164 research outputs found

    Management factors associated with bovine tuberculosis on dairy herds in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

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    ABSTRACT - With the purpose of identifying management factors that may be influencing the prevalence of bovine tuberculosis under tropicalconditions, namely in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1632 cows were tested through the single cervical tuberculin test. A questionnairewas completed for each herd. A total of 207 positive reactions were observed, corresponding to 12.7% of the studied cattle. Themain factors observed that may be influencing the prevalence of bovine tuberculosis on those farms were the absence orreduced veterinary assistance and the herd size. The presence of adequate cattle houses and the highly intensive managementare also considered to be likely to influence the prevalence of the disease. Under tropical conditions, a tuberculosis controlprogram, in addition to the test-and-slaughter control method, should include an investigation of herd management practices totry to identify factors that are likely to influence the prevalence of the disease. RESUMO - Com o objetivo de identificar fatores que possam influenciar a prevalência de tuberculose bovina em condições tropicais, emespecial no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 1632 vacas foram testadas pelo teste intra dérmico simples com tuberculina bovina. Um questionário foi completado para cada rebanho. Um total de 207 reações positivas foi observado, o que correspondeu a 12,7%do gado estudado. Os principais fatores observados que podem influenciar na prevalência de tuberculose bovina nestes rebanhos foram a ausência ou reduzida assistência veterinária e o tamanho do rebanho. A presença de estábulos adequados e o manejo intensivo também foram considerados como fatores que podem influenciar na prevalência da enfermidade. Em condições tropicais, um programa de controle da tuberculose deve, além do método de teste-e-abate, incluir uma investigação das práticas de manejo adotadas no rebanho a fim de tentar identificar fatores que possam influenciar na prevalência da enfermidade

    Mudanças na biota vaginal de cabras submetidas a protocolo de indução de estro sincronizado.

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    Resumo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as mudanças na biota vaginal de cabras submetidas a protocolo curto de indução de estro sincronizado. [Changes on the vaginal biota of goats following protocol of estrus induction and synchronization]

    Repetition of estrus is the most frequent reproductive problem after breeding in dairy cattle from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

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    Reproductive efficiency is one of the key elements for any milk production system to be successful. In this regard, reproductive management must be planned properly and the identification of the main reproductive disorders that affect the herd is primordial for decisionmaking. The aim of the present study was to identify the main reproductive problems that affect dairy herds on Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brazil. Data regarding breed, age, reproductive disorder occurrence, and breeding system were individually collected from dairy cows raised at 25 farms located at RJ. The occurrence of reproductive disorders was reported in 37% of the studied animals. Estrous repetition (76.2%) and abortion (15.6%) were the most frequent reproductive problems reported. Estrous repetition was more common in older animals (>6 years old). However, an association between abortion and age of animal was not observed, nor an association between breeding system and occurrence of abortion. The present results demonstrated that estrous repetition is the main obstacle to the reproductive efficiency in dairy herds at RJ, and that the replace of older cows by heifers is an important point within reproductive management of a dairy herd

    Leptospirose Genital Bovina: uma síndrome silenciosa e com importante impacto reprodutivo.

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    O objetivo do presente documento é fornecer informações técnico-científicas para alunos do curso de medicina veterinária e para médicos veterinários sobre a Leptospirose Genital Bovina. Ressalta-se que serão apresentados procedimentos relacionados à coleta de material para diagnóstico da doença que devem ser executados por médicos veterinários, de preferência com experiência na área de reprodução animal, para que o material possa ser suficiente para realização dos exames e não cause danos a saúde do animal. Esse documento coaduna com os Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) integrantes da Agenda 2030, proposta pela Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) e da qual o Brasil é signatário, contribuindo para o alcance dos seguintes objetivos específicos: ODS 2 - "Fome zero e agricultura sustentável"; ODS 3 - "Saúde e bem estar".ODS 2, ODS 3

    Prevalence and risk factors for bovine leptospirosis in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

