912 research outputs found

    Measurement and Compensation of Horizontal Crabbing at the Cornell Electron Storage Ring Test Accelerator

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    In storage rings, horizontal dispersion in the rf cavities introduces horizontal-longitudinal (xz) coupling, contributing to beam tilt in the xz plane. This coupling can be characterized by a "crabbing" dispersion term {\zeta}a that appears in the normal mode decomposition of the 1-turn transfer matrix. {\zeta}a is proportional to the rf cavity voltage and the horizontal dispersion in the cavity. We report experiments at the Cornell Electron Storage Ring Test Accelerator (CesrTA) where xz coupling was explored using three lattices with distinct crabbing properties. We characterize the xz coupling for each case by measuring the horizontal projection of the beam with a beam size monitor. The three lattice configurations correspond to a) 16 mrad xz tilt at the beam size monitor source point, b) compensation of the {\zeta}a introduced by one of two pairs of RF cavities with the second, and c) zero dispersion in RF cavities, eliminating {\zeta}a entirely. Additionally, intrabeam scattering (IBS) is evident in our measurements of beam size vs. rf voltage.Comment: 5 figures, 10 page

    The Littlewood-Gowers problem

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    We show that if A is a subset of Z/pZ (p a prime) of density bounded away from 0 and 1 then the A(Z/pZ)-norm (that is the l^1-norm of the Fourier transform) of the characterstic function of A is bounded below by an absolute constant times (log p)^{1/2 - \epsilon} as p tends to infinity. This improves on the exponent 1/3 in recent work of Green and Konyagin.Comment: 31 pp. Corrected typos. Updated references

    Large droplet impact on water layers

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    The impact of large droplets onto an otherwise undisturbed layer of water is considered. The work, which is motivated primarily with regard to aircraft icing, is to try and help understand the role of splashing on the formation of ice on a wing, in particular for large droplets where splash appears, to have a significant effect. Analytical and numerical approaches are used to investigate a single droplet impact onto a water layer. The flow for small times after impact is determined analytically, for both direct and oblique impacts. The impact is also examined numerically using the volume of fluid (VOF) method. At small times there are promising comparisons between the numerical results, the analytical solution and experimental work capturing the ejector sheet. At larger times there is qualitative agreement with experiments and related simulations. Various cases are considered, varying the droplet size to layer depth ratio, including surface roughness, droplet distortion and air effects. The amount of fluid splashed by such an impact is examined and is found to increase with droplet size and to be significantly influenced by surface roughness. The makeup of the splash is also considered, tracking the incoming fluid, and the splash is found to consist mostly of fluid originating in the layer

    The BetaCage, an ultra-sensitive screener for surface contamination

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    Material screening for identifying low-energy electron emitters and alpha-decaying isotopes is now a prerequisite for rare-event searches (e.g., dark-matter direct detection and neutrinoless double-beta decay) for which surface radiocontamination has become an increasingly important background. The BetaCage, a gaseous neon time-projection chamber, is a proposed ultra-sensitive (and nondestructive) screener for alpha- and beta-emitting surface contaminants to which existing screening facilities are insufficiently sensitive. Sensitivity goals are 0.1 betas per keV-m2^2-day and 0.1 alphas per m2^2-day, with the former limited by Compton scattering of photons in the screening samples and (thanks to tracking) the latter expected to be signal-limited; radioassays and simulations indicate backgrounds from detector materials and radon daughters should be subdominant. We report on details of the background simulations and detector design that provide the discrimination, shielding, and radiopurity necessary to reach our sensitivity goals for a chamber with a 95×\times95 cm2^2 sample area positioned below a 40 cm drift region and monitored by crisscrossed anode and cathode planes consisting of 151 wires each.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of Low Radioactivity Techniques (LRT) 2013, Gran Sasso, Italy, April 10-12, 201
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