80% of companions within 1" are bound, and the bound fraction is >90% for companions within 0.5"; the bound fraction decreases with increasing angular separation. This picture is consistent with simulations of the binary and background stellar populations in the Kepler field. We also reassess the planet radii in these systems, converting the observed differential magnitudes to a contamination in the Kepler bandpass and calculating the planet radius correction factor, XR=Rp(true)/Rp(single)X_R = R_p (true) / R_p (single). Under the assumption that planets in bound binaries are equally likely to orbit the primary or secondary, we find a mean radius correction factor for planets in stellar multiples of XR=1.65X_R = 1.65. If stellar multiplicity in the Kepler field is similar to the solar neighborhood, then nearly half of all Kepler planets may have radii underestimated by an average of 65%, unless vetted using high resolution imaging or spectroscopy.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    Conditional or unconditional? The effects of implementation intentions on driver behavior

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    Implementation intentions (IF-THEN plans) exert conditional effects on behavior, meaning that their ability to change behavior is conditional upon encountering the critical situation specified in the IF component of the plan. In the present study, we tested whether implementation intentions can exert unconditional effects on behavior. Consistent with the process of operant generalization, we hypothesized that implementation intentions would change behavior, not only in situations that are contextually identical to those specified in the IF component but also in contextually similar situations. Implementation intentions were not expected to generate behavior-change in contextually different situations to those specified. Participants (N = 139) completed questionnaires measuring speeding behavior and motivation to speed. Experimental participants then specified implementation intentions to avoid speeding in critical situations that were either contextually identical, similar or different to those subsequently encountered on a driving simulator. Control participants received educational information about the risks of speeding. All participants then drove on a driving simulator. Consistent with the hypotheses, participants in both the contextually identical and similar conditions exceeded the speed limit less frequently than did controls. There was no difference in speeding behavior between the contextually different and control conditions. Implications of the findings for behavior-change are discussed

    Limits on Stellar Companions to Exoplanet Host Stars With Eccentric Planets

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    Though there are now many hundreds of confirmed exoplanets known, the binarity of exoplanet host stars is not well understood. This is particularly true of host stars which harbor a giant planet in a highly eccentric orbit since these are more likely to have had a dramatic dynamical history which transferred angular momentum to the planet. Here we present observations of four exoplanet host stars which utilize the excellent resolving power of the Differential Speckle Survey Instrument (DSSI) on the Gemini North telescope. Two of the stars are giants and two are dwarfs. Each star is host to a giant planet with an orbital eccentricity > 0.5 and whose radial velocity data contain a trend in the residuals to the Keplerian orbit fit. These observations rule out stellar companions 4-8 magnitudes fainter than the host star at passbands of 692nm and 880nm. The resolution and field-of-view of the instrument result in exclusion radii of 0.05-1.4 arcsecs which excludes stellar companions within several AU of the host star in most cases. We further provide new radial velocities for the HD 4203 system which confirm that the linear trend previously observed in the residuals is due to an additional planet. These results place dynamical constraints on the source of the planet's eccentricities, constraints on additional planetary companions, and informs the known distribution of multiplicity amongst exoplanet host stars.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, accepted to Ap

    Unexpectedly high prevalence of sarcoidosis in a representative U.S. Metropolitan population

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    SummaryThe prevalence of sarcoidosis in the United States is unknown, with estimates ranging widely from 1 to 40 per 100,000. We sought to determine the prevalence of sarcoidosis in our health system compared to other rare lung diseases and to further establish if the prevalence was changing over time. We interrogated the electronic medical records of all patients treated in our health system from 1995 to 2010 (1.48 million patients) using the common ICD9 codes for sarcoidosis (135), lung cancer (162), and several other lung diseases characterized, like sarcoidosis, as “rare lung diseases”. The patient demographic information (race, gender, age) was further analyzed to identify signature data patterns. The prevalence of sarcoidosis in our health system increased steadily from 164/100,000 in 1995 to 330/100,000 in 2010, and this trend could not be ascribed simply to changes in patient demographics or patient referral patterns. We further estimate that the prevalence of sarcoidosis exceeds 48 per 100,000 in Franklin County, Ohio, the demographic profile of which is nearly identical to that of the U.S. Sarcoidosis prevalence increased over time relative to lung cancer, a benchmark disease with stable disease prevalence, and exceeded that of other rare lung diseases. We postulate that the observed 2-fold increase in sarcoidosis disease prevalence in our health system is primarily related to improved detection and diagnostic approaches, and we conclude that the actual prevalence of sarcoidosis in central Ohio greatly exceeds current U.S. estimates

    Electrical properties of Bi-implanted amorphous chalcogenide films

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    The impact of Bi implantation on the conductivity and the thermopower of amorphous chalcogenide films is investigated. Incorporation of Bi in Ge-Sb-Te and GeTe results in enhanced conductivity. The negative Seebeck coefficient confirms onset of the electron conductivity in GeTe implanted with Bi at a dose of 2x1016 cm-2. The enhanced conductivity is accompanied by defect accumulation in the films upon implantation as is inferred by using analysis of the space-charge limited current. The results indicate that native coordination defects in lone-pair semiconductors can be deactivated by means of ion implantation, and higher conductivity of the films stems from additional electrically active defects created by implantation of bismuth.Comment: This is an extended version of the results presented in Proc. SPIE 8982, 898213 (2014