71 research outputs found

    Holographic Renormalization for z=2 Lifshitz Space-Times from AdS

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    Lifshitz space-times with critical exponent z=2 can be obtained by dimensional reduction of Schroedinger space-times with critical exponent z=0. The latter space-times are asymptotically AdS solutions of AdS gravity coupled to an axion-dilaton system and can be uplifted to solutions of type IIB supergravity. This basic observation is used to perform holographic renormalization for 4-dimensional asymptotically z=2 locally Lifshitz space-times by Scherk-Schwarz dimensional reduction of the corresponding problem of holographic renormalization for 5-dimensional asymptotically locally AdS space-times coupled to an axion-dilaton system. We can thus define and characterize a 4-dimensional asymptotically locally z=2 Lifshitz space-time in terms of 5-dimensional AdS boundary data. In this setup the 4-dimensional structure of the Fefferman-Graham expansion and the structure of the counterterm action, including the scale anomaly, will be discussed. We find that for asymptotically locally z=2 Lifshitz space-times obtained in this way there are two anomalies each with their own associated nonzero central charge. Both anomalies follow from the Scherk--Schwarz dimensional reduction of the 5-dimensional conformal anomaly of AdS gravity coupled to an axion-dilaton system. Together they make up an action that is of the Horava-Lifshitz type with nonzero potential term for z=2 conformal gravity.Comment: 32 pages, v2: modified discussion of the central charge

    Automatic medical encoding with SNOMED categories

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    BACKGROUND: In this paper, we describe the design and preliminary evaluation of a new type of tools to speed up the encoding of episodes of care using the SNOMED CT terminology. METHODS: The proposed system can be used either as a search tool to browse the terminology or as a categorization tool to support automatic annotation of textual contents with SNOMED concepts. The general strategy is similar for both tools and is based on the fusion of two complementary retrieval strategies with thesaural resources. The first classification module uses a traditional vector-space retrieval engine which has been fine-tuned for the task, while the second classifier is based on regular variations of the term list. For evaluating the system, we use a sample of MEDLINE. SNOMED CT categories have been restricted to Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) using the SNOMED-MeSH mapping provided by the UMLS (version 2006). RESULTS: Consistent with previous investigations applied on biomedical terminologies, our results show that performances of the hybrid system are significantly improved as compared to each single module. For top returned concepts, a precision at high ranks (P0) of more than 80% is observed. In addition, a manual and qualitative evaluation on a dozen of MEDLINE abstracts suggests that SNOMED CT could represent an improvement compared to existing medical terminologies such as MeSH. CONCLUSION: Although the precision of the SNOMED categorizer seems sufficient to help professional encoders, it is concluded that clinical benchmarks as well as usability studies are needed to assess the impact of our SNOMED encoding method in real settings. AVAILABILITIES : The system is available for research purposes on: http://eagl.unige.ch/SNOCat

    Identifying the most productive breeding sites for malaria mosquitoes in The Gambia

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    BACKGROUND: Ideally larval control activities should be targeted at sites that generate the most adult vectors, thereby reducing operational costs. Despite the plethora of potential mosquito breeding sites found in the floodplains of the Gambia River, about 150 km from its mouth, during the rainy season, only a small proportion are colonized by anophelines on any day. This study aimed to determine the characteristics of larval habitats most frequently and most densely populated by anopheline larvae and to estimate the numbers of adults produced in different habitats. METHODS: A case-control design was used to identify characteristics of sites with or without mosquitoes. Sites were surveyed for their physical water properties and invertebrate fauna. The characteristics of 83 sites with anopheline larvae (cases) and 75 sites without (controls) were collected between June and November 2005. Weekly adult productivity was estimated with emergence traps in water-bodies commonly containing larvae. RESULTS: The presence of anopheline larvae was associated with high invertebrate diversity (Odds Ratio, OR 11.69, 95% CI 5.61-24.34, p < 0.001), the presence of emergent vegetation (OR 2.83, 95% CI 1.35-5.95, p = 0.006), and algae (at borderline significance; OR 1.87, 95% CI 0.96-3.618, p = 0.065). The density of larvae was reduced in sites that were larger than 100 m in perimeter (OR 0.151; 95% CI 0.060-0.381, p < 0.001), where water was tidal (OR 0.232; 95% CI 0.101-0.533, p = 0.001), vegetation shaded over 25% of the habitat (OR 0.352; 95% CI 0.136-0.911, p = 0.031) and water conductivity was above 2,000 muS/cm (OR 0.458; 95% CI 0.220-0.990, p = 0.048). Pools produced the highest numbers of Anopheles gambiae adults compared with rice fields, floodwater areas close to the edge of the floodplain or close to the river, and stream fringes. Pools were characterized by high water temperature and turbidity, low conductivity, increased presence of algae, and absence of tidal water. CONCLUSION: There are few breeding sites that produce a high number of adult vectors in the middle reaches of the river in The Gambia, whereas those with low productivity are larger in area and can be found throughout the rainy season. Even though risk factors could be identified for the presence and density of larvae and productivity of habitats, the results indicate that anti-larval interventions in this area of The Gambia cannot be targeted in space or time during the rainy season

    Impact of insecticide-treated bed nets on malaria transmission indices on the south coast of Kenya

