556 research outputs found

    Analysis and improvement of the vector quantization in SELP (Stochastically Excited Linear Prediction)

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    The Stochastically Excited Linear Prediction (SELP) algorithm is described as a speech coding method employing a two-stage vector quantization. The first stage uses an adaptive codebook which efficiently encodes the periodicity of voiced speech, and the second stage uses a stochastic codebook to encode the remainder of the excitation signal. The adaptive codebook performs well when the pitch period of the speech signal is larger than the frame size. An extension is introduced, which increases its performance for the case that the frame size is longer than the pitch period. The performance of the stochastic stage, which improves with frame length, is shown to be best in those sections of the speech signal where a high level of short-term correlations is present. It can be concluded that the SELP algorithm performs best during voiced speech where the pitch period is longer than the frame length

    The Horseshoe Estimator: Posterior Concentration around Nearly Black Vectors

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    We consider the horseshoe estimator due to Carvalho, Polson and Scott (2010) for the multivariate normal mean model in the situation that the mean vector is sparse in the nearly black sense. We assume the frequentist framework where the data is generated according to a fixed mean vector. We show that if the number of nonzero parameters of the mean vector is known, the horseshoe estimator attains the minimax â„“2\ell_2 risk, possibly up to a multiplicative constant. We provide conditions under which the horseshoe estimator combined with an empirical Bayes estimate of the number of nonzero means still yields the minimax risk. We furthermore prove an upper bound on the rate of contraction of the posterior distribution around the horseshoe estimator, and a lower bound on the posterior variance. These bounds indicate that the posterior distribution of the horseshoe prior may be more informative than that of other one-component priors, including the Lasso.Comment: This version differs from the final published version in pagination and typographical detail; Available at http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.ejs/141813426

    Target and (Astro-)WISE technologies - Data federations and its applications

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    After its first implementation in 2003 the Astro-WISE technology has been rolled out in several European countries and is used for the production of the KiDS survey data. In the multi-disciplinary Target initiative this technology, nicknamed WISE technology, has been further applied to a large number of projects. Here, we highlight the data handling of other astronomical applications, such as VLT-MUSE and LOFAR, together with some non-astronomical applications such as the medical projects Lifelines and GLIMPS, the MONK handwritten text recognition system, and business applications, by amongst others, the Target Holding. We describe some of the most important lessons learned and describe the application of the data-centric WISE type of approach to the Science Ground Segment of the Euclid satellite.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, Proceedngs IAU Symposium No 325 Astroinformatics 201

    Origin of the X-ray Emission in the Nuclei of FR Is

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    We investigate the X-ray origin in FRIs using the multi-waveband high resolution data of eight FR I sources, which have very low Eddington ratios. We fit their multi-waveband spectrum using a coupled accretion-jet model. We find that X-ray emission in the source with the highest L_X (~1.8*10^-4 L_Edd) is from the advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF). Four sources with moderate L_X(~several*10^-6 L_Edd) are complicated. The X-ray emission of one FR I is from the jet, and the other three is from the sum of the jet and ADAF. The X-ray emission in the three least luminous sources (L_X<1.0*10^-6L_Edd) is dominated by the jet. These results roughly support the predictions of Yuan and Cui(2005) where they predict that when the X-ray luminosity of the system is below a critical value, the X-radiation will not be dominated by the emission from the ADAF any longer, but by the jet. We also find that the accretion rates in four sources must be higher than the Bondi rates, which implies that other fuel supply (e.g., stellar winds) inside the Bondi radius should be important.Comment: 6 pages. To published in Journal of Physics, in proceedings of "The Universe under the Microscope - Astrophysics at High Angular Resolution" (Bad Honnef, Germany, April 2008), eds. R. Schoedel, A. Eckart, S. Pfalzner, and E. Ro

    Observations of HI Absorbing Gas in Compact Radio Sources at Cosmological Redshifts

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    We present an overview of the occurrence and properties of atomic gas associated with compact radio sources at redshifts up to z=0.85. Searches for HI 21cm absorption were made with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope at UHF-high frequencies (725-1200 MHz). Detections were obtained for 19 of the 57 sources with usable spectra (33%). We have found a large range in line depths, from tau=0.16 to tau<=0.001. There is a substantial variety of line profiles, including Gaussians of less than 10km/s, to more typically 150km/s, as well as irregular and multi-peaked absorption profiles, sometimes spanning several hundred km/s. Assuming uniform coverage of the entire radio source, we obtain column depths of atomic gas between 1e19 and 3.3e21(Tsp/100K)(1/f)cm^(-2). There is evidence for significant gas motions, but in contrast to earlier results at low redshift, there are many sources in which the HI velocity is substantially negative (up to v=-1420km/s) with respect to the optical redshift, suggesting that in these sources the atomic gas, rather than falling into the centre, may be be flowing out, interacting with the jets, or rotating around the nucleus.Comment: 10 pages, accepted for publication in A&

    BIMA Millimeter-Wave Observations of the Core-Jet and Molecular Gas in the FR I Radio Galaxy NGC 3801

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    We present BIMA 3 mm observations of the radio continuum source and the molecular gas disk in the radio loud Fanaroff & Riley Type I (FR I) galaxy NGC 3801. We have detected a continuum source in the nucleus and determined that it has a flat millimeter-wave spectrum, suggesting that the emission is non-thermal and due to an AGN; the radio core is not evident in existing VLA observations. We also map the extended 3 mm emission from the previously known radio jets. In addition, we detect CO (1–0) emission associated with the dust disk observed in previous HST images. A velocity gradient is observed, indicating a two kpc radius rotating gas ring or disk oriented roughly perpendicular to the radio jets. The inferred molecular gas mass of the disk is M(H2) = 3×108M⊙, about 1% of the dynamical mass. We also find a 108 M⊙ molecular gas clump not associated with the gas disk. There is evidence that this gas is associated with a merger and is infalling. This suggests that FR I type activity is related to merger activity, as is thought to be the case for FR II type radio galaxies. We also find indications that one of the radio jets is entraining gas from the infalling molecular gas
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