9,211 research outputs found

    The annual number of breeding adults and the effective population size of syntopic newts (Triturus cristatus, T-marmoratus)

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    Pond-breeding amphibians are deme-structured organisms with a population genetic structure particularly susceptible to demographic threats. We estimated the effective number of breeding adults (N-b) and the effective population size (N-e) of the European urodele amphibians Triturus cristatus (the crested newt) and T. marmoratus (the marbled newt), using temporal shifts in microsatellite allele frequencies. Eight microsatellite loci isolated from a T. cristatus library were used, five of which proved polymorphic in T. marmoratus, albeit with high frequencies of null alleles at two loci. Three ponds in western France were sampled, situated 4-10 kilometres apart and inhabited by both species. Parent-offspring cohort comparisons were used to measure N-b; samples collected at time intervals of nine or 12 years, respectively, were used to measure N-e. The adult population census size (N) was determined by mark-recapture techniques. With one exception, genetic distances (F-ST) between temporal samples were lower than among populations. N-b ranged between 10.6 and 101.8 individuals, N-e ranged between 9.6 and 13.4 individuals. For the pond where both parameters were available, N-b/N (overall range: 0.10-0.19) was marginally larger than N-e/N (overall range: 0.09-0.16), which is reflected in the temporal stability of N. In line with the observed differences in reproductive life-histories between the species, N-b/N ratios for newts were about one order of magnitude higher than for the anuran amphibian Bufo bufo. Despite of the colonization of the study area by T. cristatus only some decades ago, no significant genetic bottleneck could be detected. Our findings give rise to concerns about the long-term demographic viability of amphibian populations in situations typical for European landscapes

    Interpreting the environmental record in the sediments of Blelham Tarn

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    Two aspects of the environmental record in the sediments of Blelham Tarn have been investigated: (1) the ecological history of the catchment, and lake-catchment relationships, by detailed analysis of the preserved pollen (as an indication of vegetation) and sediment composition with respect to a range of inorganic and organic geochemical variables and (2) a detailed investigation of the manner in which sediment is being formed today, including the way in which microfossils (pollen and diatoms) are being recruited and incorporated into sediments. When the record was examined by biological and geochemical analysis, together with radionuclide dating, of closely spaced samples, it was found that the changes of the last 30 yrs represented only the most recent episode in a long history of modification of the lake by man. To find an approach to this it is necessary to go back for at least 2500 yrs

    Extragalactic Relativistic Jets and Nuclear Regions in Galaxies

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    Past years have brought an increasingly wider recognition of the ubiquity of relativistic outflows (jets) in galactic nuclei, which has turned jets into an effective tool for investigating the physics of nuclear regions in galaxies. A brief summary is given here of recent results from studies of jets and nuclear regions in several active galaxies with prominent outflows.Comment: 5 pages; contribution to ESO Astrophysical Symposia, "Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology", eds. B. Aschenbach, V. Burwitz, G. Hasinger, B. Leibundgut (Springer: Heidelberg 2006

    The Formation of Fragments at Corotation in Isothermal Protoplanetary Disks

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    Numerical hydrodynamics simulations have established that disks which are evolved under the condition of local isothermality will fragment into small dense clumps due to gravitational instabilities when the Toomre stability parameter QQ is sufficiently low. Because fragmentation through disk instability has been suggested as a gas giant planet formation mechanism, it is important to understand the physics underlying this process as thoroughly as possible. In this paper, we offer analytic arguments for why, at low QQ, fragments are most likely to form first at the corotation radii of growing spiral modes, and we support these arguments with results from 3D hydrodynamics simulations.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figur

    Electrostatic Field Classifier for Deficient Data

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    This paper investigates the suitability of recently developed models based on the physical field phenomena for classification problems with incomplete datasets. An original approach to exploiting incomplete training data with missing features and labels, involving extensive use of electrostatic charge analogy, has been proposed. Classification of incomplete patterns has been investigated using a local dimensionality reduction technique, which aims at exploiting all available information rather than trying to estimate the missing values. The performance of all proposed methods has been tested on a number of benchmark datasets for a wide range of missing data scenarios and compared to the performance of some standard techniques. Several modifications of the original electrostatic field classifier aiming at improving speed and robustness in higher dimensional spaces are also discussed

