223 research outputs found

    Styles of Legislation and Their Effects

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    Trias Europea: de verhoudingen tussen de overheidsmachten in de EU en de lidstaten in een bewegend constitutioneel landscha

    Concern about the Quality of EU Legislation: What Kind of Problem, by What Kind of Standards?

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    Over the last decade the interest in the quality of EU legislative instruments has surged due to serious threats to the effectiveness of the legislation. This contribution makes an inventory of the policies and instruments that have been put into place to improve quality of legislation and assesses their character, orientation and effectiveness. Any appraisal of these policies, so the paper argues, is dependent on a perception of the basic functions attributed to EU legislative instruments and the standards derived from it. The paper concludes that the present policies and instruments for Better lawmaking have the ability to promote regulatory quality, but not necessarily overall legislative quality

    Het Europees Parlement als wetgevingsgeweten van de Europese Unie?

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    Volkenrecht en internationale organisatie

    Boete langstuderen goede prikkel

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    De bescherming van fundamentele rechten in een integrerend Europ

    Betalen! Verder zoeken ze het zelf maar uit; Zo'n kabinetsplan ontbeert visie

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    Effective Protection of Fundamental Rights in a pluralist worl

    Presence of innate lymphoid cells in allogeneic hematopoietic grafts correlates with reduced graft-versus-host disease.

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    BACKGROUND Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) can be devastating when graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) develops. GvHD is characterized by mucosal inflammation due to breaching of epithelial barriers. Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) are immune modulatory cells that are important in the maintenance of epithelial barriers, via their production of interleukin (IL)-22 and their T cell suppressive properties. After chemo- and radiotherapy, ILCs are depleted, and recovery after remission-induction therapy and after allogeneic HCT is slow and incomplete in a significant number of patients, which is associated with an increased risk to develop acute GvHD. OBJECTIVE To investigate whether the presence of mature ILCs within G-CSF-mobilized HCT grafts is correlated with the development of acute GvHD after allogeneic HCT. STUDY DESIGN We analyzed ILCs in a cohort of 36 patients who received allogeneic HCT for a hematologic malignancy, by flow-cytometric immune-phenotyping of prospectively collected, cryopreserved peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and donor-derived HCT grafts collected for the same patients. Biased analysis, with ILCs defined as CD3-lineage-CD45+CD127+CD161+ lymphocytes, was performed using FlowJo version 10 software. Unbiased analysis was done using FlowSOM, which uses a self-organizing map (SOM) with a minimal spanning tree (MST) to define and visualize different clusters present in the samples. RESULTS Remission-induction therapy significantly depleted ILCs from the blood, and patients who had a relatively low percentage of ILCs before allogeneic HCT were significantly more prone to develop acute GvHD, confirming previous findings in a separate cohort. Allogeneic HCT grafts, which were all obtained from the blood of G-CSF-mobilized healthy donors, contained ILCs at a frequency very similar to the peripheral blood of healthy individuals. The ILC subset composition was also comparable to that of the blood of healthy individuals, with the exception of NKp44+ ILC3s, which were significantly more abundant in HCT grafts. The relative ILC content of the graft tended to correlate with ILC reconstitution after allogeneic HCT, suggesting that peripheral expansion of transplanted mature ILCs may contribute to early ILC reconstitution after allogeneic HCT. Patients who received a relatively ILC-poor HCT graft had a significantly increased risk to develop acute GvHD, compared with patients who received relatively ILC-rich allogeneic HCT grafts. Unbiased phenotypic analysis with the FlowSOM algorithm confirmed that allogeneic HCT grafts of patients who developed acute GvHD contained a lower frequency of ILCs that clustered in NKp44+ ILC3 signature groups. CONCLUSION The presence of ILCs in allogeneic HCT grafts is associated with a reduced risk to develop acute GvHD. These data suggest that enhancement of ILC reconstitution of ILC3s in particular, for example via adoptive transfer of ILCs, may prevent acute GvHD and has the potential to improve outcome of allogeneic HCT recipients

    Cross-lingual legal information retrieval using a WordNet architecture

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    FDR Regulering van internationaal economisch verkeer - ou

    Cross-lingual legal information retrieval using a WordNet architecture.

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    FDR Regulering van internationaal economisch verkeer - ou
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