40 research outputs found
Pengaruh Penggunaan Kemasan dan Lama Penyimpanan terhadap Mutu Buah Salak Bali
Bali Salacca (snake's skin fruit) (Salacca edulis Reinw) is one of the exotic fruits. The fruit is easilydamaged if it is not properly handled since harvesting up to marketing. It is possible to lengthen its shelf-life throughappropriately post harvest and packaging handling. The research was carried out in Telaga village, Sibetan Subdistrict,Karangasem District on August 2001. The fruits, either detached from or still attached with their bunch, were packedinside wrapping-paper and bamboo boxes (besek). Fruits storage lasted for 15 days and observations were conductedon 3rd , 6th , 9th , 12th , and 15th days. Results of analysis of variance showed that contents of vitamin C, total acid, pH andtotal soluble solid (TSS) were significantly different (P<0.1). The longer the storage the less the contents of vitamin Cand total acid, and the greater the contents of water and starch would be. Organoleptic tests on aroma and sweetnesswere weak to fairly strong up to 6th day. Texture and taste preference tests were dislike to common. Bamboo box gavethe best result in which it can maintain fruits freshness until 12th day and scoring showed from dislike to common.Key words : snake's skin fruit, packaging, storage, organoleptic test Buah salak (Salaca edulis Reinw) termasuk salah satu jenis buah-buahan tropis yang merupakan komoditasyang mudah rusak bila tidak ditangani secara hati-hati mulai dari saat panen sampai buah tersebut siap dipasarkan.Untuk menghindari kerusakan ini dapat diupayakan dengan cara penanganan pasca panen dan pengemasan yang dapatmemperpanjang masa simpan buah. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Dusun Telaga Kecamatan Sibetan KabupatenKarangasem pada bulan Agustus 2001. Pengemasan buah dengan menggunakan karton ataupun besek dalam bentuksalak pipil atau tandan diharapkan dapat memperpanjang masa simpan buah. Penyimpanan dilakukan selama 15 haridengan pengamatan pada hari ke-3, 6, 9, 12 dan 15. Hasil sidik ragam kadar vitamin C, total asam, pH dan TPT (totalpadatan terlarut) menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata (P<0,1). Semakin lama penyimpanan terjadi penurunan kadarvitamin C, total asam sedangkan kadar air semakin meningkat dan kadar pati turun. Penilaian organoleptik terhadaparoma, rasa manis adalah lemah sampai agak kuat pada penyimpanan selama 6 hari. Penilaian tekstur dan kesukaanrasa dari tidak suka sampai biasa. Penggunaan wadah besek dalam bentuk tandan memberikan hasil yang terbaikdimana mampu mempertahankan kesegaran buah selama 12 hari dan penilaian panelis dari tidak suka sampai biasa
Perbedaan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematik Siswa Yang Mengikuti Pembelajaran Dengan Metode Numbered Heads Together Dan Metode Konvensional
Research conducted on the material to understand the properties of cubes, blocks and parts and determine its size has been proved that there is no difference in mathematical problem solving ability of students who take lessons with Numbered Heads totegher method and the conventional method. The method used in this study is a quasi-experimental method. This quasi-experimental method to distinguish the two classes is the class of experiments investigated using Numbered Heads Together and grade control using conventional methods. It can be the difference of mathematical problem solving ability of students who were taught with methods Numbered Heads Together in classroom experiments and mathematical problem solving ability of students who are taught by the conventional method in the control class
Bali Salacca (snakeās skin fruit) (Salacca edulis Reinw) is one of the exotic fruits. The fruit is easilydamaged if it is not properly handled since harvesting up to marketing. It is possible to lengthen its shelf-life throughappropriately post harvest and packaging handling. The research was carried out in Telaga village, Sibetan Subdistrict,Karangasem District on August 2001. The fruits, either detached from or still attached with their bunch, were packedinside wrapping-paper and bamboo boxes (besek). Fruits storage lasted for 15 days and observations were conductedon 3rd , 6th , 9th , 12th , and 15th days. Results of analysis of variance showed that contents of vitamin C, total acid, pH andtotal soluble solid (TSS) were significantly different (P<0.1). The longer the storage the less the contents of vitamin Cand total acid, and the greater the contents of water and starch would be. Organoleptic tests on aroma and sweetnesswere weak to fairly strong up to 6th day. Texture and taste preference tests were dislike to common. Bamboo box gavethe best result in which it can maintain fruits freshness until 12th day and scoring showed from dislike to common.Key words : snakeās skin fruit, packaging, storage, organoleptic testĀ Buah salak (Salaca edulis Reinw) termasuk salah satu jenis buah-buahan tropis yang merupakan komoditasyang mudah rusak bila tidak ditangani secara hati-hati mulai dari saat panen sampai buah tersebut siap dipasarkan.Untuk menghindari kerusakan ini dapat diupayakan dengan cara penanganan pasca panen dan pengemasan yang dapatmemperpanjang masa simpan buah. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Dusun Telaga Kecamatan Sibetan KabupatenKarangasem pada bulan Agustus 2001. Pengemasan buah dengan menggunakan karton ataupun besek dalam bentuksalak pipil atau tandan diharapkan dapat memperpanjang masa simpan buah. Penyimpanan dilakukan selama 15 haridengan pengamatan pada hari ke-3, 6, 9, 12 dan 15. Hasil sidik ragam kadar vitamin C, total asam, pH dan TPT (totalpadatan terlarut) menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata (P<0,1). Semakin lama penyimpanan terjadi penurunan kadarvitamin C, total asam sedangkan kadar air semakin meningkat dan kadar pati turun. Penilaian organoleptik terhadaparoma, rasa manis adalah lemah sampai agak kuat pada penyimpanan selama 6 hari. Penilaian tekstur dan kesukaanrasa dari tidak suka sampai biasa. Penggunaan wadah besek dalam bentuk tandan memberikan hasil yang terbaikdimana mampu mempertahankan kesegaran buah selama 12 hari dan penilaian panelis dari tidak suka sampai biasa.Kata kunci : salak, kemasan, penyimpanan, uji organolepti
Analisis Daya Saing Industri Pariwisata untuk Meningkatkan Ekonomi Daerah: (Kajian Perbandingan Daya Saing Pariwisata antara Surakarta dengan YOGYAKARTA)
The purpose of this study are measuring tourism competitiveness in Surakarta region and determining the contribution of tourism for economic region. This cases are compared with Yogyakarta region as benchmark region for tourism in Indonesia. The study is important because it contributes to PAD (Pendapatan Asli Daerah) and gives impact on related industries such as: travel agent, hotel, restaurant, and small industries. The analysis of this study used Competitiveness Monitor (CM), that is the popular measurement to determine tourism competitiveness. It was used more than 200 countries and it is developed by World Travel and Tourism Council (WWTC). The indicators of CM are Human Tourism Indicator, Price Competitiveness Indicator, Infrastructure Development Indicator, Environment indicator, Technology Advancement Indicator, Human Resources Indicator, Openess Indicator, dan Social Development Indicator. From these indicators, we measure tourism competitiveness index and classify the region in green, grey or red area of tourism competitiveness. The result of analysis indicates the Surakarta region is classified in grey area region of tourism competitiveness. The result also indicates the position of tourism competitiveness of Surakarta region with Yogyakarta region. The government have to develop the tourism sector by analysis the indicators which determine the tourism competitiveness because the tourism sector gives the added revenues for the region. It is very important, which ever Adisumarmo airport (Surakarta) is one of the International airport in Indonesia