195 research outputs found

    Penekanan Hayati Penyakit Layu Fusarium Pada Subang Gladiol

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    . Wardhana, D.W., L. Soesanto, and D.S. Utami. 2009. Biological Suppression of Fusarial Wilt onGladiolus Corms. The research was aimed to find out the best biological agent in suppressing Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.gladioli in planta on gladiolus corms. This research was carried out at the Screenhouse of Agricultural Faculty, JenderalSoedirman University, Purwokerto from August 2005 up to January 2006. Antibiotic of 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol(Phl), Bacillus subtilis, Trichoderma harzianum isolated from ginger and ginseng were used with benomyl and warmwater as control. Randomized block design was used with 8 treatments and 4 replications. Results of the researchshowed that the best antagonist in suppressing the disease was T. harzianum ginger isolate with incubation period,disease intensity, and number of late population of 64.13 days after inoculation, 15.55%, and 20 cfu/g soil, respectively,or potentially decrease the disease up to 83.34%. The ginger isolate was the best isolate to improve crop height, leafnumber, corm and root fresh weight, leaves and stalk fresh weight, and leaves and stalk dry weight of 111.950 cm,6.625 sheet, 31.963 g, 39.338 g, and 6.075 g, respectively. The best flower stalk length (83.33 cm) and floret numberper stalk (6.13) were obtained from the use of antibiotic Phl treatment

    Pengaruh Perendaman Dalam Air Hangat Terhadap Kandungan Formalin Pada Mie Basah Dari Tiga Produsen Yang Dijual Di Pasar Johar Semarang

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    It is assumed that the use of formalin in fresh noddles is still relatively high since its use not only prolongs the market life of the noddles but also make them tougher, brighter and non-adhesive. This research was intended to (1) analyze the presence of formalin in fresh noddles, (2) find out the levels of formalin contained in fresh noddles produced by three producers and sold in Johar Market, Semarang City and (3) find out the effects of bathing the noddles in warm water on the formalin contents.This was an experimental research with descriptive analyses. Employing a convenient sampling technique, the samples for this research were taken from the noddles produced by three producers and sold at Johar Market, Semarang City. To test the presence of formalin in the noddles, a chromatropatory-acid method was used. The samples containing formalin were analyzed using a spectrophotometer at an A of 569 nm. The samples were bathed for 15 minutes at temperatures of 40° C and 50° C. The effects of the bathing were analyzed by comparing the formalin contents before and after the bathingThe analyses showed that the fresh noddles produced by Kaligawe, Boja and Lamper producers contained 230,749 ± 18,092 mg/kg, 271,749 ± 18,088 mg/kg and 250,999 ± 18,090 mg/kg respectively. The comparison of the formalin contents before and after the bathing at 40° C showed significant differences. The comparison of the formalin contents before and after the bathing at 50° C also showed significant differences. The comparison of the formalin contents after the bathing at 40° C and 40° C also showed significant differences; the 40° C bathing reduced 39.77% of the formalin content, while the 50° C bathing reduced 65.42%

    Bank competition, institution and economic development: Evidence from Asia during 1999-2007

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    From a sample of Asian countries over the period 1999-2007, this paper investigates the link between bank competition and economic development. In general, although banking market power has a U-shaped relationship with economic growth, banking market power tends to improve economic growth. However, the positive impact of banking market power on economic growth only occurs in agricultural sector, but not in industrial sector. It is also shown that higher banking market power in countries with greater economic freedom erodes overall economic growth and industrial growth. On the contrary, there is no significant relationship between banking market power and agricultural growth in countries with greater economic freedom. Therefore, when economic freedom increases and financial service investments come into a country, any policy to boost banking competition becomes necessary. In this phase, as well, industrial sector is more important than agricultural sector.Banking Competition, Economic Freedom, Economic Growth, Asia

    Meta-Analysis of the Empirical Relationship Between Financial Development and Economic Growth

