7,141 research outputs found

    A Captured Runaway Black Hole in NGC 1277?

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    Recent results indicate that the compact lenticular galaxy NGC 1277 in the Perseus Cluster contains a black hole of approximately 10 billion solar masses. This far exceeds the expected mass of the central black hole in a galaxy of the modest dimensions of NGC 1277. We suggest that this giant black hole was ejected from the nearby giant galaxy NGC 1275 and subsequently captured by NGC 1277. The ejection was the result of gravitational radiation recoil when two large black holes merged following the merger of two giant ellipticals that helped to form NGC 1275. The black hole wandered in the cluster core until it was captured in a close encounter with NGC 1277. The migration of black holes in clusters may be a common occurrence.Comment: Four pages, accepted by The Astrophysical Journal Letters. Major revisions, especially Section

    A ruggedized thin-window proportional-counter tube

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    Design and testing of ruggedized, thin window proportional counter tube for detecting X rays in light element


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    Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,


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    The bioeconomic analysis of endangered species without consumptive values can be problematic when analysed with density-dependent models that assume a fixed environment size. Most bioeconomic models use harvest as a control variable, yet when modelling non-harvestable species, frequently the only variable under control of conservationists is the quantity of habitat to be made available. The authors explore the implications of this in a model developed to analyse the potential population recovery of New Zealand's yellow-eyed penguin. The penguin faces severe competition with man for the terrestrial resources required for breeding and has declined in population to perilously low levels. The model was developed to estimate the land use required for recovery and preservation of the species and to compare the results to current tourism-driven conservation efforts. It is demonstrated that land may serve as a useful control variable in bioeconomic models and that such a model may be useful for determining whether sufficient incentives exist to preserve a species. However, the model may generate less useful results for providing a specific estimate of the optimal allocation of land to such a species.Land Economics/Use,

    The Black Hole Mass - Galaxy Luminosity Relationship for Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasars

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    We investigate the relationship between the mass of the central supermassive black hole, M_bh, and the host galaxy luminosity, L_gal, in a sample of quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 7 (DR7). We use composite quasar spectra binned by black hole mass and redshift to assess galaxy features that would otherwise be overwhelmed by noise in individual spectra. The black hole mass is calculated using the photoionization method, and the host galaxy luminosity is inferred from the depth of the Ca II H + K features in the composite spectra. We evaluate the evolution in the M_bh - L_gal relationship by examining the redshift dependence of Delta log M_bh, the offset in black hole mass from the local black hole - bulge relationship. There is little systematic trend in Delta log M_bh out to z = 0.8. Using the width of the [O III] emission line as a proxy for the stellar velocity dispersion, sigma_*, we find agreement of our derived host luminosities with the locally-observed Faber-Jackson relation. This supports the utility of the width of the [O III] line as a proxy for sigma_* in statistical studies.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures; final version; major revision

    The Lyman Continuum Polarization Rise in the QSO PG 1222+228

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    Some QSOs show an abrupt, strong rise in polarization near rest wavelength 750 A. If this arises in the atmosphere of an accretion disk around a supermassive black hole, it may have diagnostic value. In PG 1222+228, the polarization rise occurs at the wavelength of a sharp drop in flux. We examine and reject interpretations of this feature involving a high velocity outflow. The observations agree with a model involving several intervening Lyman limit systems, two of which happen to coincide with the Lyman continuum polarization rise. After correction for the Lyman limit absorption, the continuum shortward of 912 A is consistent with a typical power-law slope, alpha = -1.8. This violates the apparent pattern for the Lyman limit polarization rises to occur only in ``candidate Lyman edge QSOs''. The corrected, polarized flux rises strongly at the wavelength of the polarization rise, resembling the case of PG 1630+377. The rise in polarized flux places especially stringent requirements on models.Comment: 19 pages, including 5 EPS figures. Uses aaspp4.sty. Accepted for publication in Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2000 Ma

    Unconditionally secure one-way quantum key distribution using decoy pulses

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    We report here a complete experimental realization of one-way decoy-pulse quantum key distribution, demonstrating an unconditionally secure key rate of 5.51 kbps for a 25.3 km fibre length. This is two orders of magnitudes higher than the value that can be obtained with a non-decoy system. We introduce also a simple test for detecting the photon number splitting attack and highlight that it is essential for the security of the technique to fully characterize the source and detectors used.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure
