15 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Komposisi dan Bahan Media terhadap Pertumbuhan Semai Pinus ( Pinus Merkusii)

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    Sifat fisika-kimia media tumbuh, khususnya porositas dan ketersediaan nutrisi diperlukan untuk memproduksi semai pinus ( Jungh et de Vries) yang berkualitas. Daun segar dan seresah daun pinus dapat digunakan sebagai media tumbuh yang dapat memenuhi persyaratan yang dimaksud. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh komposisi dan bahan media terhadap pertumbuhan semai pinus. Penelitian ini merupakan percobaan faktorial dengan rancangan acak lengkap berblok, dengan dua faktor dan tiga blok sebagai ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah bahan daun pinus (A) yaitu: daun segar kasar, seresah daun kasar dan seresah daun halus. Faktor kedua adalah aras pupuk organik dan tanah (B), yaitu masing-masing dengan aras: 45%, 35%, 25% dan 15%. Analisis varians bersarang digunakan untuk menganalisis data yang diperoleh. Parameter yang diukur adalah kandungan N, nisbah C/N media tumbuh serta pertumbuhan tinggi dan diameter semai pinus. Pertumbuhan semai pinus terbaik didapatkan melalui komposisi media dengan perlakuan 35% pupuk organik, 35% tanahdan 30% daun segar kasar (B A ). Bahan daun segar kasar mempunyai kandungan N tertinggi dan nisbah C/N terendah, serta menghasilkan pertumbuhan semai terbaik. Komposisi media direkomendasikan sebagaimediatumbuhuntukmemproduksisemaipinus

    Pengaruh Komposisi dan Bahan Media terhadap Pertumbuhan Semai Pinus (Pinus Merkusii)

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    Sifat fisika-kimia media tumbuh, khususnya porositas dan ketersediaan nutrisi diperlukan untuk memproduksi semai pinus (Pinus merkusii Jungh et de Vries) yang berkualitas. Daun segar dan seresah daun pinus dapat digunakan sebagai media tumbuh yang dapat memenuhi persyaratan yang dimaksud. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh komposisi dan bahan media terhadap pertumbuhan semai pinus. Penelitian ini merupakan percobaan faktorial dengan rancangan acak lengkap berblok, dengan dua faktor dan tiga blok sebagai ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah bahan daun pinus (A) yaitu: daun segar kasar, seresah daun kasar dan seresah daun halus. Faktor kedua adalah aras pupuk organik dan tanah (B), yaitu masing-masing dengan aras: 45%, 35%, 25% dan 15%. Analisis varians bersarang digunakan untuk menganalisis data yang diperoleh. Parameter yang diukur adalah kandungan N, nisbah C/N media tumbuh serta pertumbuhan tinggi dan diameter semai pinus. Pertumbuhan semai pinus terbaik didapatkan melalui komposisi media dengan perlakuan35% pupuk organik, 35% tanah dan 30% daun segar kasar (B2A3). Bahan daun segar kasar mempunyai kandungan N tertinggi dan nisbah C/N terendah, serta menghasilkan pertumbuhan semai terbaik. Komposisi media B2A3 direkomendasikan sebagai media tumbuh untuk memproduksi semai pinus

    Respon Daya Cerna Dan Respirasi Benih Ikan Mas (Cyprinus Carpio) Pasca Transportasi Dengan Menggunakan Daun Bandotan (Ageratum Conyzoides) Sebagai Bahan Antimetabolik [Digestibility Response and Respiration Post Transportation with Bandotan (Ageratum Conyzoides) Leaf as Antimetabolic of Common Carp (Cyprinus Carpio) Fry ]

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    Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) is fish with high metabolism during transportation caused fish stress and could due to impare condition of fry fish and also lead to mortality post transpotation. As effort to minimize high metabolism during transportation was use bandotan leaf as nature antimetabolic so that we need to know how far bandotan effect to condition by digestibility and respiration of common carp fry during post transportation critical periode. The aim of this study was to know condition of common carp fry for 3 days post transportation by digestibility and respiration with bandotan leaf. This study used Complete Random Design. The treatment were A (water 0,5 l) B (bandotan leaf water dose 3,25 g/l) dan C (bandotan leaf water dose 4,5 g/l), each treatment with 6 replications. Primary parameter were digestibility (%) and respiration (time). Secondary parameter were mortality (%), and water quality (disolve oxygen, temperature, ammonia and pH). The result show that bandotan leaf was significantly influenced (p<0,05) to digestibility common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fry at 48 hour post transportion. Bandotan leaf significantly influenced (p<0,05) to respiration common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fry for 72 hour post transportion. Dose of bandotan leaf was 4,5 g/l could used to common carp fry transportation without mortality that was caused by change of digestibility and respiration response

    Percepatan Kemampuan Berakar Dan Perkembangan Akar Stek Pucuk Shorea Platyclados Melalui Aplikasi Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Iba

