608 research outputs found

    PET/PDT theranostics: Synthesis and biological evaluation of a peptide-targeted gallium porphyrin

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    The development of novel theranostic agents is an important step in the pathway towards personalised medicine, with the combination of diagnostic and therapeutic modalities into a single treatment agent naturally lending itself to the optimisation and personalisation of treatment. In pursuit of the goal of a molecular theranostic suitable for use as a PET radiotracer and a photosensitiser for PDT, a novel radiolabelled peptide–porphyrin conjugate targeting the α6β1-integrin has been developed. 69/71Ga and 68Ga labelling of an azide-functionalised porphyrin has been carried out in excellent yields, with subsequent bioconjugation to an alkyne-functionalised peptide demonstrated. α6β1-integrin expression of two cell lines has been evaluated by flow cytometry, and therapeutic potential of the conjugate demonstrated. Evaluation of the phototoxicity of the porphyrin–peptide theranostic conjugate in comparison to an untargeted control porphyrin in vitro, demonstrated significantly enhanced activity for a cell line with higher α6β1-integrin expression when compared with a cell line exhibiting lower α6β1-integrin expression

    A rigorous approach to the magnetic response in disordered systems

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    This paper is a part of an ongoing study on the diamagnetic behavior of a 3-dimensional quantum gas of non-interacting charged particles subjected to an external uniform magnetic field together with a random electric potential. We prove the existence of an almost-sure non-random thermodynamic limit for the grand-canonical pressure, magnetization and zero- field orbital magnetic susceptibility. We also give an explicit formulation of these thermodynamic limits. Our results cover a wide class of physically relevant random potentials which model not only crystalline disordered solids, but also amorphous solids.Comment: 35 pages. Revised version. Accepted for publication in RM

    Regioselective and stoichiometrically controlled conjugation of photodynamic sensitizers to a HER2 targeting antibody fragment

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    The rapidly increasing interest in the synthesis of antibody–drug conjugates as powerful targeted anticancer agents demonstrates the growing appreciation of the power of antibodies and antibody fragments as highly selective targeting moieties. This targeting ability is of particular interest in the area of photodynamic therapy, as the applicability of current clinical photosensitizers is limited by their relatively poor accumulation in target tissue in comparison to healthy tissue. Although synthesis of porphyrin–antibody conjugates has been previously demonstrated, existing work in this area has been hindered by the limitations of conventional antibody conjugation methods. This work describes the attachment of azide-functionalized, water-soluble porphyrins to a tratuzumab Fab fragment via a novel conjugation methodology. This method allows for the synthesis of a homogeneous product without the loss of structural stability associated with conventional methods of disulfide modification. Biological evaluation of the synthesized conjugates demonstrates excellent selectivity for a HER2 positive cell line over the control, with no dark toxicity observed in either case

    Development of PDT/PET theranostics: synthesis and biological evaluation of an ¹⁸F-radiolabeled water soluble porphyrin

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    Synthesis of the first water-soluble porphyrin radiolabeled with fluorine-18 is described: a new molecular theranostic agent which integrates the therapeutic selectivity of photodynamic therapy (PDT) with the imaging efficacy of positron emission tomography (PET). Generation of the theranostic was carried out through the conjugation of a cationic water-soluble porphyrin bearing an azide functionality to a fluorine-18 radiolabeled prosthetic bearing an alkyne functionality through click conjugation, with excellent yields obtained in both cold and hot synthesis. Biological evaluation of the synthesized structures shows the first example of an 18 F-radiolabeled porphyrin retaining photocytotoxicity following radiolabeling and demonstrable conjugate uptake and potential application as a radiotracer in vivo. The promising results gained from biological evaluation demonstrate the potential of this structure as a clinically relevant theranostic agent, offering exciting possibilities for the simultaneous imaging and photodynamic treatment of tumors

    Mechanisms of growth inhibition of primary prostate epithelial cells following gamma irradiation or photodynamic therapy including senscence, necrosis, and autophagy, but not apoptosis

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    In comparison to more differentiated cells, prostate cancer stem-like cells are radioresistant, which could explain radio-recurrent prostate cancer. Improvement of radiotherapeutic efficacy may therefore require combination therapy. We have investigated the consequences of treating primary prostate epithelial cells with gamma irradiation and photodynamic therapy (PDT), both of which act through production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Primary prostate epithelial cells were cultured from patient samples of benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer prior to treatment with PDT or gamma irradiation. Cell viability was measured using MTT and alamar blue assay, and cell recovery by colony-forming assays. Immunofluorescence of gamma-H2AX foci was used to quantify DNA damage, and autophagy and apoptosis were assessed using Western blots. Necrosis and senescence were measured by propidium iodide staining and beta-galactosidase staining, respectively. Both PDT and gamma irradiation reduced the colony-forming ability of primary prostate epithelial cells. PDT reduced the viability of all types of cells in the cultures, including stem-like cells and more differentiated cells. PDT induced necrosis and autophagy, whereas gamma irradiation induced senescence, but neither treatment induced apoptosis. PDT and gamma irradiation therefore inhibit cell growth by different mechanisms. We suggest these treatments would be suitable for use in combination as sequential treatments against prostate cancer

    pH-dependent modulation of reactivity in Ruthenium(II) organometallics

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    The pH-dependent intramolecular chelation of a tethered sulfonamide ligand in ruthenium(II) arene complexes is demonstrated, a process shown to modulate metal-centered reactivity toward the model ligand guanosine 5′-monophosphate within the physiologically relevant pH region

