1,356 research outputs found

    The phenology and population dynamics of Culicoides spp. in different ecosystems in the Netherlands

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    The Netherlands has enjoyed a relatively free state of vector-borne diseases of economic importance for more than one century. Emerging infectious diseases may change this situation, threatening the health of humans, domestic livestock and wildlife. In order to be prepared for the potential outbreak of vector-borne diseases, a study was undertaken to investigate the distribution and seasonal dynamics of candidate vectors of infectious diseases with emphasis on bluetongue vectors (Culicoides spp.). The study focused primarily on the relationship between characteristic ecosystems suitable for bluetongue vectors and climate, as well as on the phenology and population dynamics of these vectors. Twelve locations were selected, distributed over four distinct habitats: a wetland area, three riverine systems, four peat land areas and four livestock farms. Culicoides populations were sampled continuously using CO2-baited counterflow traps from July 2005 until August 2006, with an interruption from November 2005 to March 2006. All vectors were identified to species level. Meteorological and environmental data were collected at each location. Culicoides species were found in all four different habitat types studied. Wetland areas and peat bogs were rich in Culicoides spp. The taxonomic groups Culicoides obsoletus (Meigen) and Culicoides pulicaris (Linnaeus) were strongly associated with farms. Eighty-eight percent of all Culicoides consisted of the taxon C. obsoletus/Culicoides scoticus. On the livestock farms, 3% of Culicoides existed of the alleged bluetongue vector Culicoides dewulfi Goetghebuer. Culicoides impunctatus Goetghebuer was strongly associated with wetland and peat bog. Many Culicoides species were found until late in the phenological season and their activity was strongly associated with climate throughout the year. High annual variations in population dynamics were observed within the same study areas, which were probably caused by annual variations in environmental conditions. The study demonstrates that candidate vectors of bluetongue virus are present in natural and livestock-farm habitats in the Netherlands, distributed widely across the country. Under favourable climatic conditions, following virus introduction, bluetongue can spread among livestock (cattle, sheep and goats), depending on the nature of the viral serotype. The question now arises whether the virus can survive the winter conditions in north-western Europe and whether measures can be taken that effectively halt further spread of the disease

    Het toenemend belang van infectieziekten die worden overgebracht door vectoren

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    Dit artikel gaat over de voor Nederland belangrijkste arthropodenvectoren (geleedpotigen, in dit artikel voornamelijk muggen en teken) en de door hen overgebrachte infectieziekten. Daarnaast wordt de rol van landschappelijke aanpassingen, klimaatverandering, intensiever internationaal reizigers- en handelsverkeer en veranderend gedrag met betrekking tot recreatie beschreven. Tenslotte wordt de verdere kennisbehoefte aangegeve

    Management and outcome of patients with established coronary artery disease: the Euro Heart Survey on coronary revascularization

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    Aims The purpose of the Euro Heart Survey Programme of the European Society of Cardiology is to evaluate to which extent clinical practice endorses existing guidelines as well as to identify differences in population profiles, patient management, and outcome across Europe. The current survey focuses on the invasive diagnosis and treatment of patients with established coronary artery disease (CAD). Methods and results Between November 2001 and March 2002, 7769 consecutive patients undergoing invasive evaluation at 130 hospitals (31 countries) were screened for the presence of one or more coronary stenosis >50% in diameter. Patient demographics and comorbidity, clinical presentation, invasive parameters, treatment options, and procedural techniques were prospectively entered in an electronic database (550 variables+29 per diseased coronary segment). Major adverse cardiac events (MACE) were evaluated at 30 days and 1 year. Out of 5619 patients with angiographically proven coronary stenosis (72% of screened population), 53% presented with stable angina while ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) was the indication for coronary angiography in 16% and non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction or unstable angina in 30%. Only medical therapy was continued in 21%, whereas mechanical revascularization was performed in the remainder [percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in 58% and coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) in 21%]. Patients referred for PCI were younger, were more active, had a lower risk profile, and had less comorbid conditions. CABG was performed mostly in patients with left main lesions (21%), two- (25%), or three-vessel disease (67%) with 4.1 diseased segments, on average. Single-vessel PCI was performed in 82% of patients with either single- (45%), two- (33%), or three-vessel disease (21%). Stents were used in 75% of attempted lesions, with a large variation between sites. Direct PCI for STEMI was performed in 410 cases, representing 7% of the entire workload in the participating catheterization laboratories. Time delay was within 90 min in 76% of direct PCI cases. In keeping with the recommendations of practice guidelines, the survey identified under-use of adjunctive medication (GP IIb/IIIa receptor blockers, statins, and angiotensin-converting enzyme-inhibitors). Mortality rates at 30 days and 1 year were low in all subgroups. MACE primarily consisted of repeat PCI (12%). Conclusion The current Euro Heart Survey on coronary revascularization was performed in the era of bare metal stenting and provides a global European picture of the invasive approach to patients with CAD. These data will serve as a benchmark for the future evaluation of the impact of drug-eluting stents on the practice of interventional cardiology and bypass surger