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    Shorea platyclados is one of fast-growing Dipterocarp species for enrichment planting in Logged-Over Area (LOA) of tropical rain forests. One of the constrain to supply the seedling for support enrichment planting is the irregular flowering of S. platyclados. Moreover, the vegetative propagation is an alternative method to provide the sustainable seedling for enrichment planting in the LOA. This experiment was carried out to assess the effects of IBA concentrations on rooting ability, the primary and secondary root lengths, and the accumulated number of primary and secondary roots on shoot cutting of S. platyclados. The research was conducted in Completly Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 replications. The treatment was five concentrations of IBA, i.e. 0 ppm, 25 ppm, 50 ppm, 75 ppm, and 100 ppm. The data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (one way ANOVA) to determine the effect of IBA concentration variation amongst the treatments. The Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) was used for multiple comparisons among the means of treatment at tα=5%, Results showed IBA concentrations significantly affected the rotting ability, the primary and secondary root length of shoot cutting (P 0.05). For rooting ability, 100 ppm of IBA concentration was the highest of all treatments. Meanwhile, 75 ppm of IBA concentration was the best treatment for development of root, i.e. the number of primary roots, the length primary and secondary roots

    Peranan Bahan Organik Bernisbah C/n Rendah Dan Cacing Tanah Untuk Mendekomposisi Limbah Kui.it Kayu Gmelina Arborea (the Roles of Low C/n Ratio Organic Matters and Earthworms to Decompose Waste Barks of Gmelina Arborea)

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    Waste barks potentially caused negative environment impacts if they are not handled properly. As organic materials, they actually can be used as raw materials to produce compost. Objective of this research was to clarify the roles of low C/N organic matters and earthworms to decrease C/N ratio and increase nutrient contents of the barks compost. The experiment used a completely randomized design with two factors and five replications. The first factors was addition of low C/N ratio organic matters, i.e.leaves of Glyricidea maculate and Gmelina arborea, the second factor was species of earthworm, i.e. Lumbricus rubellus (C1) and Eisenia foetida (C2). Parameters used were contents of carbon ©, and several macro nutrients, i.e. nitrogen (N), fosfor (P), kalium (K), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) of the wasted bark compost. Addition of low C/N ratio matters and earthworms was environmentally sound to handle the wasted barks. Adiition of the organic matters has significantly decreased the C/N ratio and increased the content of N, P, K, Ca and Mg of the wasted bark compost. The C/N ratio of the bark compost decreased lower and the contents of N, P, K, Ca and Mg increased higher by more addition of the low C/N matters. Earthworms showed their significant roles to decrease the C/N ratio and increase the contents of N, P, K, Ca and Mg of the waste bark compost. Mean C/N ratio of the bark compost (C0) was 56,17, and by the earthworm treatments it decreased significantly to 26,66 (C1) and 22,94 (C2). Mean N content of the bark compost (C0) was only 0,89 %, and by the earthworm activities it increased significantly to 1,34 % (C1) and 1,41 % (C2). The decreases of C/N ratios and increases of the nutrients by the earthworm activities in the bark compost would be higher when they were combined with the addition of low C/N ratio organic matters


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    Pine resin product optimization was carried out through various breeding activities, not only by developing a high-sap-producing clone selection but also by developing propagation techniques. Vegetative propagation on the superior genotyping provides a large genetic gain because of its wide variation ratio produced in one selection rotation. Vegetative propagation for Pinus mercusii is commonly done by air layering, shoot cutting, and cutting that produces callous (BAJOS). This study aims to determine the effect of various media and dosages of IBA on the number and length of pine air layering roots in West Banyumas. The plants aged two years from superior clones were air layered on the branch end using two different media, namely topsoil, and cocopeat. They sprayed with IBA solution on the chipped area at dosages of 0 ppm, 500 ppm, and 1000 ppm. The parameter observed is rooting percentages, number, and length of primer and secondary root. The pine air layer on the cocopeat medium performs significantly on rooting percentages compared to topsoil. Some primer roots on 0 ppm of IBA have the best performance compared to others. The 500 and 1000 ppm IBA cannot give significance to the independent variable.Optimalisasi produksi getah pinus dilakukan dengan berbagai kegiatan pemuliaan, selain pengembangan seleksi klon-klon penghasil getah tinggi, dilakukan pula pengembangan teknik perbanyakan pinus. Perbanyakan vegetatif pada genotip unggul menghasilkan genetik gain yang besar, karena rasio variasi yang luas dihasilkan dalam satu rotasi seleksi. Perbanyakan vegetatif untuk jenis pinus biasa dilakukan dengan stek pucuk berkalus (Bajos) dan cangkok. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh berbagai media dan dosis IBA pada jumlah dan panjang akar cangkok pinus di KPH Banyumas Barat. Tanaman pinus berumur 2 tahun dari klon-klon unggul dicangkok menggunakan 2 media berbeda yaitu topsoil dan cocopeat dan disemprot larutan IBA dengan dosis 0 ppm, 500 ppm dan 1000 ppm. Cangkok pinus menggunakan media cocopeat menghasilkan persen berakar lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada media tanah, sedangkan dosis IBA secara nyata hanya mempengaruhi jumlah akar primer pada dosis 0 ppm. &nbsp; Kata kunci: Pinus; cangkok; media; IBA; aka

