1,128 research outputs found

    Criminaliteit en Werk, een veelzijdig verband

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    English abstract: Employment and crime are commonly assumed to be negatively correlated. Those employed are less likely to commit crimes, and conversely, those who have a criminal record are less likely to become employed. Criminological research has provided strong empirical and theoretical support for the link between employment and crime, but also suggests that a complex set of mechanisms may be at play. Additionally, studies show that employment can also increase the risk of criminal behaviour. In the introduction of this special issue, three causal relationships in the work-crime nexus will be discussed: employment causing crime, employment preventing crime, and crime blocking future employment. Dutch abstract: Woning, werk en wijf. In het reclasseringsjargon zijn dit al heel lang de drie voorwaarden voor succesvolle resocialisatie van delinquenten na detentie en voor preventie van recidive. Vooral werk wordt vaak gezien als een mogelijke oplossing voor problemen met delinquentie en criminaliteit. Het maatschappelijke belang en de – vaak ook complexe – rol van werk in de theorievorming hebben ertoe geleid dat het onderwerp ‘criminaliteit en werk’ in toenemende mate kan rekenen op de belangstelling van criminologen. In criminologisch onderzoek wordt de negatieve relatie tussen werk en criminaliteit zowel theoretisch als empirisch ondersteund (Fagan & Freeman, 1999; Staff e.a., 2010). Door het gebruik van sterke methodologische onderzoeksdesigns is de wetenschappelijke basis van deze algemene vooronderstelling sterker geworden. Door de invloed van het levensloopperspectief is binnen de criminologie sprake van een zekere revival van thema’s die enkele decennia terug centraal stonden in de criminologie, bijvoorbeeld in de Utrechtse school, die in werk vooral een kans op resocialisatie zag, en in de kritische criminologie, die vooral wees op het negatieve stigma van een strafblad voor het vinden van werk

    Inkuilen van eendenkroos als veevoer met verschillende additieven = Ensiling Duckweed for feed with different additives

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    Ferment duckweed as silage is a cheap and sustainable alternative for drying. Without an additive, no satisfying preservation result was reached. Molasses gave a good preservation result and is relatively cheap and practical. Common methods of forage ensilaging are not suitable for duckweed as they have too little product structure to facilitate wrapping. The use of an airtight container or silo may lead to good preservation results, and prevent losses

    Effect of DMARDs on the immunogenicity of vaccines

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    Vaccines are important for protecting individuals at increased risk of severe infections, including patients undergoing DMARD therapy. However, DMARD therapy can also compromise the immune system, leading to impaired responses to vaccination. This Review focuses on the impact of DMARDs on influenza and SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations, as such vaccines have been investigated most thoroughly. Various data suggest that B cell depletion therapy, mycophenolate mofetil, cyclophosphamide, azathioprine and abatacept substantially reduce the immunogenicity of these vaccines. However, the effects of glucocorticoids, methotrexate, TNF inhibitors and JAK inhibitors on vaccine responses remain unclear and could depend on the dosage and type of vaccination. Vaccination is aimed at initiating robust humoral and cellular vaccine responses, which requires efficient interactions between antigen-presenting cells, T cells and B cells. DMARDs impair these cells in different ways and to different degrees, such as the prevention of antigen-presenting cell maturation, alteration of T cell differentiation and selective inhibition of B cell subsets, thus inhibiting processes that are necessary for an effective vaccine response. Innovative modified vaccination strategies are needed to improve vaccination responses in patients undergoing DMARD therapy and to protect these patients from the severe outcomes of infectious diseases.</p
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