451 research outputs found

    Spatiotemporal Response of Crystals in X-ray Bragg Diffraction

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    The spatiotemporal response of crystals in x-ray Bragg diffraction resulting from excitation by an ultra-short, laterally confined x-ray pulse is studied theoretically. The theory presents an extension of the analysis in symmetric reflection geometry [1] to the generic case, which includes Bragg diffraction both in reflection (Bragg) and transmission (Laue) asymmetric scattering geometries. The spatiotemporal response is presented as a product of a crystal-intrinsic plane wave spatiotemporal response function and an envelope function defined by the crystal-independent transverse profile of the incident beam and the scattering geometry. The diffracted wavefields exhibit amplitude modulation perpendicular to the propagation direction due to both angular dispersion and the dispersion due to Bragg's law. The characteristic measure of the spatiotemporal response is expressed in terms of a few parameters: the extinction length, crystal thickness, Bragg angle, asymmetry angle, and the speed of light. Applications to self-seeding of hard x-ray free electron lasers are discussed, with particular emphasis on the relative advantages of using either the Bragg or Laue scattering geometries. Intensity front inclination in asymmetric diffraction can be used to make snapshots of ultra-fast processes with femtosecond resolution

    Time dependence of Bragg forward scattering and self-seeding of hard x-ray free-electron lasers

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    Free-electron lasers (FELs) can now generate temporally short, high power x-ray pulses of unprecedented brightness, even though their longitudinal coherence is relatively poor. The longitudinal coherence can be potentially improved by employing narrow bandwidth x-ray crystal optics, in which case one must also understand how the crystal affects the field profile in time and space. We frame the dynamical theory of x-ray diffraction as a set of coupled waves in order to derive analytic expressions for the spatiotemporal response of Bragg scattering from temporally short incident pulses. We compute the profiles of both the reflected and forward scattered x-ray pulses, showing that the time delay of the wave τ\tau is linked to its transverse spatial shift Δx\Delta x through the simple relationship Δx=cτcotθ\Delta x = c\tau \cot\theta, where θ\theta is the grazing angle of incidence to the diffracting planes. Finally, we apply our findings to obtain an analytic description of Bragg forward scattering relevant to monochromatically seed hard x-ray FELs.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Ultimate Precision of Adaptive Noise Estimation

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    We consider the estimation of noise parameters in a quantum channel, assuming the most general strategy allowed by quantum mechanics. This is based on the exploitation of unlimited entanglement and arbitrary quantum operations, so that the channel inputs may be interactively updated. In this general scenario, we draw a novel connection between quantum metrology and teleportation. In fact, for any teleportation-covariant channel (e.g., Pauli, erasure, or Gaussian channel), we find that adaptive noise estimation cannot beat the standard quantum limit, with the quantum Fisher information being determined by the channel’s Choi matrix. As an example, we establish the ultimate precision for estimating excess noise in a thermal-loss channel, which is crucial for quantum cryptography. Because our general methodology applies to any functional that is monotonic under trace-preserving maps, it can be applied to simplify other adaptive protocols, including those for quantum channel discrimination. Setting the ultimate limits for noise estimation and discrimination paves the way for exploring the boundaries of quantum sensing, imaging, and tomography

    A stochastic network with mobile users in heavy traffic

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    We consider a stochastic network with mobile users in a heavy-traffic regime. We derive the scaling limit of the multi-dimensional queue length process and prove a form of spatial state space collapse. The proof exploits a recent result by Lambert and Simatos which provides a general principle to establish scaling limits of regenerative processes based on the convergence of their excursions. We also prove weak convergence of the sequences of stationary joint queue length distributions and stationary sojourn times.Comment: Final version accepted for publication in Queueing Systems, Theory and Application

    A novel Doppler backscattering (DBS) system to simultaneously monitor radio frequency plasma fluctuations and low frequency turbulence

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    A novel quadrature Doppler Backscattering (DBS) system has been developed and optimized for the E-band (60-90GHz) frequency range using either O-mode or X-mode polarization in DIII-D plasmas. In general, DBS measures the amplitude of density fluctuations and their velocity in the lab frame. The system can simultaneously monitor both low-frequency turbulence (f < 10MHz) and radiofrequency plasma density fluctuations over a selectable frequency range (20-500 MHz). Detection of high-frequency fluctuations has been demonstrated for low harmonics of the ion cyclotron frequency (e.g., 2fci~23MHz) and externally driven high-frequency helicon waves (f = 476MHz) using an adjustable frequency down conversion system. Importantly, this extends the application of DBS to a high-frequency spectral domain while maintaining important turbulence and flow measurement capabilities. This unique system has low phase noise, good temporal resolution (sub-millisecond) and excellent wavenumber coverage (k_{\theta} ~ 1-20cm^{-1} and k_r ~ 20-30cm^{-1}). As a demonstration, localized internal DIII-D plasma measurements are presented from turbulence (f = 20MHz) as well as fluctuations around 476MHz driven by an external high-power 476 MHz helicon wave antenna. In the future, helicon measurements will be used to validate GENRAY and AORSA modeling tools for prediction of helicon wave propagation, absorption and current drive location for the newly installed helicon current drive system on DIII-D.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figs, journal pape

    Application of ECH to the Study of Transport in ITER Baseline Scenario-like Discharges in DIII-D

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    Recent DIII-D experiments in the ITER Baseline Scenario (IBS) have shown strong increases in fluctuations and correlated reduction of confinement associated with entering the electron-heating-dominated regime with strong electron cyclotron heating (ECH). The addition of 3.2 MW of 110 GHz EC power deposited at ρ~0.42 to IBS discharges with ~3 MW of neutral beam injection causes large increases in low-k and medium-k turbulent density fluctuations observed with Doppler backscatter (DBS), beam emission spectroscopy (BES) and phase-contrast imaging (PCI) diagnostics, correlated with decreases in the energy, particle, and momentum confinement times. Power balance calculations show the electron heat diffusivity χ[subscript e] increases significantly in the mid-radius region 0.4<ρ<0.8, which is roughly the same region where the DBS and BES diagnostics show the increases in turbulent density fluctuations. Confinement of angular momentum is also reduced during ECH. Studies with the TGYRO transport solver show that the model of turbulent transport embodied in the TGLF code quantitatively reproduces the measured transport in both the neutral beam (NB)-only and in the NB plus EC cases. A simple model of the decrease in toroidal rotation with EC power is set forth, which exhibits a bifurcation in the rotational state of the discharge.United States. Dept. of Energy (DE-FC02-04ER54698)United States. Dept. of Energy (DE-FC02-08ER54966)United States. Dept. of Energy (DE-AC03-09CH11466)United States. Dept. of Energy (DE-FG02-04ER54235)United States. Dept. of Energy (DE-FG0289ER53296)United States. Dept. of Energy (DE-FG02-08ER54999)United States. Dept. of Energy (DE-FG02-08ER54984)United States. Dept. of Energy (DE-FG02-04ER54461