    Increased concentrations of both NMDA receptor co-agonists D-serine and glycine in global ischemia:A potential novel treatment target for perinatal asphyxia

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    Worldwide, perinatal asphyxia is an important cause of morbidity and mortality among term-born children. Overactivation of the N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAr) plays a central role in the pathogenesis of cerebral hypoxia–ischemia, but the role of both endogenous NMDAr co-agonists d-serine and glycine remains largely elusive. We investigated d-serine and glycine concentration changes in rat glioma cells, subjected to oxygen and glucose deprivation (OGD) and CSF from piglets exposed to hypoxia–ischemia by occlusion of both carotid arteries and hypoxia. We illustrated these findings with analyses of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from human newborns affected by perinatal asphyxia. Extracellular concentrations of glycine and d-serine were markedly increased in rat glioma cells exposed to OGD, presumably through increased synthesis from l-serine. Upon reperfusion glycine concentrations normalized and d-serine concentrations were significantly lowered. The in vivo studies corroborated the finding of initially elevated and then normalizing concentrations of glycine and decreased d-serine concentrations upon reperfusion These significant increases of both endogenous NMDAr co-agonists in combination with elevated glutamate concentrations, as induced by global cerebral ischemia, are bound to lead to massive NMDAr activation, excitotoxicity and neuronal damage. Influencing these NMDAr co-agonist concentrations provides an interesting treatment target for this common, devastating and currently poorly treatable condition

    Tools for delivering entomopathogenic fungi to malaria mosquitoes: effects of delivery surfaces on fungal efficacy and persistence.

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    BACKGROUND\ud \ud Entomopathogenic fungi infection on malaria vectors increases daily mortality rates and thus represents a control measure that could be used in integrated programmes alongside insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS). Before entomopathogenic fungi can be integrated into control programmes, an effective delivery system must be developed.\ud \ud METHODS\ud \ud The efficacy of Metarhizium anisopliae ICIPE-30 and Beauveria bassiana I93-825 (IMI 391510) (2 × 10(10) conidia m(-2)) applied on mud panels (simulating walls of traditional Tanzanian houses), black cotton cloth and polyester netting was evaluated against adult Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto. Mosquitoes were exposed to the treated surfaces 2, 14 and 28 d after conidia were applied. Survival of mosquitoes was monitored daily.\ud \ud RESULTS\ud \ud All fungal treatments caused a significantly increased mortality in the exposed mosquitoes, descending with time since fungal application. Mosquitoes exposed to M. anisopliae conidia on mud panels had a greater daily risk of dying compared to those exposed to conidia on either netting or cotton cloth (p < 0.001). Mosquitoes exposed to B. bassiana conidia on mud panels or cotton cloth had similar daily risk of death (p = 0.14), and a higher risk than those exposed to treated polyester netting (p < 0.001). Residual activity of fungi declined over time; however, conidia remained pathogenic at 28 d post application, and were able to infect and kill 73 - 82% of mosquitoes within 14 d.\ud \ud CONCLUSION\ud \ud Both fungal isolates reduced mosquito survival on immediate exposure and up to 28 d after application. Conidia were more effective when applied on mud panels and cotton cloth compared with polyester netting. Cotton cloth and mud, therefore, represent potential substrates for delivering fungi to mosquitoes in the field

    Physics and Technology Research for Liquid-Metal Divertor Development, Focused on a Tin-Capillary Porous System Solution, at the OLMAT High Heat-Flux Facility

