699 research outputs found

    Application of digital control to a magnetic model suspension and balance model

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    The feasibility of using a digital computer for performing the automatic control functions for a magnetic suspension and balance system (MSBS) for use with wind tunnel models was investigated. Modeling was done using both a prototype MSBS and a one dimensional magnetic balance. A microcomputer using the Intel 8080 microprocessor is described and results are given using this microprocessor to control the one dimensional balance. Hybrid simulations for one degree of freedom of the MSBS were also performed and are reported. It is concluded that use of a digital computer to control the MSBS is eminently feasible and should extend both the accuracy and utility of the system

    A lacunary version of Mergelian’s approximation theorem

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    AbstractLet K be a compact plane set having connected complement. Then Mergelian’s theorem states that the linear span of the monomials zn, i.e. the polynomials, are dense in the Banach space A(K) of all functions continuous on K and holomorphic in the interior of K endowed with the sup-norm. We consider the question under which conditions the linear span of zn, with n running through a sequence of nonnegative integers having upper density one, is dense in A(K) or appropriate subspaces


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    To reduce the amount of high quality energy utilized in removing water from a dilute ethanol solution, a two-stage process is used. The first stage removes eighty-five percent of the water using a low temperature apparatus and process and the remainder of the energy is removed by any of the other conventional processes. In the first stage, anhydrous sodium sulfate is dissolved in a dilute aqueous solution of 10 weight percent alcohol at approximately thirty degrees centrigrade. The solution is cooled to approximately twenty degrees centrigrade, at which temperature decahydrate crystals of sodium sulfate precipitate from the solution are removed. The solution is increased to a value in excess of 45% of alcohol which requires removal of approximately 82 percent of the water in the form of crystals. The crystals are dried to the anhydrous state at substantially room temperature and reused

    Pengaruh Risiko Bisnis, Profitabilitas, dan Keputusan Investasi terhadap Struktur Modal

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    Capitalkstructure is the balance betweenlthe use of their own with,the use of debt capital . Given the many factors that affect the capital structure , but the variables used in this study , namely , business risk , profitability , investment decisions on capital structure of the company Property and Real Estate sectors . The purpose of the study to examine and determine the effect of business risk , profitability , and investment decisions of the firm's capital structure on the property and real estate sector are listed on the BEI in the period 2009-2011. The method used was purposive sampling is a sampling method taking an object with the specified criteria . The number of samples in accordance with the criteria that have been determined a total of 36 real estate companies and property in BEI . Analysis of data using multiple regression analysis tool test results found business risk , Profitability and invesment decision partially influential and significant impact on thepcapital structure

    Analisis Pengaruh Profitabilitas dan Struktur Kepemilikan terhadap Struktur Modal dan Kinerja Perusahaan Farmasi yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (Bei)

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    Along with the development of drugs and medical devices businesses and hospitals are growing rapidly, so that the performance of the company in this business needs to be improved to know how big the gains from assets, equity, and corporate debt. Therefore, this study using a pharmaceutical company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange as the object of study in which the return on equity as a measure of firm performance, Debt to Equity Ratio as a measure of capital structure, management ownership as a measure of ownership structure and net profit margin as a measure of profitability. The data used are secondary data from the period 2005-2012 the annual financial statements. Samples obtained by purposive sampling method with the final number 5 samples. The analysis technique used is the path analysis. The results of the analysis in this study obtained a significant negative effect between NPM and ownership of the DER management, ownership management NPM and significant positive effect on ROE, while DER significantly negatively affect ROE. Based on further analysis of the results obtained by the direct effect is smaller than the total effect, this shows that the use of DER as a mediating variable will improve the management and ownership of NPM influence on ROE

    Family History, Stress, Less Physical Activity, Obesity and Excessive Salty Food Consumption as Risk Factors of Hypertension

