762 research outputs found

    Design for Giving: Understanding What Motivates Corporate Philanthropy

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    What motivates corporate philanthropy? Since corporate giving is often fragmented, both in the sense of where grants originate within a company and where they are distributed, corporations typically lack a clear and comprehensive picture of their overall philanthropic expenditures and investments. In examining the giving patterns of corporations and other foundations, we have found that the vast majority of grants can be explained by three motivational clusters. Maximizing impact means managing the mix

    Strengthening Community Foundations - Redefining the Opportunities

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    Commissioned by the Council on Foundations and released in October 2003, this white paper details the findings and the implications of our study of costs and revenues at nine community foundations. Offering a new perspective for community foundation sustainability, the white paper proposes that community foundations examine their strategy and operations on a product-by-product basis, taking into account their mission-driven priorities, internal costs, customer preferences and the competing donor alternatives for each type of product or service they offer

    Lo correcto a la luz del intuicionismo ético de W.D. Ross.

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    Saat ini banyak calon mahasiswa dan mahasiswa serta desainer yang belum tahu akan perkembangan ilmu desain. Selain itu juga banyak mahasiswa desain dan desainer yang belum bisa mengelola hasil karyanya. Ilmu manajemen desain merupakan keilmuan yang dapat memberikan pengetahuan kepada calon desainer mengenai pengelolaan karya dan kewirausahaan. Maka dari itu dibutuhkan sebuah media buku yang menarik untuk menginformasikan ilmu manajemen desain dan hal-hal apa saja yang dipelajari dalam keilmuan tersebut. Agar terlihat lebih menarik maka dalam proses perancangannya lebih banyak menggunakan ilustrasi gambar yang sesuai dengan target audience. Dalam perancangan buku ilustrasi ini diperlukan proses pengumpulan data dan beberapa metode yaitu observasi yang dilakukan dengan cara melihat dan membandingkan proyek buku sejenis, metode studi pustaka, metode wawancara dengan selaku ahli ilmu manajemen dan desain serta pelaku industri kreatif. Selain itu penulis juga melakukan analisis dengan menggunakan matriks sebagai perbandingan produk sejenis. Adapun target dari perancangan buku ini yang difokuskan untuk kalangan menengah keatas dengan rentang usia 18-25 tahun yang berada di wilayah Negara Indonesia. Penulis berharap buku ilustrasi tersebut dapat mempermudah target audience dalam memahami ilmu tersebut melalui pendekatan ilustrasi serta memeberikan wawasan akan perkembangan ilmu desain. Kata Kunci : Buku Ilustrasi, Manajemen desain, Desain

    El don de la libertad a través del pensamiento de J. Tischner

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    El motivo y lo correcto según W. D. Ross

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    Aplikasi Integrasi Kansei Engineering dan Kano Model pada Layanan Salon Kecantikan

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    Application of Kansei Engineering and Kano Model in Beauty Salon Services. The number of beauty salons as growing beauty care business led to the emergence of competition. To win the competition, companies should focus on the customer, which is the impression or experience perceived by the customer on the quality of service is important. Emotions play a big role. This study aims to connect customer emotions with the service attributes by using Kansei Engineering and Kano Model. Kansei Engineering is a method to translate human emotions in a product and Kano Model is a method for determining the service attributes that affect customer satisfaction. This study measured customer emotions by 8 kansei words and measure the quality of service based on 23 service attributes. Based on the results of data processing that based on the quality of service and the influence to customer kansei, there are seven service attributes that need improvement. Service attributes that need improvement are the need to have a beauty salon treatment rooms and waiting rooms that are spacious, comfortable and clean. Recommendations for improvements made by an interview with the owner of the salon and the result are cleaning the beauty salon room periodically, apply senyum- sapa-salam, apply uniform to employees, provide the number of employees in accordance with the needs, providing consultation on customers, make a list of services offered and salon beauty must be still operates on weekends and holidays