1,095 research outputs found

    Respon Pertumbuhan Bibit Induk Jamur Tiram Putih (Pleurotus Ostreatus) Pada Lima Media Biji Sorgum

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    Growth Response Of Pleurotus Ostreatus Parent Seed At Five Different Sorghum Medium. The research was conducted in Biotechnology Laboratory of Kupang State Agricultural Polytechnic in one month, December 2008. The research was aimed to know the growth response of Pleurotus ostreatus parent seed at five different sorghum medium.This research used sorghum seed as mycelium of Pleurotus ostreatus growth medium. The variables that used to measure were mycelium growth time and mycelium of Pleurotus ostreatus scattered which measured from the beginning of mycelium scattered. The result shown that the fastest growth and scattered of Pleurotus ostreatus mycelium was Sikun sorghum and the lowest growth and scattered of Pleurotus ostreatus mycelium was Pisan sorghum

    Isolasi Dan Seleksi Jamur Dan Bakteri Endofit Dari Tanaman Mimba, Beluntas Dan Gandarusa Sebagai Penghasil Fungistatik Dan Bakteriostatik Scabies

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    Isolation and Selection of Endophytic Fungi and Bacteria from Mimba, Beluntas and Gandarusa used for Fungi Static and Bacteria Static Scabies. This research aim to get endophytic microbes from mimba, beluntas and gandarusa to produced bacteria static and fungi static to heal sufferer animal scabies. Microbes isolated from three kinds of plants was classified based on colony and cells shape. This research placed in Biotechnology Laboratory from June-November 2008 using Completely Randomized Design. There were three treatments of plant types and 3 repeats for each isolate. The result that there were two kinds of endophytic bacteria from mimba, one kind of endophytic fungi from beluntas and one kind of endophytic bacteria from gandarusa. Endophytic bacteria isolated from mimba leaf (MDB2) had a best potential to be fungi static for scabies

    Structure of excited vortices with higher angular momentum in Bose-Einstein condensates

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    The structure of vortices in Bose-Einstein condensed atomic gases is studied taking into account many-body correlation effects. It is shown that for excited vortices the particle density in the vortex core increases as the angular momentum of the system increases. The core density can increase by several times with only a few percent change in the angular momentum. This result provides an explanation for the observations in which the measured angular momentum is higher than the estimation based on counting the number of vortices, and the visibility of the vortex cores is simultaneously reduced. The calculated density profiles for the excited vortices are in good agreement with experimental measurements.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Energy flow lines and the spot of Poisson-Arago

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    We show how energy flow lines answer the question about diffraction phenomena presented in 1818 by the French Academy: "deduce by mathematical induction, the movements of the rays during their crossing near the bodies". This provides a complementary answer to Fresnel's wave theory of light. A numerical simulation of these energy flow lines proves that they can reach the bright spot of Poisson-Arago in the shadow center of a circular opaque disc. For a monochromatic wave in vacuum, these energy flow lines correspond to the diffracted rays of Newton's Opticks

    An Experimental Investigation of the Scaling of Columnar Joints

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    Columnar jointing is a fracture pattern common in igneous rocks in which cracks self-organize into a roughly hexagonal arrangement, leaving behind an ordered colonnade. We report observations of columnar jointing in a laboratory analog system, desiccated corn starch slurries. Using measurements of moisture density, evaporation rates, and fracture advance rates as evidence, we suggest an advective-diffusive system is responsible for the rough scaling behavior of columnar joints. This theory explains the order of magnitude difference in scales between jointing in lavas and in starches. We investigated the scaling of average columnar cross-sectional areas due to the evaporation rate, the analog of the cooling rate of igneous columnar joints. We measured column areas in experiments where the evaporation rate depended on lamp height and time, in experiments where the evaporation rate was fixed using feedback methods, and in experiments where gelatin was added to vary the rheology of the starch. Our results suggest that the column area at a particular depth is related to both the current conditions, and hysteretically to the geometry of the pattern at previous depths. We argue that there exists a range of stable column scales allowed for any particular evaporation rate.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, for supporting online movies, go to http://www.physics.utoronto.ca/nonlinear/movies/starch_movies.htm

    Masculinity as Governance: police, public service and the embodiment of authority, c. 1700-1850

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    About the book: Public Men offers an introduction to an exciting new field: the history of masculinities in the political domain and will be essential reading for students and specialists alike with interests in gender or political culture. By building upon new work on gender and political culture, these new case studies explore the gendering of the political domain and the masculinities of the men who have historically dominated it. As such, Public Men is a major contribution to our understanding of the history of Britain between the Eighteenth and the Twentieth centuries

