1,352 research outputs found

    Scalability of Shor's algorithm with a limited set of rotation gates

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    Typical circuit implementations of Shor's algorithm involve controlled rotation gates of magnitude π/22L\pi/2^{2L} where LL is the binary length of the integer N to be factored. Such gates cannot be implemented exactly using existing fault-tolerant techniques. Approximating a given controlled π/2d\pi/2^{d} rotation gate to within δ=O(1/2d)\delta=O(1/2^{d}) currently requires both a number of qubits and number of fault-tolerant gates that grows polynomially with dd. In this paper we show that this additional growth in space and time complexity would severely limit the applicability of Shor's algorithm to large integers. Consequently, we study in detail the effect of using only controlled rotation gates with dd less than or equal to some dmaxd_{\rm max}. It is found that integers up to length Lmax=O(4dmax)L_{\rm max} = O(4^{d_{\rm max}}) can be factored without significant performance penalty implying that the cumbersome techniques of fault-tolerant computation only need to be used to create controlled rotation gates of magnitude π/64\pi/64 if integers thousands of bits long are desired factored. Explicit fault-tolerant constructions of such gates are also discussed.Comment: Substantially revised version, twice as long as original. Two tables converted into one 8-part figure, new section added on the construction of arbitrary single-qubit rotations using only the fault-tolerant gate set. Substantial additional discussion and explanatory figures added throughout. (8 pages, 6 figures

    A New Look at the Axial Anomaly in Lattice QED with Wilson Fermions

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    By carrying out a systematic expansion of Feynman integrals in the lattice spacing, we show that the axial anomaly in the U(1) lattice gauge theory with Wilson fermions, as determined in one-loop order from an irrelevant lattice operator in the Ward identity, must necessarily be identical to that computed from the dimensionally regulated continuum Feynman integrals for the triangle diagrams.Comment: 1 figure, LaTeX, 18 page

    The Trilinear Hamiltonian: A Zero Dimensional Model of Hawking Radiation from a Quantized Source

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    We investigate a quantum parametric amplifier with dynamical pump mode, viewed as a zero-dimensional model of Hawking radiation from an evaporating black hole. The conditions are derived under which the spectrum of particles generated from vacuum fluctuations deviates from the thermal spectrum predicted for the conventional parametric amplifier. We find that significant deviations arise when the pump mode (black hole) has emitted nearly half of its initial energy into the signal (Hawking radiation) and idler (in-falling particle) modes. As a model of black hole dynamics, this finding lends support to the view that late-time Hawking radiation contains information about the quantum state of the black hole and is entangled with the black hole's quantum gravitational degrees of freedom.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, Submitted to New Journal of Physics focus issue: "Classical and Quantum Analogues for Gravitational Phenomena and Related Effects

    Unfrustrated Qudit Chains and their Ground States

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    We investigate chains of 'd' dimensional quantum spins (qudits) on a line with generic nearest neighbor interactions without translational invariance. We find the conditions under which these systems are not frustrated, i.e. when the ground states are also the common ground states of all the local terms in the Hamiltonians. The states of a quantum spin chain are naturally represented in the Matrix Product States (MPS) framework. Using imaginary time evolution in the MPS ansatz, we numerically investigate the range of parameters in which we expect the ground states to be highly entangled and find them hard to approximate using our MPS method.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. Typos correcte

    Three flavour Quark matter in chiral colour dielectric model

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    We investigate the properties of quark matter at finite density and temperature using the nonlinear chiral extension of Colour Dielectric Model (CCM). Assuming that the square of the meson fields devlop non- zero vacuum expectation value, the thermodynamic potential for interacting three flavour matter has been calculated. It is found that and and remain zero in the medium whereas changes in the medium. As a result, uu and dd quark masses decrease monotonically as the temperature and density of the quark matter is increased.In the present model, the deconfinement density and temperature is found to be lower compared to lattice results. We also study the behaviour of pressure and energy density above critical temperature.Comment: Latex file. 5 figures available on request. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Suppression of decoherence by bath ordering

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    The dynamics of two coupled spins-1/2 coupled to a spin-bath is studied as an extended model of the Tessieri-Wilkie Hamiltonian \cite{TWmodel}. The pair of spins served as an open subsystem were prepared in one of the Bell states and the bath consisted of some spins-1/2 is in a thermal equilibrium state from the very beginning. It is found that with the increasing the coupling strength of the bath spins, the bath forms a resonant antiferromagnetic order. The polarization correlation between the two spins of the subsystem and the concurrence are recovered in some extent to the isolated subsystem. This suppression of the subsystem decoherence may be used to control the quantum devices in practical applications.Comment: 32 pages, Chinese Physics (accepted

    Single-qubit gates and measurements in the surface acoustic wave quantum computer

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    In the surface acoustic wave quantum computer, the spin state of an electron trapped in a moving quantum dot comprises the physical qubit of the scheme. Via detailed analytic and numerical modeling of the qubit dynamics, we discuss the effect of excitations into higher-energy orbital states of the quantum dot that occur when the qubits pass through magnetic fields. We describe how single-qubit quantum operations, such as single-qubit rotations and single-qubit measurements, can be performed using only localized static magnetic fields. The models provide useful parameter regimes to be explored experimentally when the requirements on semiconductor gate fabrication and the nanomagnetics technology are met in the future.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Binary Cosmic Strings

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    The properties of cosmic strings have been investigated in detail for their implications in early-universe cosmology. Although many variations of the basic structure have been discovered, with implications for both the microscopic and macroscopic properties of cosmic strings, the cylindrical symmetry of the short-distance structure of the string is generally unaffected. In this paper we describe some mechanisms leading to an asymmetric structure of the string core, giving the defects a quasi-two-dimensional character. We also begin to investigate the consequences of this internal structure for the microscopic and macroscopic physics.Comment: 19 pages; uses harvmac (not included

    Entanglement Evolution in the Presence of Decoherence

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    The entanglement of two qubits, each defined as an effective two-level, spin 1/2 system, is investigated for the case that the qubits interact via a Heisenberg XY interaction and are subject to decoherence due to population relaxation and thermal effects. For zero temperature, the time dependent concurrence is studied analytically and numerically for some typical initial states, including a separable (unentangled) initial state. An analytical formula for non-zero steady state concurrence is found for any initial state, and optimal parameter values for maximizing steady state concurrence are given. The steady state concurrence is found analytically to remain non-zero for low, finite temperatures. We also identify the contributions of global and local coherence to the steady state entanglement.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures. The second version of this paper has been significantly expanded in response to referee comments. The revised manuscript has been accepted for publication in Journal of Physics
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