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    학위논문(석사)--서울대학교 대학원 :국제대학원 국제학과(국제지역학전공),2019. 8. Jeong, Hyeok.This dissertation examines the empirical relationship between financial development and Economic growth in different regions by conducting a meta-analysis study. The measures of precision of the effects (for example t-statistics and Standard Errors) were derived from 22 recently published studies that provided the current study with 295 unique observations, which are used for interpretation and analysis purposes. To tackle the file-drawer problem, some other studies suggesting a negative empirical relationship were selectively added for the studys exposure to more profound scrutiny and a different analytical and interpretation approach. The finding confirms the empirical relationship between the two variables, however, it also highlights the major discrepancies in defining and measuring financial development by researchers, and how it can impinge upon the policies, should we disregard the different definitions of the term. The study argues that the inverted Ushaped relationship as highlighted by some of the recent studies is perhaps strictly confined to the cases of most developed countries. The study also concludes after providing policy recommendations.본 논문은 메타-분석 연구를 통해 여러 지역에서 금융 발전과 경제 성장 사이의 경험적 관계를 분석한다. 효과의 정밀도 측정(예: t- 통계 및 표준 오류)은 통역 및 분석 목적으로 사용되는 295 회의 고유한 관찰 결과를 제공하는 최근 22 개의 연구에서 얻었다. 파일 서랍 문제를 해결하기 위해, 부정적인 경험적 관계를 제시하는 다른 연구들도 선택적으로 사용해 연구가 더 심도 있는 정밀 조사와 다른 분석 및 해석 방법에 노출될 수 있게 했다. 연구결과는 두 변수 사이의 경험적 관계를 확인하지만, 또한 연구자가 금융 발전을 정의하고 측정하는 데에 있어 나타나는 주요한 불일치와 우리가 용어의 다양한 정의를 무시한다면 그것이 어떻게 정책에 영향을 미칠 수 있는지를 강조한다. 본 연구는 몇몇 최근 연구들에서 강조되는 역 U자형 관계가 최고 선진국의 경우에만 국한되어 있을 수 있다고 주장한다. 본 연구는 또한 결론을 맺기 전 정책적 권고를 제공한다.CHAPTER ONE: GENERAL INTRODUCTION .............................................................. 1 1.1. Background of the Study ....................................................................................... 1 1.2. Problem Statement ................................................................................................. 7 1.3. Objectives of the Study .........................................................................................10 1.4. Research Questions...............................................................................................11 1.5. Significance of the study .......................................................................................11 1.6. Organization of the Study ....................................................................................14 1.7. Meaning of Financial Development ....................................................................15 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ...................................................................17 2.1. Introduction ..........................................................................................................17 2.2. Theoretical Background .......................................................................................17 2.3. Finance as a Determinant of Growth ..................................................................22 2.4. The Literature on Finance-Growth Nexus .........................................................25 2.5. File-Drawer Problem ............................................................................................29 CHAPTER THREE: DATA AND VARIABLES ..............................................................31 3.1. Research Design ....................................................................................................31 3.2. Data and Sources ..................................................................................................32 3.2.1 Studies indicating negative and/or U-shaped relationship ........................37 3.3. Variables ................................................................................................................38 3.3.1. Proxy Variables for Financial Development ..............................................38 3.3.2. Real Factors ..................................................................................................40 3.4. Methodology ..........................................................................................................42 3.5. Data Treatment and Arrangement .....................................................................45 CHAPTER FOUR: INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS ...........................................50 4.1. Introduction ..........................................................................................................50 4.2. Summary Statistics ...............................................................................................51 4.2.1. Summary Statistics of Regression Variables ..............................................52 4.2.2. Summary Statistics of FD Indicators ..........................................................52 4.2.3. Summary Statistics for Regions ..................................................................54 4.3. Analysis of the Findings .......................................................................................54 4.3.1. First Category: Studies with Significant Findings .....................................57 4.3.2. Second Category: Studies with Statistically Insignificant Findings .........66 4.3.3. Third Category: Studies indicating Negative Empirical Relationship ....70 CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSION AND POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS ...............75 5.1. Introduction ..........................................................................................................75 5.2. Meta-analysis and Interpretation ........................................................................75 5.2.1. Studies with Statistically Significant Results .............................................77 5.2.2. Studies with Statistically Insignificant Findings ........................................79 5.2.3. Studies with Negative Empirical Relationship ...........................................80 5.3. General Conclusion ..............................................................................................82 5.4. Limitations of the Study .......................................................................................84 5.5. Policy Recommendations .....................................................................................85 5.6. Recommendation for Future Studies ..................................................................88 5.7. Concluding Remarks ............................................................................................89 REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................91Maste

