3,957 research outputs found

    A new creep law for crushable aggregates

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    The authors have recently proposed a new equation for the one-dimensional (1D) normal compression line, which contains a parameter controlling the size effect on average strength. They showed that the equation held for a wide range of discrete-element modelling (DEM) simulations of crushable aggregates. This paper incorporates the time-dependence of particle strength. A new equation is proposed and examined using DEM of 1D creep. The simulations show that while the plots may seem linear on a plot of voids ratio against the logarithm of time in the traditional way, the new proposed law, which is linear when the voids ratio is also plotted on a logarithmic scale, is more appropriate. The simulations examine the influence of the size effect hardening law, the time dependence on strength and stress level. It is shown that the new equation holds for each case

    Beef Cattle Housing in the North Central Region of the United States

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    A Bivariate Measure of Redundant Information

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    We define a measure of redundant information based on projections in the space of probability distributions. Redundant information between random variables is information that is shared between those variables. But in contrast to mutual information, redundant information denotes information that is shared about the outcome of a third variable. Formalizing this concept, and being able to measure it, is required for the non-negative decomposition of mutual information into redundant and synergistic information. Previous attempts to formalize redundant or synergistic information struggle to capture some desired properties. We introduce a new formalism for redundant information and prove that it satisfies all the properties necessary outlined in earlier work, as well as an additional criterion that we propose to be necessary to capture redundancy. We also demonstrate the behaviour of this new measure for several examples, compare it to previous measures and apply it to the decomposition of transfer entropy.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figures, 1 table, added citation to Griffith et al 2012, Maurer et al 199

    Quantifying Self-Organization with Optimal Predictors

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    Despite broad interest in self-organizing systems, there are few quantitative, experimentally-applicable criteria for self-organization. The existing criteria all give counter-intuitive results for important cases. In this Letter, we propose a new criterion, namely an internally-generated increase in the statistical complexity, the amount of information required for optimal prediction of the system's dynamics. We precisely define this complexity for spatially-extended dynamical systems, using the probabilistic ideas of mutual information and minimal sufficient statistics. This leads to a general method for predicting such systems, and a simple algorithm for estimating statistical complexity. The results of applying this algorithm to a class of models of excitable media (cyclic cellular automata) strongly support our proposal.Comment: Four pages, two color figure

    The Active Nucleus of IC4970: A Nearby Example of Merger-Induced Cold-Gas Accretion

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    We present results from Chandra X-ray and Spitzer mid-infrared observations of the interacting galaxy pair NGC6872/IC4970 in the Pavo galaxy group and show that the smaller companion galaxy IC4970 hosts a highly obscured active galactic nucleus (AGN). The 0.5-10 keV X-ray luminosity of the nucleus is variable, increasing by a factor 2.9 to 1.7 x 10^{42} erg/s (bright state) on ~100 ks timescales. The X-ray spectrum of the is heavily absorbed (N_H = 3 x 10^{23} cm^{-2}) for power law models with Gamma = 1.5-2.0 and shows a clear 6.4 keV Fe Kalpha line with equivalent width of 144-195 eV. Limits on the diffuse emission in IC4970 from Chandra X-ray data suggest that the available power from Bondi accretion of hot interstellar gas may be an order of magnitude too small to power the AGN. Spitzer images show that 8 micron nonstellar emission is concentrated in the central 1 kpc of IC4970, consistent with high obscuration in this region. The mid-infrared colors of the nucleus are consistent with those expected for a highly obscured AGN. Taken together these data suggest that the nucleus of IC4970 is a Seyfert 2, triggered and fueled by cold material supplied to the central supermassive black hole as a result of the off-axis collision of IC4970 with the cold-gas rich spiral galaxy NGC6872.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, submitted to ApJ, MIR flux conversion error corrected in Table 4, MIR colors and paper text unchange

    Bell's Theorem from Moore's Theorem

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    It is shown that the restrictions of what can be inferred from classically-recorded observational outcomes that are imposed by the no-cloning theorem, the Kochen-Specker theorem and Bell's theorem also follow from restrictions on inferences from observations formulated within classical automata theory. Similarities between the assumptions underlying classical automata theory and those underlying universally-unitary quantum theory are discussed.Comment: 12 pages; to appear in Int. J. General System

    Lifetimes and polarizabilities of low lying lithium S, P and D states

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    Abstract The radiative lifetimes, scalar and tensor polarizabilities of low lying S, P and D states of lithium are obtained using a Coulomb approximation. The calculated lifetimes agree very well with the handful of experimental values listed in the literature. The ground state polarizability is also close to the measured result. This method requires substantially less computational time than ab initio theory, thereby permitting the study of nearly 40 states.

    Mid-infrared Identification of 6 cm Radio Source Counterparts in the Extended Groth Strip

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    A new 6-cm survey of almost 0.6 square degrees to a limit of 0.55-mJy/beam (10-sigma) finds 37 isolated radio sources and 7 radio source pairs (not necessarily physical companions). IRAC counterparts are identified for at least 92% of the radio sources within the area of deep IRAC coverage, which includes 31 isolated sources and 6 pairs. This contrasts with an identification rate of <74% to R<23.95 in visible light. Eight of the IRAC galaxies have power law spectral energy distributions, implying that the mid-infrared emission comes from a powerful AGN. The remaining 26 IRAC galaxies show stellar emission in the mid-infrared, probably in most of these galaxies because the stellar emission is bright enough to outshine an underlying AGN. The infrared colors suggest that the majority of these galaxies are bulge-dominated and have redshifts between approximately 0.5 and 1.0. Visible spectra from the DEEP2 redshift survey, available for 11 galaxies, are consistent with this suggestion. The IRAC galaxies fall into two distinct groups in a color-magnitude diagram, one group (the "stripe") includes all the AGN. The other group (the "blue clump") has blue 3.6 to 8 micron colors and a small range of 8 micron magnitudes. This separation should be useful in classifying galaxies found in other radio surveys.Comment: Accepted by A

    Formal analogies between gravitation and electrodynamics

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    We develop a theoretical framework that allows us to compare electromagnetism and gravitation in a fully covariant way. This new scenario does not rely on any kind of approximation nor associate objects with different operational meaning as it's sometime done in the literature. We construct the electromagnetic analogue to the Riemann and Weyl tensors and develop the equations of motion for these objects. In particular, we are able to identify precisely how and in what conditions gravity can be mapped to electrodynamics. As a consequence, many of the gemometrical tools of General Relativity can be applied to Electromagnetism and vice-versa. We hope our results would shed new light in the nature of electromagnetic and gravitational theories.Comment: 9pages, submitted to General Relativity and Gravitatio