42 research outputs found

    Penerapan Learning Cycle Approach Sebagai Upaya Meminimalisasi Miskonsepsi Mahasiswa Pada Materi Struktur Molekul

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    This study aims to diagnose the misconceptions on the molecular structure of matter and investigate the use of learning cycle approach to minimize misconceptions of students on such materials. This research was conducted on students of chemistry education Prodi in one of LPTK in semester one academic year 2009/2010. Data collection techniques used are claim forms diagnostic tests misconception right/ wrong reason given before and after lessons, interviews, and document analysis. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive analysis by way of analyzing the peritem about to be concluded. Results showed that happened on student misconceptions contained in the concept drawing Lewis structures, the determination of polar and non polar, the determination of the geometrical structure based on VSEPR theory and the theory hibrisasi, distinguish between the geometrical structure of the molecular shape, determine the electron configuration for the molecule, and calculate the bond order (b) Frequency of students who have misconceptions have been reduced after being given the study by Learning Cycle approach

    The Synthesis of Chitosan Polymer Membrane/pva as an Eco-friendly Battery for Alternative Energy Resource

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    The eco-friendly materials which have not commonly developed as energy storage alternative sources are solid electrolytes. Chitosan is one of the natural polymer potentially used as the material of solid electrolytes. The purpose of this study is to determine the conductivity value of chitosan polymer\u27s electrolytes-PVA-glutaraldehyde-NH4Br by varying amount of chitosan and ammonium bromide salt (NH4Br). The polymer electrolyte membrane was made using phase inversion method. Electrolyte polymer is made by mixing chitosan, PVA, glutaraldehyde, and NH4Br to become homogenous liquid and then printed it in petri dish. Polymer electrolyte with chitosan variation of 2; 2.4; 2.8 and 3.2 g has highest ionic conductivity of 1.4983 x 10-2 S/cm with the addition of 2.8 g that can be used as the optimum composition. The variations of salt (NH4Br) were 0; 0.2; 0.4; 0.6; 0.8 and 1 g has the highest ionic conductivity in the point of 2.4385 x 10-2 S/cm with the addition of 0.6 g. The characterization result of FTIR shows OH group at the wavenumber of 3362.02 cm-1, C-O group at 1740.43 cm-1, and C=N group at 1542.41 cm-1. Synthesized polymer can be used as a battery that has 0.43 V voltage

    Pengaruh Sistem Olah Tanah Dan Mulsa Organik Pada Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Kedelai (Glycine Max (L.) Merril)

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    Kedelai adalah salah satu komoditas pangan yang penting di Indonesia. Tanaman kedelai akan tumbuh dengan baik apabila syarat tumbuhnya terpenuhi dengan melakukan teknik budidaya yang tepat. Oleh karena itu, olah tanah dan mulsa adalah teknik budidaya yang tepat diterapkan untuk mendukung pertumbuhan tanaman kedelai. Pengaruh yang ditimbulkan akibat olah tanah dan mulsa bergantung pada tingkat olah tanah dan bahan mulsa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh olah tanah dan mulsa organik dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kedelai, serta mendapatkan kombinasi yang tepat antara olah tanah dan mulsa organik untuk mendapatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil kedelai yang optimal. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Jatikerto, Kabupaten Malang, pada bulan Juni sampai September 2014. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 9 perlakuan mulsa organik dan 3 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa olah tanah minimal dan mulsa jerami 6 ton ha-1 dapat meningkatkan secara nyata tinggi tanaman, luas daun, jumlah daun, jumlah polong pertanaman, bobot biji pertanaman, bobot 100 biji, hasil biji per hektar. Perlakuan olah tanah minimal dan mulsa jerami 6 ton ha-1 menghasilkan panen lebih besar 2,26 ton ha-1 lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan perlakuan tanpa olah tanah dan tanpa mulsa dengan peningkatan hasil 96,52 %

    The urgency of religious and cultural science in STEM education: A meta data analysis

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    The 21st century education engages students to have higher order thinking and scientific literacy skills. However, these abilities in Indonsia are still relatively low, especially student’s scientific literacy skills. One solution to the problem of low scientific literacy skills in Indonesia is the application of STEM education. However, as technology advances pursued in STEM education, religious and cultural sciences increasingly separate themselves from science. Cultural science is rarely implemented in learning so that many students do not know their own culture. The contra between science and religion also makes students’s perception of religion and science are two independent knowledge and cannot be united. Through literature studies that have been carried out from various journal article search sites, this article discusses how important religious and cultural sciences are to be implemented into STEM education. The relationship between religion and science, culture and science, culture and religion and the urgency of religion and culture in STEM education are also discussed in this article. The results of this study propose solutions so that science education can be implemented with RE-STEM learning to overcome the gap between religion, culture and science. So, that students will have a more balanced knowledge in religion, ethnoscience and science from RE-STEM integration

