34,216 research outputs found

    Forward Neutral Pion Production in p + p and d + Au Collisions at √s_(NN) = 200 GeV

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    Measurements of the production of forward π^0 mesons from p + p and d + Au collisions at √s_(NN) = 200  GeV are reported. The p + p yield generally agrees with next-to-leading order perturbative QCD calculations. The d + Au yield per binary collision is suppressed as η increases, decreasing to ~30% of the p + p yield at =4.00, well below shadowing expectations. Exploratory measurements of azimuthal correlations of the forward π^0 with charged hadrons at η ≈ 0 show a recoil peak in p + p that is suppressed in d + Au at low pion energy. These observations are qualitatively consistent with a saturation picture of the low-x gluon structure of heavy nuclei

    Directed flow in Au + Au collisions at √s_(NN) = 62.4 GeV

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    We present the directed flow (v1) measured in Au+Au collisions at √s_(NN) = 62.4 GeV in the midpseudorapidity region |η| < 1.3 and in the forward pseudorapidity region 2.5 < |η| < 4.0. The results are obtained using the three-particle cumulant method, the event plane method with mixed harmonics, and for the first time at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, the standard method with the event plane reconstructed from spectator neutrons. Results from all three methods are in good agreement. Over the pseudorapidity range studied, charged particle directed flow is in the direction opposite to that of fragmentation neutrons

    The Occupational Structure of Further and Higher Education in Ireland and the Netherlands

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    Although most types of education give access to a range of occupations, the educational background determines to a large extent the labour market possibilities of a worker. However, since educational systems vary widely between different countries, there is a question about the specific role of each type of education in a country and the influence of the structure of the educational system as a whole on the relationship between education and the labour market. In this paper a comparison of the occupational structure of further and higher education in Ireland and the Netherlands is made. This comparison is based on a common occupational classification, which provides the possibility of measuring the extent of the occupational domains of types of education and the overlap in occupational domain of different types of education within each country and between both countries. The extent of the occupational domain and the similarities within a country provide information about aspects of the occupational structure of higher education in both countries, while the similarities between types of education in both countries make it possible to determine in a simple way the mutual position of types of education in the two countries. It is shown in the paper that since the Irish education system is more generally oriented than the Dutch system, Ireland has a broader occupational domain for similar types of further and higher education, on average, than the Netherlands. In addition the occupational domains for academics and technicians in Ireland have more overlap between different fields of study than in the Netherlands. Furthermore, despite the fact that the fraction of higher educated people in the Netherlands considerably exceeds the fraction in Ireland – which might result in some qualifications inflation – some types of education in Ireland, such as engineering and agricultural science, at higher levels seem to be closer to the Dutch intermediate vocational level than to the higher level.education, training and the labour market;

    Flammability screening tests of resins

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    Selected flammability characteristics of glass cloth laminates of thermosetting resins are evaluated. A protocol for the evaluation of the flammability hazards presented by glass cloth laminates of thermosetting resins and the usefulness of that protocol with two laminates are presented. The glass laminates of an epoxy resin, M-751 are evaluated for: (1) determination of smoke generation from the laminates; (2) analysis of products of oxidative degradation of the laminates; (3) determination of minimum oxygen necessary to maintain flaming oxidation; (4) evaluation of toxicological hazards

    Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in a Weakly Ionized Medium

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    Ambient interstellar material may become entrained in outflows from massive stars as a result of shear flow instabilities. We study the linear theory of the Kelvin - Helmholtz instability, the simplest example of shear flow instability, in a partially ionized medium. We model the interaction as a two fluid system (charged and neutral) in a planar geometry. Our principal result is that for much of the relevant parameter space, neutrals and ions are sufficiently decoupled that the neutrals are unstable while the ions are held in place by the magnetic field. Thus, we predict that there should be a detectably narrower line profile in ionized species tracing the outflow compared with neutral species since ionized species are not participating in the turbulent interface with the ambient ISM. Since the magnetic field is frozen to the plasma, it is not tangled by the turbulence in the boundary layer.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    Inexpensive Digital-to-Analog Converter for Curve Plotting with Small Digital Computers

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    The use of the digital computer in engineering schools, with its ability to produce huge tables of results, soon causes the user to wonder if these results cannot be reduced to graphical form automatically. The equipment described here takes the numerical output of a digital computer on punched paper tape, converts the information on the tape to analog voltages, and uses these voltages to plot a point either on a common camera-equipped oscilloscope or on an available plotting table. Since the converter makes use of existing display equipment which every school has, uses low-cost relays, and works at a low speed, its cost is about $200, not including the tape reader. Complete details on design and construction are given

    Speech Analysis

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    Contains research objectives and reports on one research project.National Science Foundatio

    Speech Analysis

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    Contains reports on one research project

    Daylight quantum key distribution over 1.6 km

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    Quantum key distribution (QKD) has been demonstrated over a point-to-point ∼1.6\sim1.6-km atmospheric optical path in full daylight. This record transmission distance brings QKD a step closer to surface-to-satellite and other long-distance applications.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 1 table. Submitted to PRL on 14 January 2000 for publication consideratio

    Importance of Mild Hyperoxaluria in the Pathogenesis of Urolithiasis - New Evidence from Studies in the Arabian Peninsula

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    The hypothesis that mild hyperoxaluria is more important than hypercalciuria in the pathogenesis of urolithiasis is re-examined in the light of new evidence. Small increments in urinary oxalate in the normal to high-normal range are much more critical than similar rises in urinary calcium for increasing the relative supersaturation of urine with respect to calcium oxalate, the oxalate/calcium ratio in urine, the total volume of calcium oxalate crystals excreted, the proportion of abnormally large crystals and aggregates of calcium oxalate and the severity of the disorder as defined by the recurrence rate of stone-formation. Data from the Arabian Peninsula, where the prevalence of calcium-containing stones is considerably higher than in the West, have shown that this occurs in spite of the almost complete absence of hypercalciuria. On the other hand, there is a strong association between stone-formation and the occurrence of mild hyperoxaluria. The life-time expectancy of stone-formation in men from various countries is strongly correlated with the average daily excretion of oxalate in the urine of the normal men in these countries. This relationship extends to include patients with enteric and hereditary hyperoxaluria. There is no such relationship, however, between the life-time expectancy of stones and urinary calcium excretion in the same populations. Studies on the regulation of urinary oxalate indicate that it is largely controlled by the quantity of free dietary oxalate available for absorption in the lower intestine. This can be calculated from the intakes of calcium and oxalate and the urinary excretion of calcium
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