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    The operation of the Optimization of Liquid Metal Advanced Targets (OLMAT) facility began in April 2021 with the scientific objective of exposing liquid-metal plasma facing components (PFCs) to the particle and power fluxes provided by one of the hydrogen neutral beam injectors of the TJ-II stellarator. The system can deliver heat fluxes from 5 to 58 MW m−2 of high energy hydrogen neutral particles (≤ 33 keV) with fluxes up to 1022m2s−1 (containing an ion fraction ≤ 33% in some instances), pulsed operation of 30–150 ms duration and repetition rates up to 2 min−1. These characteristics enable OLMAT as a high heat flux (HHF) facility for PFC evaluation in terms of power exhaust capabilities, thermal fatigue and resilience to material damage. Additionally, the facility is equipped with a wide range of diagnostics that includes tools for analyzing the thermal response of the targets as well as for monitoring atomic/plasma physics phenomena. These include spectroscopy, pyrometry, electrical probing and visualization (fast and IR cameras) units. Such particularities make OLMAT a unique installation that can combine pure technological PFC research with the investigation of physical phenomena such as vapor shielding, thermal sputtering, the formation/characterization of plasma plumes with significant content of evaporated metal and the detection of impurities in front of the studied targets. Additionally, a myriad of surface characterization techniques as SEM/EDX for material characterization of the exposed PFC prototypes are available at CIEMAT. In this article, first we provide an overview of the current facility upgrade in which a high-power CW laser, that can be operated in continuous and pulsed modes (0.2–10 ms), dump and electrical (single Langmuir) probe embedded on the target surface have been installed. This laser operation will allow simulating more relevant heat loading scenarios such as nominal steady-state divertor heat fluxes (10–20 MW m−2 in continuous mode) and transients including ELM loading and disruption-like events (ms time scales and power densities up to GW m−2 range). The work later focuses on the more recent experimentation (2022 fall campaign) where a 3D printed Tungsten (W) Capillary Porous System (CPS) target, with approximated 30 μm pore size and a 37% porosity and filled with liquid tin. This porous surface was a mock-up of the PFC investigated in the ASDEX Upgrade divertor manipulator. The target composed with this element was eventually exposed to a sequence of shots with the maximum heat flux that OLMAT provides (58 ± 14 MWm−2). Key questions as resilience to dry-out and particle ejection of the liquid metal layer, its refilling, the induced damage/modification of the porous W matrix and the global performance of the component are addressed, attempting to shed light on the issues encountered with the PFC at tokamak scale testing.</p

    Entomopathogenic Fungus as a Biological Control for an Important Vector of Livestock Disease: The Culicoides Biting Midge

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    BACKGROUND: The recent outbreak of bluetongue virus in northern Europe has led to an urgent need to identify control measures for the Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) biting midges that transmit it. Following successful use of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae against larval stages of biting midge Culicoides nubeculosus Meigen, we investigated the efficacy of this strain and other fungi (Beauveria bassiana, Isaria fumosorosea and Lecanicillium longisporum) as biocontrol agents against adult C. nubeculosus in laboratory and greenhouse studies. METHODOLOGY/FINDINGS: Exposure of midges to 'dry' conidia of all fungal isolates caused significant reductions in survival compared to untreated controls. Metarhizium anisopliae strain V275 was the most virulent, causing a significantly decrease in midge survival compared to all other fungal strains tested. The LT(50) value for strain V275 was 1.42 days compared to 2.21-3.22 days for the other isolates. The virulence of this strain was then further evaluated by exposing C. nubeculosus to varying doses (10(8)-10(11) conidia m(-2)) using different substrates (horse manure, damp peat, leaf litter) as a resting site. All exposed adults were found to be infected with the strain V275 four days after exposure. A further study exposed C. nubeculosus adults to 'dry' conidia and 'wet' conidia (conidia suspended in 0.03% aq. Tween 80) of strain V275 applied to damp peat and leaf litter in cages within a greenhouse. 'Dry' conidia were more effective than 'wet' conidia, causing 100% mortality after 5 days. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: This is the first study to demonstrate that entomopathogenic fungi are potential biocontrol agents against adult Culicoides, through the application of 'dry' conidia on surfaces (e.g., manure, leaf litter, livestock) where the midges tend to rest. Subsequent conidial transmission between males and females may cause an increased level of fungi-induced mortality in midges thus reducing the incidence of disease

    The Achilles heel of decision making system in termites

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    Mitochondrial beta-oxidation of long-chain fatty acids requires the concerted action of three tightly integrated membrane-bound enzymes (carnitine palmitoyltransferase I and II and carnitine/acylcarnitine translocase) that transport them into mitochondria. Neonatal onset of carnitine palmitoyltransferase II (CPT II) deficiency is an autosomal recessive, often lethal disorder of this transport. We describe a novel splice-site mutation in the CPT II gene, found in a Moroccan family, of which four out of five children have died from the neonatal form of CPT II deficiency. Mutation detection studies at the mRNA level in the CPT II gene implied that the affected children were homozygous for the previously reported 534T insertion followed by a 25-bp deletion (encompassing bases 534-558). Studies of genomic DNA, however, revealed all patients to be compound heterozygous for this 534T ins/del 25 mutation, and for a new g-->a splice-site mutation in the splice-acceptor site of intron 2. Because of these findings, prenatal diagnosis was performed in chorionic villi of three new pregnancies. This did not reveal new compound heterozygous genotypes, and, after uneventful pregnancies, all children appeared to be healthy. The new mutation is the first splice-site mutation ever identified in CPT II deficiency. The fact that it was not discovered in the patient's cDNA makes this study another example of the incompleteness of mutation detection at the mRNA level in cases where a mutation leads to aberrant splicing or nonsense-mediated messenger deca