    Pertumbuhan Meranti (Shorea Spp.) Pada Sistem Tebang Pilih Tanam Jalur Dengan Teknik Silvikultur Intensif (Tptj-silin)

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    Penanaman pengayaan intensif pada kawasan hutan bekas tebangan (Logged Over Area, LOA), telah dilakukan oleh PT Sari Bumi Kusuma sejak tahun 1999. Luas kawasan yang telah ditanami dengan jenis-jenis indigenous grup meranti sekitar 21.000 ha sampai dengan tahun 2007. Jenis meranti yang digunakan untuk penanaman adalah Shorea leprosula Miq, S. parvifolia Dyer, S. platyclados Sloot. ex Foxw, S. johorensis Foxw dan S. dasiphylla Foxw. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan informasi hasil evalusi pertumbuhan jenis-jenis Dipterocarpa terpilih dan pengaruh naungan terhadap pertumbuhan yang ditanam dengan sistem Tebang Pilih Tanam Jalur dengan penerapan teknik silvikultur intensif (TPTJ-SILIN). Penelitian mengunakan tanaman meranti pada sistem TPTJ yang telah berumur 1-5 tahun. Pada setiap kelas umur tanaman dibuat 10 buah plot PUP monitoring dengan ukuran 50 m x 100 m (0,5 ha). Dari penanaman lima tahun terakhir riap DBH tanaman tertinggi adalah S.leprosula Miq, yaitu 1,94 cm/thn dan diikuti oleh S.platyclados Sloot. ex Foxw, S.johorensi Foxw, S.parvifolia Dyer dan S.dasiphylla Foxw yang masing-masing mempunyai riap DBH sebesar 1,81, 1,59, 1,58 dan 1,49 cm/thn. Pertumbuhan yang masih sangat bervariasi di lapangan disebabkan karena perbedaan tingkat naungan. Perbaikan tipe naungan 1-2 dan 1-3 akan meningkatkan perkembangan DBH antara 17-69% dan 20-96%. Sedangkan pada variabel tinggi perbaikan tipe naungan 1-2 dan tipe naungan 1-3, masing-masing akan meningkatkan pertumbuhan tinggi antara 18-22% dan 18-33%

    Percepatan Kemampuan Berakar Dan Perkembangan Akar Stek Pucuk Shorea Platyclados Melalui Aplikasi Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Iba

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    Shorea platyclados is one of Fast-growing Dipterocarp species for enrichment planting in Logged-Over Area (LOA) of tropical rain forests. One of the constrain to supply the seedling for support enrichment planting is the irregular flowering of S. platyclados. Moreover, the vegetative propagation is an alternative method to provide the sustainable seedling for enrichment planting in the LOA. This experiment was carried out to assess the effects of IBA concentrations on rooting ability, the primary and secondary root lengths, and the accumulated number of primary and secondary roots on shoot cutting of S. platyclados. The research was conducted in Completly Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 replications. The treatment was five concentrations of IBA, i.e. 0 ppm, 25 ppm, 50 ppm, 75 ppm, and 100 ppm. The data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (one way ANOVA) to determine the effect of IBA concentration variation amongst the treatments. The Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) was used for multiple comparisons among the means of treatment at tα=5%, Results showed IBA concentrations significantly affected the rotting ability, the primary and secondary root length of shoot cutting (P 0.05). For rooting ability, 100 ppm of IBA concentration was the highest of all treatments. Meanwhile, 75 ppm of IBA concentration was the best treatment for development of root, i.e. the number of primary roots, the length primary and secondary roots

    Pengaruh Sifat Fisika Media Terhadap Kemampuan Berakar Dan Pembentukan Akar Stek Pucuk Shorea Playlados Di PT. Sari Bumi Kalimantan Tengah

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    Seedling production of S. platyclados through vegetative propagation offers various advantages particularly mass production of good quality seedling in a certain time can be attained. Shoot cutting is affected by various factors including the physical properties of several media on rooting ability and early root development of S. platyclados shoot cuttings. Completely Randomized Design (CRD) was used with 6 replications. Three medium used were Dipterocarp wood sawdust, wood sawdust + rice husk (2/1), and rice husk charcoal. Result showed that wood sawdust bulk density was highest (0.36 kg/l) in compare to that of wood sawdust + rice husk (0.29 kg/l) and rice husk charcoal (0.17 kg/l). The bulk density has positively correlated (r = 0.97) with Water Holding Capacity (WHC) and negatively correlated with porosity (r = -0.99). Rooting ability of the shoot cutting in sawdust + rice husk (2/1) was highest (63%) in compare to that in wood sawdust (43%) and positively correlated with porosity (r=0.59). Early root development in the media did not show significant difference; however, the media of wood sawdust and wood sawdust + rice husk (2/1) tended to have a better early root development compare to rice husk charcoal