149 research outputs found

    Matter and dynamics in closed cosmologies

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    To systematically analyze the dynamical implications of the matter content in cosmology, we generalize earlier dynamical systems approaches so that perfect fluids with a general barotropic equation of state can be treated. We focus on locally rotationally symmetric Bianchi type IX and Kantowski-Sachs orthogonal perfect fluid models, since such models exhibit a particularly rich dynamical structure and also illustrate typical features of more general cases. For these models, we recast Einstein's field equations into a regular system on a compact state space, which is the basis for our analysis. We prove that models expand from a singularity and recollapse to a singularity when the perfect fluid satisfies the strong energy condition. When the matter source admits Einstein's static model, we present a comprehensive dynamical description, which includes asymptotic behavior, of models in the neighborhood of the Einstein model; these results make earlier claims about ``homoclinic phenomena and chaos'' highly questionable. We also discuss aspects of the global asymptotic dynamics, in particular, we give criteria for the collapse to a singularity, and we describe when models expand forever to a state of infinite dilution; possible initial and final states are analyzed. Numerical investigations complement the analytical results.Comment: 23 pages, 24 figures (compressed), LaTe

    Homoclinic chaos and energy condition violation

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    In this letter we discuss the connection between so-called homoclinic chaos and the violation of energy conditions in locally rotationally symmetric Bianchi type IX models, where the matter is assumed to be non-tilted dust and a positive cosmological constant. We show that homoclinic chaos in these models is an artifact of unphysical assumptions: it requires that there exist solutions with positive matter energy density ρ>0\rho>0 that evolve through the singularity and beyond as solutions with negative matter energy density ρ<0\rho<0. Homoclinic chaos is absent when it is assumed that the dust particles always retain their positive mass.In addition, we discuss more general models: for solutions that are not locally rotionally symmetric we demonstrate that the construction of extensions through the singularity, which is required for homoclinic chaos, is not possible in general.Comment: 4 pages, RevTe

    New explicit spike solution -- non-local component of the generalized Mixmaster attractor

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    By applying a standard solution-generating transformation to an arbitrary vacuum Bianchi type II solution, one generates a new solution with spikes commonly observed in numerical simulations. It is conjectured that the spike solution is part of the generalized Mixmaster attractor.Comment: Significantly revised. Colour figures simplified to accommodate non-colour printin

    Conformal regularization of Einstein's field equations

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    To study asymptotic structures, we regularize Einstein's field equations by means of conformal transformations. The conformal factor is chosen so that it carries a dimensional scale that captures crucial asymptotic features. By choosing a conformal orthonormal frame we obtain a coupled system of differential equations for a set of dimensionless variables, associated with the conformal dimensionless metric, where the variables describe ratios with respect to the chosen asymptotic scale structure. As examples, we describe some explicit choices of conformal factors and coordinates appropriate for the situation of a timelike congruence approaching a singularity. One choice is shown to just slightly modify the so-called Hubble-normalized approach, and one leads to dimensionless first order symmetric hyperbolic equations. We also discuss differences and similarities with other conformal approaches in the literature, as regards, e.g., isotropic singularities.Comment: New title plus corrections and text added. To appear in CQ

    Asymptotic silence-breaking singularities

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    We discuss three complementary aspects of scalar curvature singularities: asymptotic causal properties, asymptotic Ricci and Weyl curvature, and asymptotic spatial properties. We divide scalar curvature singularities into two classes: so-called asymptotically silent singularities and non-generic singularities that break asymptotic silence. The emphasis in this paper is on the latter class which have not been previously discussed. We illustrate the above aspects and concepts by describing the singularities of a number of representative explicit perfect fluid solutions.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure

    Perfect fluids and generic spacelike singularities

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    We present the conformally 1+3 Hubble-normalized field equations together with the general total source equations, and then specialize to a source that consists of perfect fluids with general barotropic equations of state. Motivating, formulating, and assuming certain conjectures, we derive results about how the properties of fluids (equations of state, momenta, angular momenta) and generic spacelike singularities affect each other.Comment: Considerable changes have been made in presentation and arguments, resulting in sharper conclusion

    Spherically symmetric relativistic stellar structures

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    We investigate relativistic spherically symmetric static perfect fluid models in the framework of the theory of dynamical systems. The field equations are recast into a regular dynamical system on a 3-dimensional compact state space, thereby avoiding the non-regularity problems associated with the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation. The global picture of the solution space thus obtained is used to derive qualitative features and to prove theorems about mass-radius properties. The perfect fluids we discuss are described by barotropic equations of state that are asymptotically polytropic at low pressures and, for certain applications, asymptotically linear at high pressures. We employ dimensionless variables that are asymptotically homology invariant in the low pressure regime, and thus we generalize standard work on Newtonian polytropes to a relativistic setting and to a much larger class of equations of state. Our dynamical systems framework is particularly suited for numerical computations, as illustrated by several numerical examples, e.g., the ideal neutron gas and examples that involve phase transitions.Comment: 23 pages, 25 figures (compressed), LaTe

    Monotonic functions in Bianchi models: Why they exist and how to find them

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    All rigorous and detailed dynamical results in Bianchi cosmology rest upon the existence of a hierarchical structure of conserved quantities and monotonic functions. In this paper we uncover the underlying general mechanism and derive this hierarchical structure from the scale-automorphism group for an illustrative example, vacuum and diagonal class A perfect fluid models. First, kinematically, the scale-automorphism group leads to a reduced dynamical system that consists of a hierarchy of scale-automorphism invariant sets. Second, we show that, dynamically, the scale-automorphism group results in scale-automorphism invariant monotone functions and conserved quantities that restrict the flow of the reduced dynamical system.Comment: 26 pages, replaced to match published versio