842 research outputs found

    The Connectivity of Boolean Satisfiability: Dichotomies for Formulas and Circuits

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    For Boolean satisfiability problems, the structure of the solution space is characterized by the solution graph, where the vertices are the solutions, and two solutions are connected iff they differ in exactly one variable. In 2006, Gopalan et al. studied connectivity properties of the solution graph and related complexity issues for CSPs, motivated mainly by research on satisfiability algorithms and the satisfiability threshold. They proved dichotomies for the diameter of connected components and for the complexity of the st-connectivity question, and conjectured a trichotomy for the connectivity question. Recently, we were able to establish the trichotomy [arXiv:1312.4524]. Here, we consider connectivity issues of satisfiability problems defined by Boolean circuits and propositional formulas that use gates, resp. connectives, from a fixed set of Boolean functions. We obtain dichotomies for the diameter and the two connectivity problems: on one side, the diameter is linear in the number of variables, and both problems are in P, while on the other side, the diameter can be exponential, and the problems are PSPACE-complete. For partially quantified formulas, we show an analogous dichotomy.Comment: 20 pages, several improvement

    The Connectivity of Boolean Satisfiability: No-Constants and Quantified Variants

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    For Boolean satisfiability problems, the structure of the solution space is characterized by the solution graph, where the vertices are the solutions, and two solutions are connected iff they differ in exactly one variable. Motivated by research on heuristics and the satisfiability threshold, Gopalan et al. in 2006 studied connectivity properties of the solution graph and related complexity issues for constraint satisfaction problems in Schaefer's framework. They found dichotomies for the diameter of connected components and for the complexity of the st-connectivity question, and conjectured a trichotomy for the connectivity question that we recently were able to prove. While Gopalan et al. considered CNF(S)-formulas with constants, we here look at two important variants: CNF(S)-formulas without constants, and partially quantified formulas. For the diameter and the st-connectivity question, we prove dichotomies analogous to those of Gopalan et al. in these settings. While we cannot give a complete classification for the connectivity problem yet, we identify fragments where it is in P, where it is coNP-complete, and where it is PSPACE-complete, in analogy to Gopalan et al.'s trichotomy.Comment: superseded by chapter 3 of arXiv:1510.0670

    Glycocalyx production in teleosts [Translation from: Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, p.286, 1970]

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    Shielding the organism against harmful effects from the environment is one of the most important tasks of the outer covering of all animals. The epidermis of primarily aquatic organisms and the epithelia of organs which are exposed to water, such as the digestive or the urinary system, possess a film of glycoproteins and mucopolysaccharides, the glycocalyx. This short paper examines the relationship of the mucus cells with the glycocalyx

    Connectivity of Boolean Satisfiability

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    For Boolean satisfiability problems, the structure of the solution space is characterized by the solution graph, where the vertices are the solutions, and two solutions are connected iff they differ in exactly one variable. For this implicitly defined graph, we here study the st-connectivity and connectivity problems. Building on the work of Gopalan et al. ("The Connectivity of Boolean Satisfiability: Computational and Structural Dichotomies", 2006/2009), we first investigate satisfiability problems given by CSPs, more exactly CNF(S)-formulas with constants (as considered in Schaefer's famous 1978 dichotomy theorem); we prove a computational dichotomy for the st-connectivity problem, asserting that it is either solvable in polynomial time or PSPACE-complete, and an aligned structural dichotomy, asserting that the maximal diameter of connected components is either linear in the number of variables, or can be exponential; further, we show a trichotomy for the connectivity problem, asserting that it is either in P, coNP-complete, or PSPACE-complete. Next we investigate two important variants: CNF(S)-formulas without constants, and partially quantified formulas; in both cases, we prove analogous dichotomies for st-connectivity and the diameter; for for the connectivity problem, we show a trichotomy in the case of quantified formulas, while in the case of formulas without constants, we identify fragments of a possible trichotomy. Finally, we consider the connectivity issues for B-formulas, which are arbitrarily nested formulas built from some fixed set B of connectives, and for B-circuits, which are Boolean circuits where the gates are from some finite set B; we prove a common dichotomy for both connectivity problems and the diameter; for partially quantified B-formulas, we show an analogous dichotomy.Comment: PhD thesis, 82 pages, contains all results from the previous papers arXiv:1312.4524, arXiv:1312.6679, and arXiv:1403.6165, plus additional findings. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:cs/0609072 by other author

    Enhanced Sensitivity to the Time Variation of the Fine-Structure Constant and mp/mem_p/m_e in Diatomic Molecules: A Closer Examination of Silicon Monobromide

