27,530 research outputs found

    Charge asymmetry in W + jets production at the LHC

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    The charge asymmetry in W + jets production at the LHC can serve to calibrate the presence of New Physics contributions. We study the ratio {\sigma}(W^+ + n jets)/{\sigma}(W^- + n jets) in the Standard Model for n <= 4, paying particular attention to the uncertainty in the prediction from higher-order perturbative corrections and uncertainties in parton distribution functions. We show that these uncertainties are generally of order a few percent, making the experimental measurement of the charge asymmetry ratio a particularly useful diagnostic tool for New Physics contributions.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures. Reference added. Slightly modified tex

    Hypersonic research engine project. Phase 2: Aerothermodynamic Integration Model (AIM) test report

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    The Hypersonic Research Engine-Aerothermodynamic Integration Model (HRE-AIM) was designed, fabricated, and tested in the Hypersonic Tunnel Facility. The HRE-AIM is described along with its installation in the wind tunnel facility. Test conditions to which the HRE-AIM was subjected and observations made during the tests are discussed. The overall engine performance, component interaction, and ignition limits for the design are evaluated

    Signatures of orbital loop currents in the spatially resolved local density of states

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    Polarized neutron scattering measurements have suggested that intra-unit cell antiferromagnetism may be associated with the pseudogap phase. Assuming that loop current order is responsible for the observed magnetism, we calculate some signatures of such circulating currents in the local density of states around a single non-magnetic impurity in a coexistence phase with superconductivity. We find a distinct C4 symmetry breaking near the disorder which is also detectable in the resulting quasi-particle interference patterns.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Plasmons on the edge of MoS2 nanostructures

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    Using ab initio calculations we predict the existence of one-dimensional (1D), atomically confined plasmons at the edges of a zigzag MoS2 nanoribbon. The strongest plasmon originates from a metallic edge state localized on the sulfur dimers decorating the Mo edge of the ribbon. A detailed analysis of the dielectric function reveals that the observed deviations from the ideal 1D plasmon behavior result from single-particle transitions between the metallic edge state and the valence and conduction bands of the MoS2 sheet. The Mo and S edges of the ribbon are clearly distinguishable in calculated spatially resolved electron energy loss spectrum owing to the different plasmonic properties of the two edges. The edge plasmons could potentially be utilized for tuning the photocatalytic activity of MoS2 nanoparticles

    Spherical Categories

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    This paper is a study of monoidal categories with duals where the tensor product need not be commutative. The motivating examples are categories of representations of Hopf algebras and the motivating application is the definition of 6j-symbols as used in topological field theories. We introduce the new notion of a spherical category. In the first section we prove a coherence theorem for a monoidal category with duals following MacLane (1963). In the second section we give the definition of a spherical category, and construct a natural quotient which is also spherical. In the third section we define spherical Hopf algebras so that the category of representations is spherical. Examples of spherical Hopf algebras are involutory Hopf algebras and ribbon Hopf algebras. Finally we study the natural quotient in these cases and show it is semisimple.Comment: 16 pages. Minor correction

    Spatially resolved quantum plasmon modes in metallic nano-films from first principles

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    Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) can be used to probe plasmon excitations in nanostructured materials with atomic-scale spatial resolution. For structures smaller than a few nanometers quantum effects are expected to be important, limiting the validity of widely used semi-classical response models. Here we present a method to identify and compute spatially resolved plasmon modes from first principles based on a spectral analysis of the dynamical dielectric function. As an example we calculate the plasmon modes of 0.5-4 nm thick Na films and find that they can be classified as (conventional) surface modes, sub-surface modes, and a discrete set of bulk modes resembling standing waves across the film. We find clear effects of both quantum confinement and non-local response. The quantum plasmon modes provide an intuitive picture of collective excitations of confined electron systems and offer a clear interpretation of spatially resolved EELS spectra.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Continuum Moment Equations on the Lattice

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    An analysis is given as to why one can not directly evaluate continuum moment equations, i.e., equations involving powers of the position variable times charge, current, or energy/momentum operators, on the lattice. I examine two cases: a three point function evaluation of the nucleon magnetic moment and a four point function (charge overlap) evaluation of the pseudoscalar charge radius.Comment: 9 pages; 1 ps figur

    Driven particle in a random landscape: disorder correlator, avalanche distribution and extreme value statistics of records

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    We review how the renormalized force correlator Delta(u), the function computed in the functional RG field theory, can be measured directly in numerics and experiments on the dynamics of elastic manifolds in presence of pinning disorder. We show how this function can be computed analytically for a particle dragged through a 1-dimensional random-force landscape. The limit of small velocity allows to access the critical behavior at the depinning transition. For uncorrelated forces one finds three universality classes, corresponding to the three extreme value statistics, Gumbel, Weibull, and Frechet. For each class we obtain analytically the universal function Delta(u), the corrections to the critical force, and the joint probability distribution of avalanche sizes s and waiting times w. We find P(s)=P(w) for all three cases. All results are checked numerically. For a Brownian force landscape, known as the ABBM model, avalanche distributions and Delta(u) can be computed for any velocity. For 2-dimensional disorder, we perform large-scale numerical simulations to calculate the renormalized force correlator tensor Delta_{ij}(u), and to extract the anisotropic scaling exponents zeta_x > zeta_y. We also show how the Middleton theorem is violated. Our results are relevant for the record statistics of random sequences with linear trends, as encountered e.g. in some models of global warming. We give the joint distribution of the time s between two successive records and their difference in value w.Comment: 41 pages, 35 figure