    Threshold Effect and Financial Intermediation in Economic Development

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    This paper reformulates the finance-growth nexus in the case of developing countries. Using the Neoclassical growth framework, our contribution is threefold. First, we show that entrepreneurship is a growth-enhancing factor in both financial intermediary equilibrium and financial market equilibrium. Second, we show that agent's saving is one of the determinants of the optimal proportion of long-term investment and hence, we characterize the role of bank as financial intermediary. Third, our model is characterized by the existence of multiple steady states equilibrium with threshold effect that impedes the economy to reach a long-run higher steady state equilibrium. Furthermore, we show that financial intermediary is better than financial market, in order to reduce threshold effect and to ensure the long-run steady state equilibrium of capital stock.Threshold Effect, Financial Intermediary, Economic Growth, Developing Countries

    Financial Innovation and Sustainable Development in Selected Countries in West Africa

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    Financial innovation has given a new trend to modern financial system and its importance has been widely recognized. This study investigated the effect of financial innovation augmented with bank competition on sustainable development in eight West African countries. Data were sourced from World Bank development indicators from years 2000-2013. We used two proxies of competitions, two proxies of financial innovations and regressed them on a growth indicator as well as development indicator with other control variables. Using panel data estimations, our results confirmed that an increase in banking efficiency driven by competition and financial innovation would improve economic growth and development. While the two proxies of competition were significant, the financial innovations were not significant; one displayed a negative, while the other exhibited a positive relationship with development. These results revealed the differential effects of different financial innovations adopted in the financial system. That is, the growth effect of financial innovation is sensitive to the choice of proxy. A reduction in demand for money caused by financial innovations could deter economic growth and development. This is because individuals would move away from more liquid assets to less liquid assets. On the other hand, financial innovations could potentially lead to an increase in money demand if payment systems improve and individual’s demand for more liquid assets is channeled to productive sectors. We therefore concluded that policies which would drive competition and efficiency in the banking industry as well as financial innovation should be introduced to ensure effective functioning of the financial system.Innowacje finansowe są nieodzownym elementem współczesnego systemu finansowego. Badania zaprezentowane w artykule dotyczą znaczenia innowacji finansowych dla konkurencji bankowej oraz ich wpływu na zrównoważony rozwój w ośmiu krajach Afryki Zachodniej i zostały oparte na wskaźnikach rozwoju opracowanych przez Bank Światowy z lat 2000-2013. W badaniach jako zmienne objaśniane wykorzystano wskaźnik wzrostu jak i rozwoju, a wśród zmiennych objaśniających znalazły się mię- dzy innymi dwie zmienne opisujące konkurencyjność, dwie zmiennie określające innowacje finansowe. Na podstawie analizy danych panelowych stwierdzono, że wzrost efektywności w systemie bankowym wywołany przez konkurencję i innowacje finansowe przyczynia się do wzrostu gospodarczego i rozwoju. W modelach dwie zmienne objaśniające w zakresie konkurencyjności okazały się statystycznie istotne, natomiast zmienne w zakresie innowacji finansowych nie były istotne – jedna wykazywała negatywny, podczas gdy druga pozytywny wpływ na wskaźniki rozwoju. Badania ujawniły zróżnicowane efekty innowacji finansowych zaadaptowanych w systemach finansowych, co oznacza, że efekt wzrostu wywołany przez innowacje finansowe jest wraż- liwy na dobór zmiennej objaśniającej. Zmniejszenie popytu na pieniądz wywołane innowacjami finansowymi może spowolnić wzrost gospodarczy i rozwój. Wynika to z faktu, że osoby fizyczne mogą konwertować swoje aktywa z bardziej płynnych na mniej płynne. Z drugiej strony innowacje finansowe mogą potencjalnie wpłynąć na wzrost popytu na pieniądz jeżeli system płatności zostanie usprawniony i indywidualny popyt na bardziej płynne aktywa zostanie przeniesiony na sektor produkcyjny. W związku z tym stwierdza się, że w celu zapewnienia funkcjonowania efektywnego systemu finansowego polityka powinna pobudzać konkurencję i efektywność w systemie bankowym jak i innowacje finansowe