    Project Based Learning (Pbl) to Improve Psychomotoric Skills: a Classroom Action Research

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    This paper discusses the application of project-based learning (PBL) to improve student\u27 psychomotor skills and concept understanding, as well as knowing what PBL contribution to the improvement of student\u27 psychomotor skills in chemistry learning. The study was conducted in three cycles. Each cycle consisted of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection steps. One set of data consists of student\u27 psychomotor skills assesment, student\u27 conceptual understanding and questionnaire responses were obtained from the action research. Learning process was performed in the eleventh grade students included 37 students (10 males and 27 females) and 3 collaborators. The successful research was indicated by 85% of students achieve the mastery learning on concept understanding and well on psychomotor aspects. Data collection was performed using documentation method by questionnaire, observations, and tests. Data was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The results show that all aspects of the psychomotor assessed include sets, mechanical response, complex response, adaptation, and origination were in high category. At the end of the lesson, the project assigned to students were evaluated jointly between teachers and students. The project results in the form of a series of distillation apparatus is applied to separate the natural compounds


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    AbstractThis study was a class act that aims to improve learning outcomes Indonesian students of class XI. SMA Negeri 19 Makassar through the application of participatory methods. This research conducted action research (classroom action research) in addition, this study also planned to be conducted in two cycles, each cycle through four stages: 1) Planning 2) Actions 3) Observation 4) Reflection. Collecting data by using test results of study and observation. The collected data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The results showed that the application of participatory methods to improve learning outcomes Indonesian students of class XI SMA Negeri19 Makassar. The improved learning outcomes looks at the implementation of the action in the first cycle that students who are in the category completed by 11 students with 44% while the percentage of students in a category is not exhaustive as many as 14 students with a percentage of 56% with an average value of 64.68. And the second cycle which showed an increase in student learning outcomes. that students who are in the category completed by 25 students with a percentage of 100%, while the students are in the category of not completed as much as 0 students with a percentage of 0% with an average value 82,64.Based on research results suggested that 1) a teacher of language and literature Indonesia, especially Indonesian teacher at SMA Negeri 19 Makassar to apply participatory learning methods as a method of improving the learning outcomes Indonesian. 2) students should be more actively involved in the learning process in the classroom so as to have the confidence and more eager to learn.Keywords. Improve learning outcomes Indonesian, participatory method Abstrak Penelitian ini adalah tindakan kelas yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar bahasa Indonesia siswa kelas XI. SMA. Negeri 19 Makassar. Melalui penerapan metode partisipatorik. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan penelitian tindakan kelas (classroom action research)  selain itu penelitian ini juga direncanakan akan dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus, setiap siklus melalui empat tahap yaitu 1) Perencanaan  2) Tindakan  3) Observasi  4) Refleksi. Pengambilan data dengan menggunakan tes hasil belajar dan observasi. Data yang terkumpul kemudian dianalisis secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan metode partisipatorik   dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar bahasa Indonesia siswa kelas XI Sma. Negeri 19 Makassar. Peningkatan hasil belajar tampak pada pelaksanaan tindakan dalam siklus I bahwa siswa yang berada pada kategori tuntas sebanyak 11 siswa dengan persentase 44% sedangkan siswa yang berada pada kategori tidak tuntas sebanyak 14 siswa dengan persentase 56% dengan nilai rata-rata 64,68. Dan siklus II yang memperlihatkan adanya peningkatan hasil belajar siswa.  bahwa siswa yang berada pada kategori tuntas sebanyak 25 siswa dengan persentase 100%, sedangkan siswa yang berada pada kategori tidak tuntas sebanyak 0 siswa dengan persentase 0% dengan nilai rata-rata 82,64.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disarankan agar  1) guru bahasa dan sastra Indonesia, khususnya guru Bahasa Indonesia Sma. Negeri 19 Makassar untuk menerapkan metode pembelajaran partisipatorik sebagai salah satu metode meningkatkan hasil belajar bahasa Indonesia. 2) siswa hendaknya lebih berperan aktif dalam proses belajar di kelas sehingga mempunyai rasa percaya diri dan lebih bersemangat untuk belajar.Kata kunci. Meningkatkan hasil belajar bahasa Indonesia, Metode partisipatorik