10,985 research outputs found

    Computational structural mechanics: A new activity at the NASA Langley Research Center

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    Complex structures considered for the late 1980's and early 1990's include composite primary aircraft structures and the space station. These structures are much more difficult to analyze than today's structures and necessitate a major upgrade in computerized structural analysis technology. A major research activity in computational structural mechanics (CSM) was initiated. The objective of the CSM activity is develop advanced structural analysis technology that will exploit modern and emerging computers such as computers with vector and/or parallel processing capabilities. The three main research activities underway in CSM include: (1) structural analysis methods development; (2) a software testbed for evaluating the methods; and (3) numerical techniques for parallel processing computers. The motivation and objectives of the CSM activity are presented and CSM activity is described. The current CSM research thrusts, and near and long term CSM research thrusts are outlined


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    © 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis GroupThe use of social media is now widely accepted within journalism as an outlet for news information. Live tweeting of unfolding events is standard practice. In March 2014, Oscar Pistorius went on trial in the Gauteng High Court for murder. Hundreds of journalists present began live-tweeting coverage, an unprecedented combination of international interest, permission to use technology and access which resulted in massive streams of consciousness reports of events as they unfolded. Based on a corpus of Twitter feeds of twenty-four journalists covering the trial, this study analyses the content and strategies of these feeds in order to present an understanding of how microblogging is used as a live reporting tool. This study shows the development of standardised language and strategies in reporting on Twitter, concluding that journalists adopt a narrow range of approaches, with no significant variation in terms of gender, location, or medium. This is in contrast to earlier studies in the field (Awad, 2006, Hedman, 2015; Kothari, 2010; Lariscy, Avery, Sweetser, & Howes, 2009 Lasorsa, 2012; Lasorsa, Lewis, & Holton, 2011; Sigal, 1999, Vis, 2013).Peer reviewe

    Long time deviation from exponential decay: non-integral power laws

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    Quantal systems are predicted to show a change-over from exponential decay to power law decay at very long times. Although most theoretical studies predict integer power-law exponents, recent measurements by Rothe et al. of decay luminescence of organic molecules in solution {Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 (2006) 163601} found non-integer exponents in most cases. We propose a physical mechanism, within the realm of scattering from potentials with long tails, which produces a continuous range of power law exponents. In the tractable case of the repulsive inverse square potential, we demonstrate a simple relation between the strength of the long range tail and the power law exponent. This system is amenable to experimental scrutiny

    Model of Enterpreneurship and Social-cultural and Market Orientation of Small Business Owners in Poland

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    In the development of SMEs in Poland crucial meaning is legislation, steadily adapted to EU regulations, especially to the European Charter for Small Enterprises. Research conducted in Poland by many authors provide data for doing so, to confirm the hypothesis that among small businesses a vital role in shaping their work situation did not continue to play the market mechanisms and orientations, but mainly socio-cultural factors.W rozwoju MŚP w Polsce podstawowe znaczenie mają również uregulowania prawne, systematycznie dostosowywane do regulacji unijnych, zwłaszcza zaś do Europejskiej Karty Małych Przedsiębiorstw. Badania prowadzone w Polsce przez wielu autorów dostarczają danych ku temu, by potwierdzić tezę, że wśród drobnych przedsiębiorców decydującą rolę w kształtowaniu ich sytuacji pracy odgrywają nadal nie mechanizmy i orientacje rynkowe, ale przede wszystkim czynniki społeczno-kulturowe

    Low loss (34 dB/km) silica hollow core fiber for the 3 μm spectral region

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    Optimal Sizes of Dielectric Microspheres for Cavity QED with Strong Coupling

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    The whispering gallery modes (WGMs) of quartz microspheres are investigated for the purpose of strong coupling between single photons and atoms in cavity quantum electrodynamics (cavity QED). Within our current understanding of the loss mechanisms of the WGMs, the saturation photon number, n, and critical atom number, N, cannot be minimized simultaneously, so that an "optimal" sphere size is taken to be the radius for which the geometric mean, (n x N)^(1/2), is minimized. While a general treatment is given for the dimensionless parameters used to characterize the atom-cavity system, detailed consideration is given to the D2 transition in atomic Cesium (852nm) using fused-silica microspheres, for which the maximum coupling coefficient g/(2*pi)=750MHz occurs for a sphere radius a=3.63microns corresponding to the minimum for n=6.06x10^(-6). By contrast, the minimum for N=9.00x10^(-6) occurs for a sphere radius of a=8.12microns, while the optimal sphere size for which (n x N)^(1/2) is minimized occurs at a=7.83microns. On an experimental front, we have fabricated fused-silica microspheres with radii a=10microns and consistently observed quality factors Q=0.8x10^(7). These results for the WGMs are compared with corresponding parameters achieved in Fabry-Perot cavities to demonstrate the significant potential of microspheres as a tool for cavity QED with strong coupling.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figure

    Angular Dependences of Third Harmonic Generation from Microdroplets

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    We present experimental and theoretical results for the angular dependence of third harmonic generation (THG) of water droplets in the micrometer range (size parameter 62<ka<24862<ka<248). The THG signal in pp- and ss-polarization obtained with ultrashort laser pulses is compared with a recently developed nonlinear extension of classical Mie theory including multipoles of order l250l\leq250. Both theory and experiment yield over a wide range of size parameters remarkably stable intensity maxima close to the forward and backward direction at ``magic angles''. In contrast to linear Mie scattering, both are of comparable intensity.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, 3 figures available on request from [email protected], submitted to PR

    Photoelectron diffraction investigation of the structure of the clean TiO2(110)(1×1) surface

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    The surface relaxations of the rutile TiO2(110)(1×1) clean surface have been determined by O 1 s and Ti 2p3∕2 scanned-energy mode photoelectron diffraction. The results are in excellent agreement with recent low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) and medium energy ion scattering (MEIS) results, but in conflict with the results of some earlier investigations including one by surface x-ray diffraction. In particular, the bridging O atoms at the surface are found to relax outward, rather than inward, relative to the underlying bulk. Combined with the recent LEED and MEIS results, a consistent picture of the structure of this surface is provided. While the results of the most recent theoretical total-energy calculations are qualitatively consistent with this experimental consensus, significant quantitative differences remain

    Energetic particles in solar flares. Chapter 4 in the proceedings of the 2nd Skylab Workshop on Solar Flares

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    The recent direct observational evidence for the acceleration of particles in solar flares, i.e. radio emission, bremsstrahlung X-ray emission, gamma-ray line and continuum emission, as well as direct observations of energetic electrons and ions, are discussed and intercorrelated. At least two distinct phases of acceleration of solar particles exist that can be distinguished in terms of temporal behavior, type and energy of particles accelerated and the acceleration mechanism. Bulk energization seems the likely acceleration mechanism for the first phase while Fermi mechanism is a viable candidate for the second one