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    Foi investigada a prevalência de anticorpos antileptospira em fêmeas bovinas com idade igual ou superior a 24 meses, provenientes de 178 rebanhos de 22 municípios do estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, bem como identificados fatores de risco associados à infecção. Foram analisadas 2.573 amostras de soro sangüíneo por meio do teste de soroaglutinação microscópica perante 10 sorovares de leptospira. Títulos iguais ou superiores a 100 para um ou mais sorovares foram detectados em 1.801 fêmeas (98,8%) de 161 (96,5%) rebanhos. O sorovar Hardjo (65,6%) foi apontado como o mais provável, seguido do sorovar Wolffi (12,3%). Os resultados demonstram que a leptospirose bovina se encontra presente em todos os municípios estudados, com alta prevalência, tanto em animais como em rebanhos. Os fatores de risco identificados neste estudo e associados à infecção por bactérias do gênero lepstopira foram o tipo de exploração pecuária de corte e a raça Zebu. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe prevalence of anti-Leptospira spp. antibodies was estimated for female cattle aged 24 months or older. The sample comprised 178 herds from 22 counties in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The risk factors associated with the presence of infeccion were investigated. A total of 2,573 blood serum samples were tested against 10 leptospira serovars using the microagglutination test (MAT). Titers of 100 or higher for one or more serovars were detected in 1,801 females (98.8%) from 161 herds (96.5%). Serovar Hardjo (65.6%) was the most frequent, followed by serovar Wolffi (12.3%). These results suggest that bovine leptospirosis is widespread in all the counties under study, with a high prevalence both at the animal and the herd level. Beef farms and the Zebu breed were associated to the higher risk of herd infection by leptospiras

    Single-Agent Versus Combination Chemotherapy in Patients with Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer and a Performance Status of 2: Prognostic Factors and Treatment Selection Based on Two Large Randomized Clinical Trials

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    Purpose:Data from two randomized phase III trials were analyzed to evaluate prognostic factors and treatment selection in the first-line management of advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients with performance status (PS) 2.Patients and Methods:Patients randomized to combination chemotherapy (carboplatin and paclitaxel) in one trial and single-agent therapy (gemcitabine or vinorelbine) in the second were included in these analyses. Both studies had identical eligibility criteria and were conducted simultaneously. Comparison of efficacy and safety was performed between the two cohorts. A regression analysis identified prognostic factors and subgroups of patients that may benefit from combination or single-agent therapy.Results:Two hundred one patients were treated with combination and 190 with single-agent therapy. Objective responses were 37 and 15%, respectively. Median time to progression was 4.6 months in the combination arm and 3.5 months in the single-agent arm (p < 0.001). Median survival times were 8.0 and 6.6 months, and 1-year survival rates were 31 and 26%, respectively. Albumin <3.5 g, extrathoracic metastases, lactate dehydrogenase ≥200 IU, and 2 comorbid conditions predicted outcome. Patients with 0–2 risk factors had similar outcomes independent of treatment, whereas patients with 3–4 factors had a nonsignificant improvement in median survival with combination chemotherapy.Conclusion:Our results show that PS2 non-small cell lung cancer patients are a heterogeneous group who have significantly different outcomes. Patients treated with first-line combination chemotherapy had a higher response and longer time to progression, whereas overall survival did not appear significantly different. A prognostic model may be helpful in selecting PS 2 patients for either treatment strategy

    False-negative reactions to the comparative intradermal tuberculin test for bovine tuberculosis.

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    According to the Brazilian National Program for the Control and Eradication of Animal Brucellosis and Tuberculosis (PNCEBT), the routine tests for the diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis in the country are the simple intradermal tuberculin test (SITT) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA), the caudal fold test and the comparative intradermal tuberculin test (CITT). The latter is also used as a confirmatory test. A group of 53 animals from three dairy herds in a focal area for bovine tuberculosis, that were submitted to depopulation in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, were submitted to the CITT. Tissues were cultured and the resulting colonies were confirmed by PCR and DNA sequencing. Among the 53 animals analyzed using the CITT, 32 (60.4%) were negative, 14 (26.4%) were positive and seven (13.2%) results were inconclusive. The CITT detected 11 of the 39 animals with culture-confirmed M. bovis infection as positive. Among the total of 14 uninfected animals based on cultures, the CBT detected eight as negative. Thus, the CITT demonstrated sensitivity of 28.2% and specificity of 57.1% for the population sampled. A total of 24/32 (75.0%) of the animals with negative CITT results were culture positive (confirmed by PCR) and were considered false negatives based on the CITT. The maintenance of these false-negative animals in herds has serious implications for the control of the disease, since they can be a source of infection. The addition of complementary tests could help identify such animals and increase the odds of diagnostic success.Título em português: Reações falso-negativas ao teste cervical comparativo para tuberculose bovina