8 research outputs found

    The Effect of Ipomoea batatas Leaves in Diet on the Carcass Characteristics of Broiler Chicken

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    The research to find out the response of broiler consuming sweet potato leaves meal (Ipomoea batatas) on live weight, carcass weight and pigmentation of carcass skin was conducted at Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Padjadjaran University and Mekar Pawitan village, Paseh sub district, Bandung Regency for five weeks. The experiment design was a completely randomized using 125 day old chick. The birds were placed randomly into twenty five cages. The treatments were ration without sweet potato leaves meal (R0) and ration containing sweet potato leaves meal 5% (R1), 10% (R2), 15% (R3) and 20% (R4). The ration and water were given ad libitum. The data analyzed by analysis of variance and Duncan's multiple range test (live weight and carcass weight) and Kruskal-Wallis Test (pigmentation of carcass skin). The parameters were live weight, carcass weight and pigmentation of carcass skin. The result indicated that use of sweet potato leaves meal up to 5% had similar live weight, carcass weight and pigmentation of carcass skin to those of control. Keywords : sweet potato leaves, ration, carcass, broile

    Efek Penambahan Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa Bilimbi L.) dalam Ransum terhadap Performan, Karkas dan Income Over Feed Cost Ayam Kampung

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    Starfruit (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) can serve as an acidifier which can improve digestive enzymes work, suppress the growth of pathogenic microbes, protecting feed from microbial and fungal attack and to improve the palatability of feed. The main objective of this study was to determine the effect of starfruit in the ration on the performance (feed intake, body weight gain, feed conversion), the weight of carcass parts, fatty meats, and income over feed cost. The study used 80 chicks two weeks old village with a complete randomized block design experiment method. The treatment consisted of control diet (P0), and three levels of addition of starfruit (P1 = 0.5%; P2 = 1%; and P3 = 1.5%). Each treatment was repeated 5 times. Rations and water were given adlibitum. The trial period lasts for 30 days. Test performed to determine differences in Duncan.The results showed the addition of up to 5% starfruit into the ration does not affect the performance of chicken and chicken carcass weight parts. The highest value of income over feed cost was achieved by treatment with the addition of 0.5% ration starfruit juice

    Model Kurva Pertumbuhan Ayam Kampung Unggul Balitnak (KUB) Umur 0-12 Minggu (Growth Curve Model of Kampung Unggul Balitnak (KUB) Chicken)

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk menduga model kurva pertumbuhan ayam kampung unggul balitnak (KUB). Ayam yang digunakan sebanyak 100 ekor dibagi menjadi lima kelompok masing-masing yang diberi ransum yang terdiri atas lima tingkat energi dan protein yaitu ; R1 (15,08% dan 2755 Kkal/kg) R2 (17,04% dan 2754 Kkal/kg), R3 (19,03% dan 2752 Kkal/kg), R4 (15,05% dan 2951 Kkal/kg) R5 (17,02% dan 2948 Kkal/kg). Ayam dipelihara selama 12 minggu, data yang dikumpulkan adalah bobot badan dan pertambanan bobot badan. Data yang diperoleh dibuat tebarannya, kemudian dilihat nilai koefisien determinasi (R2 ) dan standar error (Se). Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa : (1) tingkat energi dan protein dalam ransum yang diberikan tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan ayam KUB; (2) kurva pertumbuhan ayam KUB sampai umur 12 minggu mengikuti model Morgan Mercer Flodien (MMF) dengan persamaan y x x x 46,1 246,1 = 101)(52,31( )18, + ( 2669 69, ) 1/( + 101 18, ) (3) laju pertumbuhan untuk ayam KUB sampai umur 12 minggu masih cenderung naik. Kata Kunci: Ayam KUB, Kurva Pertumbuhan, Bobot Bada

    The effect of the level of faeces quails in the ration on final body weight, carcass, ration efficiency and internal organs of broiler chickens

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    Quails faeces contains good enough protein also energy and potential to be used as an alternative animal feed ingredient to reduce of production cost. Utilization of quail faeces in broiler ration can be directly given in the form of flour or fermented but however it has a limited to used. This study was aimed to determine the level of quail faeces in the ration that still produce good final body weight, carcass, ration efficiency and internal organs of broiler chickens. The study used 100 DOC of broilers that were divided into 20 units of cages, so each unit of cage consisted of 5 chickens. The study used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatments that were one ration without quails faeces (R0) and three rations containing quails faeces ie R1 (7.5%), R2 (15%) and R3 (22.5%). The parameters measured were final body weight, ration efficiency, carcass and internal organs of broiler chickens. The data was analyzed using analysis of variance and the difference among treatments was analyzed by Duncan Test. The result of the research show that the rations containing quails faeces 15% still produce good final body weight, ration efficiency, carcass and internal organs of broiler chickens

    Influence of Different Energy-Proteins on Performance and Blood Hematological on Three Types of Local Chicken