    Intensitas dan Luas Serangan Beberapa Isolat Fusarium Oxysporum F.sp. Zingiberi pada Jahe Gajah

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    Ginger is one of the spices and medicinal commodities which is cultivated in Indonesia. One of the obstacles encountered in the cultivation of ginger is the rhizome rot disease which is mainly caused by Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht f.sp. zingiberi Trujillo. This study is aimed to know the growth ability and virulence level of the isolates on ginger rhizome and plants. The research was conducted in the laboratory and in the screen house by using Complete Random Design consisted of 10 treatments and 4 replications. The parameters observed were growth ability of F. oxysporum f.sp. zingiberi, rhizome rot disease symptoms, incubation period, extensive decay and weight difference of the rhizomes. The results showed that F. oxysporum f.sp. zingiberi which was stored for 4 years in sterile soil medium was still capable to cause damage to the rhizome and plants. Incubation periods of rhizome decay and plant symptoms were from 3 to 11.5 and 55.5 to 68.5 days, respectively. The most virulent isolate was MSO1 with extensive decay of rhizome and the wilting intensity were 108.95 mm2 dan 33.88%, respectively. IntisariJahe merupakan salah satu komoditas rempah dan obat yang banyak dibudidayakan di Indonesia. Salah satu kendala yang dihadapi dalam budidaya jahe adalah adanya gangguan penyakit busuk rimpang yang disebabkan (terutama) oleh Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht f.sp. zingiberi Trujillo. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menguji daya tumbuh dan virulensi isolat F. oxysporum f.sp. zingiberi pada rimpang dan tanaman jahe gajah. Penelitian dilakukan di laboratorium dan di rumah kasa menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL) yang masing-masing terdiri dari 10 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Parameter yang diamati meliputi daya tumbuh F. oxysporum f.sp. zingiberi, gejala penyakit busuk rimpang, masa inkubasi, luas pembusukan dan selisih bobot basah rimpang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa F. oxysporum f.sp. zingiberi yang telah di simpan 4 tahun dalam medium tanah steril mampu menyebabkan kerusakan pada rimpang dan tanaman jahe. Masa inkubasi gejala busuk pada rimpang serta gejala pada tanaman masing- masing berkisar antara 3–11,5 serta 55,5–68,5 hari. Isolat yang paling virulen adalah MSO1 dengan nilai luas pembusukan pada rimpang dan intensitas penyakit masing-masing sebesar 108,95 mm2 dan 33,88%

    Comparative study on finance‐growth nexus in Malaysia and Indonesia: Role of institutional quality

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    The impact of financial development (FD) on economic growth in the context of Malaysia and Indonesia has been examined in this study regarding the role of the financial crisis and strategic changes in the institutional setup. Autoregressive distributed lags and threshold regression were applied, and time series data were analyzed for the period between 1984 and 2017 revealing that FD promoted the economic growth in both economies during this period. A nonlinear analysis also revealed that FD and economic growth follow an inverted U‐shape relation in the case of Malaysia whereas, in Indonesia, it followed a U‐shape relation. It was discovered that not all measures of FD promote economic growth. For instance, market capitalization was profound in the Malaysian economy while credit to the private sector and money supply was conducive for the Indonesian economy. The analysis demonstrated that the Asian and global financial crisis adversely affected economic growth in the case of Indonesia due to poor institutional quality (IQ), whereas in Malaysia it was relatively safe from the adversity brought about by the financial crisis due to the presence of IQ and good corporate governance. However, a positive change in IQ was found to have a much greater impact on augmenting economic growth rather than playing a mediating role in connection with FD and economic growth in Malaysia. In the context of Indonesia however, IQ was found to impede economic growth but played a positive and significant mediating role in the nexus of FD and economic growth. The spill‐over analysis revealed that Malaysian FD is positively associated with Indonesian economic growth while Indonesian FD is negatively associated with the Malaysian economy. This study provided all economic and anecdotal explanations in supporting the results of this study