    A Dynamic Programming Approach to Adaptive Fractionation

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    We conduct a theoretical study of various solution methods for the adaptive fractionation problem. The two messages of this paper are: (i) dynamic programming (DP) is a useful framework for adaptive radiation therapy, particularly adaptive fractionation, because it allows us to assess how close to optimal different methods are, and (ii) heuristic methods proposed in this paper are near-optimal, and therefore, can be used to evaluate the best possible benefit of using an adaptive fraction size. The essence of adaptive fractionation is to increase the fraction size when the tumor and organ-at-risk (OAR) are far apart (a "favorable" anatomy) and to decrease the fraction size when they are close together. Given that a fixed prescribed dose must be delivered to the tumor over the course of the treatment, such an approach results in a lower cumulative dose to the OAR when compared to that resulting from standard fractionation. We first establish a benchmark by using the DP algorithm to solve the problem exactly. In this case, we characterize the structure of an optimal policy, which provides guidance for our choice of heuristics. We develop two intuitive, numerically near-optimal heuristic policies, which could be used for more complex, high-dimensional problems. Furthermore, one of the heuristics requires only a statistic of the motion probability distribution, making it a reasonable method for use in a realistic setting. Numerically, we find that the amount of decrease in dose to the OAR can vary significantly (5 - 85%) depending on the amount of motion in the anatomy, the number of fractions, and the range of fraction sizes allowed. In general, the decrease in dose to the OAR is more pronounced when: (i) we have a high probability of large tumor-OAR distances, (ii) we use many fractions (as in a hyper-fractionated setting), and (iii) we allow large daily fraction size deviations.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl


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    Perkembangan Kota Kupang yang semakin pesat serta meningkatnya aktifitas masyarakat menyebabkan terjadinya kemacetan lalu litas pada jalan khususnya pada simpang 4 bersinyal Polda. Berdasarkan kaitannya dengan manajemen lalu lintas maka kinerja persimpangan menjadi kebutuhan yang mendesak. Kinerja simpang diketahui dengan cara melakukan evaluasi terhadap pengaturan fase pada simpang bersinyal Polda. Analisis tahap pertama dilakukan untuk mengetahui kinerja simpang Polda dengan pengaturan 4 fase dan tahap kedua dilakukan analisis untuk mengetahui kinerja simpang Polda jika dilakukan perubahan fase menjadi 2 fase. Adapun data yang didapatkan dari hasil survey dianalisis dengan menggunakan Pedoman kapasitas Jalan Indonesia 2014. Hasil analisis dengan sistem 4 fase menghasilkan derajat kejenuhan dan tundaan yang tinggi yaitu 1,01 untuk Jl. Jend Sudirman, 1,04 untuk Jl. Jend. Soeharto, 0,48 untuk Jl. Herewila dan 0,89 untuk Jl. Nisnoni serta tundaan rata-rata sebesar 120 det/smp. Analisis dengan sistem 2 fase menghasilkan derajat kejenuhan dan tundaan yang lebih rendah yaitu 0,48 untuk Jl. Jend. Sudirman, 0,55 Jl. Jend. Soeharto, 0,26 Jl. Herewila dan 0,52 Jl. Nisnoni serta tundaan rata-rata 17,16 det/smp. Dengan demikian untuk meningkatkan kapasitas simpang Polda perlu diberlakukan sistem 2 fase pengaturan larangan belok kanan pada simpang serta penggunaan fasilitas u-turn.The rapid development of traffic in Kupang City has caused  frequent traffic jams, especially at four-legged signalized intersection of Polda,therefore traffic management needs to be done to improve the performance of the intersection. The analysis was conducted in two stages and was based on the 2014 Indonesia Highway Capacity Manual. In the first stage, the performance of the current Polda intersection that has 4-phase signal setting, and the second stage, an intersection performance analysis is performed if the changes are made into 2-phase signal. The analysis showed that the application of 4-phase system resulted in a relatively high degree of saturation those are 1,01 for the Jend. Sudirman Street, 1,04 for Jend. Soeharto Street, 0,48 for Herewila Street and 0,89 for Nisnoni Street with an average delay of 120 sec/pcu. At the change into 2-phase signal the analysis result showed a lower degree of saturation those arefor Jend. Sudirman, Jend. Soeharto, Herewila and Nisnoni Street respectively of 0,48, 0,55, 0,26 and 0,52, with an average delay of 17,16 sec/pcu. Thus, a 2-phase signal system needs to be applied to improve performance at the Polda intersection. This system must be equipped with a right turn restriction arrangement, installation of u-turn facilities as well as required sign and mark

    Understanding the effect of sheared flow on microinstabilities

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    The competition between the drive and stabilization of plasma microinstabilities by sheared flow is investigated, focusing on the ion temperature gradient mode. Using a twisting mode representation in sheared slab geometry, the characteristic equations have been formulated for a dissipative fluid model, developed rigorously from the gyrokinetic equation. They clearly show that perpendicular flow shear convects perturbations along the field at a speed we denote by McsMc_s (where csc_s is the sound speed), whilst parallel flow shear enters as an instability driving term analogous to the usual temperature and density gradient effects. For sufficiently strong perpendicular flow shear, M>1M >1, the propagation of the system characteristics is unidirectional and no unstable eigenmodes may form. Perturbations are swept along the field, to be ultimately dissipated as they are sheared ever more strongly. Numerical studies of the equations also reveal the existence of stable regions when M<1M < 1, where the driving terms conflict. However, in both cases transitory perturbations exist, which could attain substantial amplitudes before decaying. Indeed, for M≫1M \gg 1, they are shown to exponentiate M\sqrt{M} times. This may provide a subcritical route to turbulence in tokamaks.Comment: minor revisions; accepted to PPC
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