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    Indonesia is rich in germplasm, including local chickens. Three types of superior local chickens are Sentul-Warso Chicken, Chicken Kampung-Unggul, and Chicken Local-Jimy. Chickens are relatively diverse growth and nutrient needs are also variations, especially energy and protein content. The research has been conducted at Test Farm cage, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Padjadjaran, Sumedang, and West Java-Indonesia. The objective of the study was to determine the energy-protein requirements of the ration, which resulted in the highest production performance and optimal hematologic blood values in three types of local chickens (Sentul-Warso Chicken, Chicken Kampung-Unggul, and Chicken Local-Jimy). Research using experimental method in laboratory. The experimental design was a Completely Randomized Design, consisting of five treatment rations with different energy and protein levels and each repeated four times. The treatment consisted of: R1 = EM 2750 kcal / kg and PK 15%; R2 = EM 2750 kcal / kg and PK 17%; R3 = EM 2750 kcal / kg and PK 19%; R4 = EM 2950 kcal / kg and PK 15%; and R5 = EM 2950 kcal / kg and PK 17%. The data were analyzed by means of variation and the differences between treatments were tested with Duncan Multiple Range Test. The result showed that ration with metabolic energy content 2,750 kcal / kg and 17% crude protein resulted in optimal production and hematological blood value in local chicken. The performance of Chicken-Jimy's production is higher than Sentul-Warso chicken and the lowest Kampung-Unggul chicken. The hematological value of chicken blood is in the normal range

    PENAMPILAN BROILER YANG DIBERI RANSUM MENGANDUNG TEPUNG DAUN UBI JALAR (Ipomoea batatas) TERHADAP KARAKTERISTIK KARKAS [The Effect of Ipomoea batatas Leaves in Diet on the Carcass Characteristics of Broiler Chicken]

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ransum yang mengandung tepung daun ubi jalar (Ipomoea batatas) terhadap bobot hidup, bobot karkas dan pigmentasi kulit karkas ayam broiler telah dilaksanakan di Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Padjadjaran dan Desa Mekar Pawitan, Kecamatan Paseh, Kabupaten Bandung selama lima minggu. Metoda penelitian adalah eksperimen dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap menggunakan 125 DOC yang dibagi ke dalam 25 unit kandang. Perlakuan terdiri dari ransum yang tidak mengandung tepung daun ubi jalar (R0) dan ransum yang mengandung tepung daun ubi jalar 5% (R1), 10% (R2), 15% (R3) dan 20% (R4). Ransum dan air minum diberikan ad libitum. Masing-masing perlakuan diulang lima kali. Peubah yang diukur adalah bobot hidup, bobot karkas dan pigmentasi kulit karkas ayam broiler. Data bobot hidup dan bobot karkas diuji dengan sidik ragam, yang selanjutnya dilakukan uji Duncan. Pigmentasi kulit karkas diukur dengan skala hedonik dan diuji dengan uji Kruskal Wallis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan daun ubi jalar dalam ransum sampai dengan 5% menghasilkan bobot hidup, bobot karkas dan pigmentasi kulit karkas setara ransum kontrol. Kata kunci : daun ubi jalar, ransum, karkas, broiler ABSTRACT The research to find out the response of broiler consuming sweet potato leaves meal (Ipomoea batatas) on live weight, carcass weight and pigmentation of carcass skin was conducted at Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Padjadjaran University and Mekar Pawitan village, Paseh sub district, Bandung Regency for five weeks. The experiment design was a completely randomized using 125 day old chick. The birds were placed randomly into twenty five cages. The treatments were ration without sweet potato leaves meal (R0) and ration containing sweet potato leaves meal 5% (R1), 10% (R2), 15% (R3) and 20% (R4). The ration and water were given ad libitum. The data analyzed by analysis of variance and Duncan's multiple range test (live weight and carcass weight) and Kruskal-Wallis Test (pigmentation of carcass skin). The parameters were live weight, carcass weight and pigmentation of carcass skin. The result indicated that use of sweet potato leaves meal up to 5% had similar live weight, carcass weight and pigmentation of carcass skin to those of control. Keywords : sweet potato leaves, ration, carcass, broile

    Modelling Growth Curves In Kampung Super Garut Chicken Fed With Pasak Bumi Meal (Euricoma longifolia Jack)

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    AbstractChicken growth will be showing a curve with certain mathematic model. The aim of this research was to predict growth curve model of kampung super garut chicken Fed With Pasak Bumi Meal (Euricoma longifolia Jack). This research used descriptive eksperimental method with 100, divided in five groups. Every groups fed with Pasak Bumi Meal in five categories is R0 (0%), R1 (0,025%), R2 (0,050%), R3 (0,075%) and R4 (0,100%). Chickens reared for 12 weeks, the collected data is body weight and body weight gain. Scatter plots data is used for estimated determination coefficient (R2), correlation coefficient (r), and standard error (SE). The results showed that; (1) addition of pasak bumi flour in ration at level 0,075% in ration resulted growth performance optimal; (2) The Gompertz model with the formula of  Y = 1965.2 exp (-3.7890e-0.1456t ) was the best model with coefficient determination (R2) of 99.94%, coefficient of correlation (r) of 99.97%, and standard error (SE) of 16.01%. (3) growth rate until 12 weeks ages still increase