    Compact jets as probes for sub-parsec scale regions in AGN

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    Compact relativistic jets in active galactic nuclei offer an effective tool for investigating the physics of nuclear regions in galaxies. The emission properties, dynamics, and evolution of jets in AGN are closely connected to the characteristics of the central supermassive black hole, accretion disk and broad-line region in active galaxies. Recent results from studies of the nuclear regions in several active galaxies with prominent outflows are reviewed in this contribution.Comment: AASLaTeX, 5 pages, 4 figures. Accepted in Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    The Institutionalist Roots of Macroprudential Ideas: Veblen and Galbraith on Regulation, Policy Success and Overconfidence

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    One consequence of the global financial crisis has been to prompt debate over macroprudential regulation – meant to limit private risk-taking that threatens systemic stability. In this paper, we stress the roots of macroprudential ideas in the Institutionalist economics of Veblen and Galbraith in a way that highlights both unrecognised policy possibilities and underappreciated impediments to policy effectiveness, arguing in particular that regulatory success can breed overconfidence. First, we argue that while Veblen's views anticipated macroprudential arguments, they also obscured tensions between the technocratic acumen of policy ‘engineers’ and popular legitimacy. Second, we argue that while Galbraith's views similarly shaped the postwar Keynesian policy mix, they also echoed Veblen in underrating the potential for populist resentment of an intellectual ‘technostructure’. We conclude that while this analysis can be seen as highlighting an overlooked century of macroprudential debate, it also demonstrates the potential for technocratic overconfidence – which can eventually undermine policy legitimacy and effectiveness

    Meerjarige tuinbouwsamenwerking met Indonesië beëindigd: HORTIN, terugblik op een succesvolle samenwerking

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    Eind november 2010 werd in Jakarta de tweede fase van het programma Horticultural Research co-operation between Indonesia and The Netherlands (HORTIN) afgesloten. De eerste fase liep van 2003 tot en met 2006. De samenwerking in de eerste fase concentreerde zich op onderzoek. Tijdens de tweede fase (2007-2010) lag de nadruk op co-innovatie en ontwikkeling in de hele keten, van productie tot afzet van tuinbouwproducten, in nauwe samenwerking met bedrijven uit het mkb

    Structural relaxation in orthoterphenyl: a schematic mode coupling theory model analysis

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    Depolarized light scattering spectra of orthoterphenyl showing the emergence of the structural relaxation below the oscillatory microscopic excitations are described by solutions of a schematic mode--coupling--theory model

    Diagonal and Low-Rank Matrix Decompositions, Correlation Matrices, and Ellipsoid Fitting

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    In this paper we establish links between, and new results for, three problems that are not usually considered together. The first is a matrix decomposition problem that arises in areas such as statistical modeling and signal processing: given a matrix XX formed as the sum of an unknown diagonal matrix and an unknown low rank positive semidefinite matrix, decompose XX into these constituents. The second problem we consider is to determine the facial structure of the set of correlation matrices, a convex set also known as the elliptope. This convex body, and particularly its facial structure, plays a role in applications from combinatorial optimization to mathematical finance. The third problem is a basic geometric question: given points v1,v2,...,vn∈Rkv_1,v_2,...,v_n\in \R^k (where n>kn > k) determine whether there is a centered ellipsoid passing \emph{exactly} through all of the points. We show that in a precise sense these three problems are equivalent. Furthermore we establish a simple sufficient condition on a subspace UU that ensures any positive semidefinite matrix LL with column space UU can be recovered from D+LD+L for any diagonal matrix DD using a convex optimization-based heuristic known as minimum trace factor analysis. This result leads to a new understanding of the structure of rank-deficient correlation matrices and a simple condition on a set of points that ensures there is a centered ellipsoid passing through them.Comment: 20 page
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