6,736 research outputs found

    Differential Entropy on Statistical Spaces

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    We show that the previously introduced concept of distance on statistical spaces leads to a straightforward definition of differential entropy on these statistical spaces. These spaces are characterized by the fact that their points can only be localized within a certain volume and exhibit thus a feature of fuzziness. This implies that Riemann integrability of relevant integrals is no longer secured. Some discussion on the specialization of this formalism to quantum states concludes the paper.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in the proceedings of the joint meeting of the 2nd International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications (CITSA 2005) and the 11th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis (ISAS 2005), to be held in Orlando, USA, on July 14-17, 200

    A Brief Overview of the Life and Work of Lyon Henry Appleby, M.D. (1895-1970).

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    The life and work of Dr. Lyon Henry Appleby, M.D., portrays the essence of a devoted clinician committed to scholarly excellence. Born in Deseronto, Ontario, in 1895 and passing in 1970, Dr. Appleby influenced all areas of general surgery, most notably popularizing a procedure that bears his name today. After a tour in World War I, he quickly proved himself to be a dedicated clinician with roots in academia, which translated into excellence within the Department of Surgery at St. Paul\u27s Hospital in Vancouver, Canada. He served in various leadership roles including Chair of the Department of Surgery, President of the International College of Surgeons, and Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons. The Appleby procedure, or en bloc removal of the celiac axis, at the time of gastrectomy, is the technical focus of this paper, although reference is made to Appleby\u27s extensive contributions to historical medicine

    Origin of the Growing Length Scale in M-p-Spin Glass Models

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    Two versions of the M-p-spin glass model have been studied with the Migdal-Kadanoff renormalization group approximation. The model with p=3 and M=3 has at mean-field level the ideal glass transition at the Kauzmann temperature and at lower temperatures still the Gardner transition to a state like that of an Ising spin glass in a field. The model with p=3 and M=2 has only the Gardner transition. In the dimensions studied, d=2,3 and 4, both models behave almost identically, indicating that the growing correlation length as the temperature is reduced in these models -- the analogue of the point-to-set length scale -- is not due to the mechanism postulated in the random first order transition theory of glasses, but is more like that expected on the analogy of glasses to the Ising spin glass in a field.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, revised versio


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    In recent years, the research that investigates impact of employment on other labor related variables has a prominent place in regional science. Generally, it is well understood that new business investment brings changes in population, increased labor force participation rate and migration of new residents. There is mixed research results regarding the extent that new migrants tend to account for new employment. Bartik (1993) found that about one-quarter of the new jobs go to local workers because of the increase in the labor force participation rates of local residents in the long run. He considered the long run effects by estimating the effects of 1% job growth in a certain period on the labor force participation rate seventeen years after the period. In contrast Blanchard and Katz's (1992) research reaches the opposite conclusion - in five to seven years the employment response consists entirely of the migration of new migrants. Their finding is that long-run effect of the job growth on the labor force participation rate is negligible. In this study, from the cointegration time series analysis, we found a long run equilibrium relationship among population, labor force participation rate and employment, in which population is positively related to employment and negatively related to labor force participation rate. The long run effect of a unit change of labor force participation rate (1%) is a decrease of 73,880 in population and the long run effect of a unit change in employment (1000) is an increase of 2,190 in population. We decomposed the time series into stationary components and non-stationary components. The pattern of the stationary component of population is quite similar to that of labor force participation rate while that of employment shows a different fluctuation. From the decomposition, it was obvious that the pattern of stationary component of employment and net migration is quite similar, which means net migration is the short run, temporary response to employment change. The patterns of three years delayed stationary components of population are similar to that of employment and net migration, and the plots correspond to changing economic conditions. According to the change in economic conditions population responds three years later than employment and net migration. We interpreted the non-stationary component of labor force participation rate as reflecting the increasing trend of labor force participation rate in Washington mainly due to a considerable increase in the female labor force participation. The impulse responses of population, employment and labor force participation rate to a one standard deviation shock in employment show permanent increase effects. They settle at different equilibrium value after long term periods. The response of the labor force participation rate to an impulse in employment supports Bartik's finding. Obviously the result is the opposite of Blanchard-Katz's finding that the long-run effect of job growth on the labor force participation rate is negligible. However, since the effect of population is also significantly high, we doubt that the effect of increase in labor force participation rate according to the employment shock covers only local resident labor force.Labor and Human Capital,

    Incorporating Thinking Tools to Enhance Facilitation of Problem-Based Learning

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    This project focuses on a review of challenges some teachers experience during facilitation of Problem-based learning (PBL) and aims to design a training package to address the above challenge. This training package consists of some Thinking Tools that can enhance cognitive engagement in PBL. In addition, Thinking Tools equip teachers with a wider range of facilitation strategies to increase their flexibility to better meet the needs of each stage of PBL. Through the use of Thinking Tools, this training package provides opportunities to foster new relationships between teachers and students through the development of student-led enquiry-based learning activities. The Thinking Tools also help to equip students with creative and critical thinking skills that will develop their responsibility to and ownership of their learning

    Roscoe Reid Graham (1890 to 1948): a Canadian pioneer in general surgery.

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    Roscoe Reid Graham, a Canadian surgeon trained at the University of Toronto, was a true pioneer in the field of general surgery. Although he may be best known for his omental patch repair of perforated duodenal ulcers-often referred to as the Graham patch -he had a number of other significant accomplishments that decorated his surgical career. Dr. Graham is credited with being the first surgeon to successfully enucleate an insulinoma. He ventured to do an essentially brand new operation based solely on his patient\u27s symptoms and physical findings, a courageous move that even some of the most talented surgeons would shy away from. He also spent a large portion of his career dedicated to the study of rectal prolapse, working tirelessly to rid his patients of this awful affliction. He was recognized by a number of different surgical associations for his operative successes and was awarded membership to those both in Canada and the United States. Despite all of these accolades, Dr. Graham remained grounded and always fervent in his dedication to the patient and their presenting symptom(s), reminding us that to do anything more would be meddlesome. In an age when medical professionals are often all too eager to make unnecessary interventions, it is imperative that we look back at our predecessors such as Roscoe Reid Graham, for they will continually redirect us toward our one and only obligation: the patient

    James Mann, M.D. (1759-1832): Military Surgeon for the Second War of Independence .

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    The War of 1812 is remembered for the Burning of Washington, and Francis Scott Key’s “The Star Spangled Banner,” but little else. It was a poorly funded war of relatively short duration and nebulous resolution. Under such circumstances, it is understandable that the “Second War of Independence” failed to produce many notable military or medical advancements. However, one surgeon took it upon himself to recount his experiences in the field. For his dedication to the art and science of medicine, James Mann deserves recognition

    William Arbuthnot Lane (1856-1943): Surgical Innovator and His Theory of Autointoxication.

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    William Arbuthnot Lane contributed to the advancement of many fields of orthopedics, otolaryngology, and general surgery. He is credited for his no-touch technique and the invention of long-handled instruments, some of which are still in use today, to minimize tissue handling. He is most well known for his hypothesis that slowing of gastric contents could cause a variety of ailments and this became known as Lane\u27s disease. Although his surgical treatment of Lane\u27s disease is now defunct, it advanced the surgical technique in colorectal surgery. It seems likely that some of Lane\u27s autointoxication patients would be classified today as patients with colonic inertia, diverticulitis, colonic volvulus, and megacolon or, which are all treated with colectomy. Lane was a pioneer in multiple fields and a true general surgeon. He advanced colorectal surgery immensely and propelled the field of surgery into a new era