    Polyacrylamide nanoparticles as a delivery system in photodynamic therapy

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    Nanoparticles can be targeted towards, and accumulate in, tumor tissue by the enhanced permeability and retention effect, if sequestration by the reticuloendothelial system (RES) is avoided. The application of nanoparticles in the field of drug delivery is thus an area of great interest, due to their potential for delivering high payloads of drugs site selectively. One area which may prove to be particularly attractive is photodynamic therapy, as the reactive oxygen species (ROS) which cause damage to the tumor tissue are not generated until the drug is activated with light, minimizing generalized toxicity and giving a high degree of spatial control over the clinical effect. In the present study, we have synthesized two types of nanoparticles loaded with photodynamic sensitizers: polylysine bound tetrasulfonato-aluminum phthalocyanine entrapped nanoparticles (PCNP) and polylysine bound tetrasulfonato-aluminum phthalocyanine entrapped nanoparticles coated with a second, porphyrin based, photosensitizer (PCNP-P) to enhance the capacity for ROS generation, and hence therapeutic potential. The mean sizes of these particles were 45 +/- 10 nm and 95 +/- 10 nm respectively. Uptake of the nanoparticles by human Caucasian colon adenocarcinoma cells (HT29) was determined by flow cytometry and confocal microscopy. Cell viability assays using PCNP-P and PCNP corresponding to the minimum uptake time (25 h) demonstrated that these cancer cells can be damaged by light activation of these photodynamic nanoparticles both in the external media and after internalization. The results suggest that, in order to induce photodynamic damage, the nanoparticles need only to be associated with the tumor cell closely enough to deliver singlet oxygen: their internalization within target cells may not be necessary. Clinically, this could be of great importance as it may help to combat the known ability of many cancer cells to actively expel conventional anticancer drugs

    Selective radiolabelling with 68Ga under mild conditions: a route towards a porphyrin PET/PDT theranostic agent

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    A theranostic conjugate for use as a positron emission tomography (PET) radiotracer and as a photosensitiser for photodynamic therapy (PDT) has been synthesised. A water-soluble porphyrin was coupled with the bifunctional chelate, H4Dpaa.ga. This conjugate is capable of rapid68Ga complexation under physiological conditions; with 93% and 80% radiochemical yields achieved, at pH 4.5 and pH 7.4 respectively, in 15 min at 25 °C. Photocytotoxicity was evaluated on HT-29 cells and showed the conjugate was capable of >50% cell death at 50 μM upon irradiation with light, while causing minimal toxicity in the absence of light (>95% cell survival)

    A Long-Term and Reproducible Passive Microwave Sea Ice Concentration Data Record for Climate Studies and Monitoring

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    A long-term, consistent, and reproducible satellite-based passive microwave sea ice concentration climate data record (CDR) is available for climate studies, monitoring, and model validation with an initial operation capability (IOC). The daily and monthly sea ice concentration data are on the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) polar stereographic grid with nominal 25 km 25 km grid cells in both the Southern and Northern Hemisphere polar regions from 9 July 1987 to 31 December 2007. The data files are available in the NetCDF data format at http://nsidc.org/data/g02202.html and archived by the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) under the satellite climate data record program (http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cdr/operationalcdrs.html). The description and basic characteristics of the NOAA/NSIDC passive microwave sea ice concentration CDR are presented here. The CDR provides similar spatial and temporal variability as the heritage products to the user communities with the additional documentation, traceability, and reproducibility that meet current standards and guidelines for climate data records. The data set, along with detailed data processing steps and error source information, can be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.7265/N5B56GN3

    The Application of Reversible Intramolecular Sulfonamide Ligation to Modulate Reactivity in Organometallic Ruthenium(II) Diamine Complexes

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    Metallation of biomacromolecular species forms the basis for the anticancer activity of many metallodrugs. A major limitation of these compounds is that their reactivity is indiscriminate and can, in principle, occur in healthy tissue as well as cancerous tissue, potentially leading to side effects in vivo. Here we present pH-dependent intramolecular coordination of an arene-tethered sulfonamide functionality in organometallic ruthenium(II) ethylenediamine complexes as a route to controlling the coordination environment about the central metal atom. Through variation of the sulfonamide R group and the length of the tether linking it to the arene ligand the acidity of the sulfonamide NH group, and hence the pH-region over which regulation of metal coordination occurs, can be modulated. Intramolecular sulfonamide ligation controlled the reactivity of complex 4 within the physiologically relevant pH-region, rendering it more reactive towards 5?-GMP in mildly acidic pH-conditions typical of tumour tissue compared to the mildly alkaline pH-conditions typical of healthy tissue. However, the activation of 4 by ring-opening of the chelate was found to be a slow process relative to the timescale of typical cell culture assays and members of this series of complexes were found not to be cytotoxic towards the HT-29 cell line. These complexes provide the basis for the development of analogues of increased potency where intramolecular sulfonamide ligation regulates reactivity and therefore cytotoxicity in a pH-dependent, and potentially, tissue-dependent manner