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    Background and purpose: Hypertension was a significant public health problem. This study aims to determine risk factors of hypertension.Methods: The study used a case-control design, involving 77 cases and 77 controls aged 18-65 years old, who were selected consecutively. Cases and controls were matched on age and sex. Cases were defined as patients who were diagnosed with hypertension by clinician at the primary health center (PHC), and controls were patients at PHC who were not diagnosed as hypertension. Data were collected through interview regarding sosiodemographic status and risk factors of hipertension. Direct measurement was performed for weight, height and abdominal circumference. Multivariate analysis was conducted using logistic regression.Results: Cases and controls were comparable in term of sex, age and education level. Variables that associated with hypertension were family history (AOR=9.20; 95%CI: 3.47-24.41), moderate stress (AOR=13.01; 95%CI: 3.70-45.79), severe stress (AOR=16,75; 95%CI: 3,32-84,38), less physical activity (AOR=3.53 (95%CI: 1.38-9.01), obesity (AOR=5.72; 95%CI: 2.09-15.68) dan excessive salty food consumption (AOR=3.08; 95%CI: 1.17-8.09). Eating fatty foods may also indirectly cause hypertension. Income, mild stress, smoking habits, being passive smokers, coffee consumption habits, frequency of fruits and vegetables consumption were not found to be risk factors.Conclusion: Family history, moderate and severe stress, less physical activity, obesity and excessive salty food consumption were risk factors of hypertension

    Analisis Standar Laboratorium Kimia Dan Efektivitasnya Terhadap Capaian Kompetensi Adaptif Di Smk Negeri 2 Negara

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    This research was aimed to analyze facilitycarrying capacity, intensity of using laboratory, use factor equipment and chemical, laboratory management, and effectiveness chemistry laboratory standard to adaptive competence achievement.in SMK Negeri 2 Negara. This research was ex-post facto. Laboratory carrying capacitythat appropriate laboratory standard include rooms and common facility is 53% (less category),equipmentsis 45% (less category), andchemical is48% (less category).Intencity using laboratoryin 2012/2013 study yearinclass X is 33.3% (less category), class XIis 100% (very high category), and class XIIis59.3% (enough category). Equipment use factor is 58% (enough category) andchemical is 75.3% (high category). Laboratory management less optimal.The result ofsubsections of laboratory standard in SMK Negeri 2 Negara is effective to adaptive competence achievement. If equipment and chemical needed are available and or substituted, the average of student test comprehension score is 80.3 (higher than KKM)

    Modul Interaktif Dengan Program Lcds Untuk Materi Cahaya Dan Alat Optik

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    The aims of this research were to produce an interactive module by LCDS programme to the Light and Optical Instrument object for junior high school students and describe the attractiveness, the easiness, the expediency, and the effectiveness of product. This research was conducted in class VIIII SMP Negeri 12 Bandar Lampung.The research used Suyanto and Sartinem research and development model which consist of need analysis, resource identification, identification of product specification, product development, internal testing, external testing, and production.The interactive module have been validated by matter and design experts.The result of the product showed that the product were very attractive, easy to use, and very useful. It is also effective to be used as a learning media because 80% of students reach the standard of achievement score.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan sebuah modul interaktif dengan program LCDS untuk materi pokok Cahaya dan Alat Optik siswa SMP dan mendeskripsikan kemenarikan, kemudahan, kemanfaatan, serta keefektifan produk. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada kelas VIIII SMP Negeri 12 Bandar Lampung. Penelitian ini menggunakan model penelitian dan pengembangan menurut Suyanto dan Sartinem yang meliputi analisis kebutuhan, identifikasi sumber daya, identifikasi spesifikasi produk, pengembangan produk, uji internal, uji eksternal, dan produksi. Modul interaktif yang dihasilkan telah tervalidasi oleh ahli materi dan ahli desain. Hasil uji produk menunjukkan bahwa produk memiliki kualitas sangat menarik, mudah digunakan, dan sangat bermanfaat. Selain itu, produk yang dikembangkan efektif digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran dilihat dari hasil belajar siswa, yaitu 80% siswa telah tuntas KKM

    Implementasi Supervisi Klinis Dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Kemampuan Guru Mengelola Proses Pembelajaran Pada Guru SD Se-gugus VII Kecamatan Sawan

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    The School Action Research which was done aimed at finding out the ability of the social subject teachers of elementary school in gugus VII Sawan sub-district in the academic year of 2012/2013 in planning, implementing the learning process, and administration completion, and also finding out the obstacles which were faced by social subject teachers though clinical supervision. This research was conducted in two cycles, in which, the subjects were 21 social subject teachers. The data collection was done by using observation method in order to find out the teachers' ability in planning the learning process and implementing the learning process. Furthermore, the data was analyzed by using statistics descriptive method. The result of the research showed that the implementation of clinical supervision can improve the the teachers' ability in managing the learning process
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