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    Recently it was pointed out that transition frequencies in certain diatomic molecules have an enhanced sensitivity to variations in the fine-structure constant α\alpha and the proton-to-electron mass ratio mp/mem_p/m_e due to a near cancellation between the fine-structure and vibrational interval in a ground electronic multiplet [V.~V.~Flambaum and M.~G.~Kozlov, Phys. Rev. Lett.~{\bf 99}, 150801 (2007)]. One such molecule possessing this favorable quality is silicon monobromide. Here we take a closer examination of SiBr as a candidate for detecting variations in α\alpha and mp/mem_p/m_e. We analyze the rovibronic spectrum by employing the most accurate experimental data available in the literature and perform \emph{ab initio} calculations to determine the precise dependence of the spectrum on variations in α\alpha. Furthermore, we calculate the natural linewidths of the rovibronic levels, which place a fundamental limit on the accuracy to which variations may be determined.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Effect of alpha variation on the vibrational spectrum of Sr_2

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    We consider the effect of α\alpha variation on the vibrational spectrum of Sr2_2 in the context of a planned experiment to test the stability of μme/mp\mu\equiv m_e/m_p using optically trapped Sr2_2 molecules [Zelevinsky et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 100}, 043201; Kotochigova et al., Phys. Rev. A {\bf 79}, 012504]. We find the prospective experiment to be 3 to 4 times less sensitive to fractional variation in α\alpha as it is to fractional variation in μ\mu. Depending on the precision ultimately achieved by the experiment, this result may give justification for the neglect of α\alpha variation or, alternatively, may call for its explicit consideration in the interpretation of experimental results.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Identification of the slow E3 transition 136mCs -> 136Cs with conversion electrons

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    We performed at ISOLDE the spectroscopy of the decay of the 8- isomer in 136Cs by and conversion-electron detection. For the first time the excitation energy of the isomer and the multipolarity of its decay have been measured. The half-life of the isomeric state was remeasured to T1/2 = 17.5(2) s. This isomer decays via a very slow 518 keV E3 transition to the ground state. In addition to this, a much weaker decay branch via a 413 keV M4 and a subsequent 105 keV E2 transition has been found. Thus we have found a new level at 105 keV with spin 4+ between the isomeric and the ground state. The results are discussed in comparison to shell model calculations.Comment: Phys. Rev. C accepted for publicatio

    Shell stabilization of super- and hyperheavy nuclei without magic gaps

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    Quantum stabilization of superheavy elements is quantified in terms of the shell-correction energy. We compute the shell correction using self-consistent nuclear models: the non-relativistic Skyrme-Hartree-Fock approach and the relativistic mean-field model, for a number of parametrizations. All the forces applied predict a broad valley of shell stabilization around Z=120 and N=172-184. We also predict two broad regions of shell stabilization in hyperheavy elements with N approx 258 and N approx 308. Due to the large single-particle level density, shell corrections in the superheavy elements differ markedly from those in lighter nuclei. With increasing proton and neutron numbers, the regions of nuclei stabilized by shell effects become poorly localized in particle number, and the familiar pattern of shells separated by magic gaps is basically gone.Comment: 6 pages REVTEX, 4 eps figures, submitted to Phys. Lett.

    First identification of large electric monopole strength in well-deformed rare earth nuclei

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    Excited states in the well-deformed rare earth isotopes 154^{154}Sm and 166^{166}Er were populated via ``safe'' Coulomb excitation at the Munich MLL Tandem accelerator. Conversion electrons were registered in a cooled Si(Li) detector in conjunction with a magnetic transport and filter system, the Mini-Orange spectrometer. For the first excited 0+0^+ state in 154^{154}Sm at 1099 keV a large value of the monopole strength for the transition to the ground state of ρ2(E0;02+0g+)=96(42)103\rho^2(\text{E0}; 0^+_2 \to 0^+_\text{g}) = 96(42)\cdot 10^{-3} could be extracted. This confirms the interpretation of the lowest excited 0+0^+ state in 154^{154}Sm as the collective β\beta-vibrational excitation of the ground state. In 166^{166}Er the measured large electric monopole strength of ρ2(E0;04+01+)=127(60)103\rho^2(\text{E0}; 0^+_4 \to 0^+_1) = 127(60)\cdot 10^{-3} clearly identifies the 04+0_4^+ state at 1934 keV to be the β\beta-vibrational excitation of the ground state.Comment: submitted to Physics Letters