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Besides significantly reducing malaria vector densities, prolonged usage of bed nets has been linked to decline of <it>Anopheles gambiae </it>s.s. relative to <it>Anopheles arabiensis</it>, changes in host feeding preference of malaria vectors, and behavioural shifts to exophagy (outdoor biting) for the two important malaria vectors in Africa, <it>An. gambiae </it>s.l. and <it>Anopheles funestus</it>. In southern coastal Kenya, bed net use was negligible in 1997-1998 when <it>Anopheles funestus </it>and <it>An. gambiae </it>s.s. were the primary malaria vectors, with <it>An. arabiensis </it>and <it>Anopheles merus </it>playing a secondary role. Since 2001, bed net use has increased progressively and reached high levels by 2009-2010 with corresponding decline in malaria transmission.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To evaluate the impact of the substantial increase in household bed net use within this area on vector density, vector composition, and human-vector contact, indoor and outdoor resting mosquitoes were collected in the same region during 2009-2010 using pyrethrum spray catches and clay pots for indoor and outdoor collections respectively. Information on bed net use per sleeping spaces and factors influencing mosquito density were determined in the same houses using Poisson regression analysis. Species distribution was determined, and number of mosquitoes per house, human-biting rates (HBR), and entomological inoculation rate (EIR) were compared to those reported for the same area during 1997-1998, when bed net coverage had been minimal.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Compared to 1997-1998, a significant decline in the relative proportion of <it>An. gambiae </it>s.s. among collected mosquitoes was noted, coupled with a proportionate increase of <it>An. arabiensis</it>. Following > 5 years of 60-86% coverage with bed nets, the density, human biting rate and EIR of indoor resting mosquitoes were reduced by more than 92% for <it>An. funestus </it>and by 75% for <it>An. gambiae </it>s.l. In addition, the host feeding choice of both vectors shifted more toward non-human vertebrates. Besides bed net use, malaria vector abundance was also influenced by type of house construction and according to whether one sleeps on a bed or a mat (both of these are associated with household wealth). Mosquito density was positively associated with presence of domestic animals.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These entomological indices indicate a much reduced human biting rate and a diminishing role of <it>An. gambiae </it>s.s. in malaria transmission following high bed net coverage. While increasing bed net coverage beyond the current levels may not significantly reduce the transmission potential of <it>An. arabiensis</it>, it is anticipated that increasing or at least sustaining high bed net coverage will result in a diminished role for <it>An. funestus </it>in malaria transmission.</p

    Informal Urban Settlements and Cholera Risk in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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    In 2008, for the first time in human history, more than half of the world's population was living in urban areas, and this proportion is expected to increase. As a result of poor economic opportunities and an increasing shortage of affordable housing, much of the spatial growth in many of the world's fastest growing cities is a result of the expansion of informal settlements where residents live without security of tenure and with limited access to basic infrastructure. Although inadequate water and sanitation facilities, crowding, and other poor living conditions can have a significant impact on the spread of infectious diseases, analyses relating these diseases to ongoing global urbanization, especially at the neighborhood and household level in informal settlements, have been infrequent. To begin to address this deficiency, we analyzed urban environmental data and the burden of cholera in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. We found that cholera incidence was most closely associated with informal housing, population density, and the income level of informal residents. Our analysis suggests that the current growth of many cities in developing countries and expansion of informal settlements will be associated with increased risks to human health, including cholera and other infectious diseases, and underscores the importance of urban planning, resource allocation, and infrastructure placement and management, as the rapidly progressive trend of global urbanization proceeds

    The influence of mosquito resting behaviour and associated microclimate for malaria risk

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The majority of the mosquito and parasite life-history traits that combine to determine malaria transmission intensity are temperature sensitive. In most cases, the process-based models used to estimate malaria risk and inform control and prevention strategies utilize measures of mean outdoor temperature. Evidence suggests, however, that certain malaria vectors can spend large parts of their adult life resting indoors.</p> <p>Presentation of hypothesis</p> <p>If significant proportions of mosquitoes are resting indoors and indoor conditions differ markedly from ambient conditions, simple use of outdoor temperatures will not provide reliable estimates of malaria transmission intensity. To date, few studies have quantified the differential effects of indoor <it>vs </it>outdoor temperatures explicitly, reflecting a lack of proper understanding of mosquito resting behaviour and associated microclimate.</p> <p>Testing the hypothesis</p> <p>Published records from 8 village sites in East Africa revealed temperatures to be warmer indoors than outdoors and to generally show less daily variation. Exploring the effects of these temperatures on malaria parasite development rate suggested indoor-resting mosquitoes could transmit malaria between 0.3 and 22.5 days earlier than outdoor-resting mosquitoes. These differences translate to increases in transmission risk ranging from 5 to approaching 3,000%, relative to predictions based on outdoor temperatures. The pattern appears robust for low- and highland areas, with differences increasing with altitude.</p> <p>Implications of the hypothesis</p> <p>Differences in indoor <it>vs </it>outdoor environments lead to large differences in the limits and the intensity of malaria transmission. This finding highlights a need to better understand mosquito resting behaviour and the associated microclimate, and to broaden assessments of transmission ecology and risk to consider the potentially important role of endophily.</p
